RustyMods / UsefulPaths

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[Bug] Does Not React to Ashland Surfaces #1

Open claycle opened 1 week ago

claycle commented 1 week ago

Version 1.0.1

After installing 1.0.1, and noticing the buff icon appearing properly, I subsequently noticed that it does not appear (nor does any effect seem to occur) on any surface in Ashlands. I noticed this when walking down a dirt road I had made - no dirt icon appeared from Useful Paths - and I began paying attention to my speed on and off the path (it should have been slightly faster on the dirt path), and it also did not appear to change. I subsequently stepped on other surfaces, either natural or I had built (Stone Pavement, Ashlands pavement stones, Grausten Floor tiles) and got no change in speed or icon appearing. I returned to my Not-in-Ashlands base and immediately saw the mod react properly to ground conditions (dirt, pavement, stone, etc) with icon and speed adjustments.

RustyMods commented 1 week ago

oh interesting. thanks. I'll test when i get home what kind of terrain Ashland's creating.

xVilho commented 1 week ago

Grausten floortiles and stairs are not working for me even outside of ashlands.

RustyMods commented 1 week ago

cannot do grausten floor tiles as iron gate sets them as the same as ashland terrain