RxReader / tencent_kit

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flutter build ios 编译报错。 error: duplicate interface definition,。。。note: candidate found by name lookup is 'QQApiInterfaceDelegate' @protocol QQApiInterfaceDelegate <NSObject> #63

Closed heshengyahuai closed 2 years ago

heshengyahuai commented 2 years ago

flutter build ios --release 编译报错。 执行flutter clean, XCode clean 后还是如此。请问有没有人遇到过?有没有办法解决。。。

   error: the following command failed with exit code 0 but produced no further output
    Objects-normal/arm64/LaunchReviewPlugin.o /Users/./soft/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/pub.flutter-io.cn/launch_review-3.0.1/ios/Classes/LaunchReviewPlugin.m
    normal arm64 objective-c com.apple.compilers.llvm.clang.1_0.compiler
    lib/customDrawer/homeDrawer.dart:54:22: Error: Type 'TencentLoginResp' not found.
      StreamSubscription<TencentLoginResp>? _login;
    lib/customDrawer/homeDrawer.dart:62:31: Error: Type 'TencentLoginResp' not found.
      Future<void> _listenQQLogin(TencentLoginResp resp) async {
    lib/customDrawer/homeDrawer.dart:54:22: Error: 'TencentLoginResp' isn't a type.
      StreamSubscription<TencentLoginResp>? _login;
    lib/customDrawer/homeDrawer.dart:58:23: Error: The method 'loginResp' isn't defined for the class 'Tencent'.
     - 'Tencent' is from 'package:tencent_kit/src/tencent.dart'
    Try correcting the name to the name of an existing method, or defining a method named 'loginResp'.
        _login = _tencent.loginResp().listen(_listenQQLogin);
    lib/customDrawer/homeDrawer.dart:62:31: Error: 'TencentLoginResp' isn't a type.
      Future<void> _listenQQLogin(TencentLoginResp resp) async {
    lib/customDrawer/homeDrawer.dart:65:5: Error: 'TencentUserInfoResp' isn't a type.
        TencentUserInfoResp userInfo = await _tencent.getUserInfo(
    lib/customDrawer/homeDrawer.dart:65:51: Error: The method 'getUserInfo' isn't defined for the class 'Tencent'.
     - 'Tencent' is from 'package:tencent_kit/src/tencent.dart'
    Try correcting the name to the name of an existing method, or defining a method named 'getUserInfo'.
        TencentUserInfoResp userInfo = await _tencent.getUserInfo(