RvonMassow / xDoc

Xtext documentation Language
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An update site for xdoc #77

Open LorenzoBettini opened 12 years ago

LorenzoBettini commented 12 years ago

an update site for xdoc would be really helpful :)

RvonMassow commented 12 years ago

there is a hudson build available of both, the master, which is built against the current Xtext master, and the branch built against the current stable Xtext release.

For the master, the p2 update site can be found here: http://samoa.informatik.uni-kiel.de:8080/hudson/job/Xdoc-free/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/org.eclipse.xtext.xdoc.releng/target/site

For the compatibility build please use: http://samoa.informatik.uni-kiel.de:8080/hudson/job/Xdoc-Xtext2.2/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/org.eclipse.xtext.xdoc.releng/target/site

Guite commented 11 years ago

The server seems to be down today.

LorenzoBettini commented 11 years ago

and it seems to be still down...

Guite commented 11 years ago

Yes. As a result it prevents changes on the target platform definition unfortunately.

svenefftinge commented 11 years ago

I think the best way to use Xdoc is to clone it and make it your own project. We don't plan to maintain it or provide and maintain builds or updatesites. Also incompatible changes or the like might happen at any point.

Guite commented 11 years ago

Good news: actually the server is up and running. It just uses port 80 instead of 8080 now and has a slightly different hostname.


LorenzoBettini commented 11 years ago

but it looks like that jenkins job is disabled so it is non up-to-date

LorenzoBettini commented 11 years ago

by the way, probably something is broken in pom files: I cannot build it with maven anymore:

[INFO] Cannot complete the request. Generating details. [INFO] {org.osgi.framework.executionenvironment=OSGi/Minimum-1.0,OSGi/Minimum-1.1, osgi.ws=gtk, osgi.arch=x86_64, osgi.os=linux, org.eclipse.update.install.features=true, org.osgi.framework.system.packages=} [INFO] [Software being installed: org.eclipse.xtext.xdoc.releng raw:0.1.0.'SNAPSHOT'/format(n[.n=0;[.n=0;[-S]]]):0.1.0-SNAPSHOT, Missing requirement: org.eclipse.xtext.xdoc.releng raw:0.1.0.'SNAPSHOT'/format(n[.n=0;[.n=0;[-S]]]):0.1.0-SNAPSHOT requires 'org.eclipse.xtext.xdoc.feature.feature.group []' but it could not be found]

joergreichert commented 10 years ago

Just build an update site for Xdoc based on Kepler/Xtext 2.4.2: http://joergreichert.github.io/xDoc/update_site On my fork I updated the Maven build for this: https://github.com/joergreichert/xDoc

LorenzoBettini commented 10 years ago

Thanks! I'm also hosting a p2 repo, as I said in https://github.com/RvonMassow/xDoc/issues/88

the web site is http://xtext-xdoc.sourceforge.net/install/ with the links for the version for xtext 2.3 and xtext 2.4

dhuebner commented 10 years ago

Latest Xdoc build against the latest Xtext: https://extern.itemis.de/jenkins/job/xdoc/

ainslec commented 10 years ago

I'm currently maintaining my own fork (out of necessity).

Is there any chance of pull request (mine specifically) getting merged into the mainline anytime soon. I ask because I added the code-raw[...] tag, and my documentation uses this tag heavily, so I'd like to see this merged in so that my documentation doesn't become out of sync with the main project.

Also - and this is a question for everyone, what is the forum for discussing changes to xdoc?

LorenzoBettini commented 3 years ago

I've updated my fork https://github.com/LorenzoBettini/xDoc and I'm providing a new update site: https://lorenzobettini.github.io/xtext-xdoc-releases/