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Replace StringUtils.splitToNext (and co) with an Antlr Lexer #45

Closed svenefftinge closed 13 years ago

svenefftinge commented 13 years ago

StringUtils.splitToNext takes close to 90% of the build time in the Xtext documentation project. Also the code is quite complex and there are no unit tests.

We should replace the whole syntax coloring thing with an antlr lexer.

szarnekow commented 13 years ago

Highlighting is broken for

code[Xtext][CrossReference : '[' type=TypeRef ('|' ^terminal=CrossReferenceableTerminal )? ']' ; ]

] and [ should be valid escape sequences in strings.

svenefftinge commented 13 years ago

pushed the fix

szarnekow commented 13 years ago

Thanks, works like a charm.