RvonMassow / xDoc

Xtext documentation Language
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74 char per line limit seems bogus #71

Closed JanKoehnlein closed 12 years ago

JanKoehnlein commented 12 years ago

In code statements, I get a warning when the number of characters per line exceeds 74. As we are not using a monospaced font, this does not make too much sense. Into the bargain, the generated PDF still has a lot of spce on the right hand side. Furthermore, the check seems to ignore that leading whitespaces common to all lines in a code snippet are trimmed.

RvonMassow commented 12 years ago

Removed validation for the line width, users have to check the output themselves now. As you mentioned, due to the fullflexible width of characters in the output, there is no way to predict the width. Users will now have to use the feedback provided by LaTeX (overfull hbox). As this is a very generic warning (i.e. it's just like "some box is too wide, could be table, listings, what so ever"), I don't see a nice way to present this warning to the user.