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MANAGEMENT: Dialog Logging, where and how. #30

Open yalegria opened 2 years ago

Voxelghiest commented 2 years ago

A few notes I've found from working with the Dialog server:

Node Server CLI

This all looks like information that could be used for assessing and logging the status of the server.

Voxelghiest commented 1 year ago

In order to provide this interactive shell-like interface, Dialog uses a socket that connects the Dialog server with a remote client. The code that creates this socket is found in interactiveServer.js.

Since we're running the server on a Linux OS, the socket location is proxied as the temporary file /tmp/mediasoup-demo.sock on the server. If you can SSH into the server, you can connect to the currently running Dialog process by using netcat:

nc -U /tmp/mediasoup-demo.sock

On a successful connection, you will be brought to the interactive shell as shown in the above comment.

There is a small issue I have noticed with this process, however. I haven't been able to figure out how to safely close the socket connection once you're done. There isn't an exit command available in the interactive shell, and using Ctrl+C to kill the socket client process causes Dialog itself to crash with the following error:


One potential solution could be to edit interactiveServer.js ourselves and add a command allowing the socket session to end.