RvonMassow / xDoc

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Customize HTML generation #76

Open LorenzoBettini opened 12 years ago

LorenzoBettini commented 12 years ago

concerning the html for the website, I see that it generates php files which refer to (include) php files directly from eclipse.org file (actually, they seem to assume that the html files will be installed on the eclipse website):

e.g., <?php require_once($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/eclipse.org-common/system/app.class.php");

is there same way to customize this?

otherwise I don't see how to use the generated html files in our own web server

RvonMassow commented 12 years ago

Actually the HTML generation has moved to the Eclipse Phoenix (http://www.eclipse.org/projects/project.php?id=technology.phoenix) Webapp generation. This has been done to create a common look and feel for Eclipse projects, i.e. the documentation looks like the website itself. I also thought about reimplementing a simple HTML output. If you need that, feel free to tell me, I will try to build that as fast as possible.

As a fast workaround, just checkout the Phoenix code from CVS and put it in your webserver root. For me it works like a charm.

LorenzoBettini commented 12 years ago

Actually I didn't know about Phoenix! I took it from the CVS and it actually works like a charm :) As far as I understand one can customize php (and other) files directly in his own installation of Phoenix, right? This might be related to issue https://github.com/RvonMassow/xDoc/issues/78

Probably having plain html generated code might help, though probably it's not a big requirement; I'd be happy to help with plain html generation!

RvonMassow commented 12 years ago

You can customize the behaviour of the Phoenix application in several ways. One of them is to include a file named _projectCommon.php in the root folder of your Phonix app. I posted an example here: https://gist.github.com/1789093

You can also take a look at the generated include.php, which sets authors and the page title.