Rutgers-RPL / Teensy-Passive-Flight-Computer

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Create Deployment Logic #12

Open carltonwu opened 2 years ago

carltonwu commented 2 years ago

Right now the current telemetry suite does not do any "staging" events. Staging events encapsulates state separation, sustainer ignition, parachute deployment, etc. These events are controlled by COTS altimeters that have been thoroughly tested. In the future telemetry wants to allow our boards to also trigger these events.

In order to start preparing for this the board needs to know what stage of flight the rocket is currently engaged in. This ticket doesn't require code to be implemented but rather is asking for the underlying logic of determining the current state of the rocket.

For example let's say we want to detect two states (for simplicity).

  1. Motor Ignition (launch)
  2. Apogee (highest point).

One implementation for motor ignition detection could be a hard wire for when the motor is ignited, but we do not have access. Another method for detection with information we have available is detecting a sudden spike in vertical acceleration.

An implementation for apogee detection could be when vertical velocity reaches 0 or when pressure starts increasing.

This ticket asks for all stages for our rocket to be detectable by the suite using the available sensor information. Assume you have access to GPS/Accel/Gryo/Mag/Baro. And estimated/fused orientation and velocity estimation.

Try to label all stages of flight and ways of using the data to determine which stage you are currently in.


if (accel == gravity and vertical_velocity > 0 or last_altitude < current_altitude) { coasting = True }

ruforeva commented 2 years ago

