RxSwiftCommunity / RxDataSources

UITableView and UICollectionView Data Sources for RxSwift (sections, animated updates, editing ...)
MIT License
3.07k stars 485 forks source link

Draft: RxSwift 6.0 #386

Closed DwayneCoussement closed 3 years ago

DwayneCoussement commented 3 years ago

See also: https://github.com/RxSwiftCommunity/RxDataSources/pull/358

Mordil commented 3 years ago

While using this branch, I'm running into this crash related to lazy loading a dynamic library in RxTableViewSectionedReloadDataSource Line 24

Built using Xcode 12.2

Hardware Model:      iPhone13,1
Process:             <Redacted> [15858]
Path:                /private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/F4EB0D11-5D4B-4250-8793-B672D9BBBF18/Peek Pro.app/Peek Pro
Identifier:          <Redacted>
Version:             1574 (6.26.0)
AppStoreTools:       12B45b
Code Type:           ARM-64 (Native)
Role:                Foreground
Parent Process:      launchd [1]
Coalition:           <Redacted> [3232]

Date/Time:           2020-12-14 16:24:49.5092 -0800
Launch Time:         2020-12-14 16:24:25.0328 -0800
OS Version:          iPhone OS 14.2.1 (18B121)
Release Type:        User
Baseband Version:    1.14.06
Report Version:      104

Exception Type:  EXC_CRASH (SIGKILL)
Exception Codes: 0x0000000000000000, 0x0000000000000000
Exception Note:  EXC_CORPSE_NOTIFY
Termination Description: DYLD, missing lazy symbol called
Triggered by Thread:  0

Thread 0 name:  Dispatch queue: com.apple.main-thread
Thread 0 Crashed:
0   dyld                            0x0000000102133d84 __terminate_with_payload + 8
1   dyld                            0x000000010213b700 abort_with_payload_wrapper_internal + 136
2   dyld                            0x000000010213b714 __unw_set_reg.cold.1 + 0
3   dyld                            0x00000001020e105c dyld::fastBindLazySymbol+ 20572 (ImageLoader**, unsigned long) + 0
4   libdyld.dylib                   0x000000019fec1604 dyld3::log_loads+ 87556 (char const*, ...) + 0
5   libdyld.dylib                   0x000000019fec11a0 dyld3::_dyld_get_objc_selector+ 86432 (char const*) + 0
6   RxDataSources                   0x0000000105271b28 0x10526c000 + 23336
7   RxDataSources                   0x0000000105271e94 0x10526c000 + 24212
8   RxCocoa                         0x00000001050bc2a4 0x10508c000 + 197284
9   RxCocoa                         0x00000001050abba0 0x10508c000 + 129952
10  RxCocoa                         0x00000001050acac8 0x10508c000 + 133832
11  RxSwift                         0x00000001052fa108 0x1052cc000 + 188680
12  RxSwift                         0x0000000105311680 0x1052cc000 + 284288
13  RxSwift                         0x00000001052fbe90 0x1052cc000 + 196240
14  RxSwift                         0x00000001052fc048 0x1052cc000 + 196680
15  RxSwift                         0x0000000105310cb0 0x1052cc000 + 281776
16  RxSwift                         0x00000001052e23c8 0x1052cc000 + 91080
17  RxSwift                         0x000000010530b29c 0x1052cc000 + 258716
18  RxSwift                         0x00000001052e2720 0x1052cc000 + 91936
19  RxSwift                         0x0000000105310cb0 0x1052cc000 + 281776
20  RxSwift                         0x00000001052df584 0x1052cc000 + 79236
21  RxSwift                         0x00000001052df7c4 0x1052cc000 + 79812
22  RxSwift                         0x0000000105310cb0 0x1052cc000 + 281776
23  RxSwift                         0x00000001052fcd80 0x1052cc000 + 200064
24  RxSwift                         0x00000001052fd020 0x1052cc000 + 200736
25  RxSwift                         0x000000010535f5cc 0x1052cc000 + 603596
26  RxSwift                         0x000000010535ff48 0x1052cc000 + 606024
27  RxSwift                         0x00000001052edbc8 0x1052cc000 + 138184
28  RxSwift                         0x000000010535f854 0x1052cc000 + 604244
29  RxSwift                         0x00000001052fbe90 0x1052cc000 + 196240
30  RxSwift                         0x00000001052fc048 0x1052cc000 + 196680
31  RxSwift                         0x0000000105337138 0x1052cc000 + 438584
32  RxSwift                         0x0000000105336e5c 0x1052cc000 + 437852
33  RxSwift                         0x000000010535fad8 0x1052cc000 + 604888
34  RxSwift                         0x0000000105315354 0x1052cc000 + 299860
35  RxSwift                         0x00000001052fcc48 0x1052cc000 + 199752
36  RxSwift                         0x00000001052fd0f0 0x1052cc000 + 200944
37  RxSwift                         0x0000000105315354 0x1052cc000 + 299860
38  RxSwift                         0x00000001052df620 0x1052cc000 + 79392
39  RxSwift                         0x0000000105302000 0x1052cc000 + 221184
40  RxSwift                         0x000000010530233c 0x1052cc000 + 222012
41  RxSwift                         0x0000000105302744 0x1052cc000 + 223044
42  RxSwift                         0x0000000105301648 0x1052cc000 + 218696
43  RxSwift                         0x0000000105301544 0x1052cc000 + 218436
44  RxSwift                         0x00000001052df944 0x1052cc000 + 80196
45  RxSwift                         0x0000000105315354 0x1052cc000 + 299860
46  RxSwift                         0x00000001052e250c 0x1052cc000 + 91404
47  RxSwift                         0x00000001052e2858 0x1052cc000 + 92248
48  RxSwift                         0x0000000105315824 0x1052cc000 + 301092
49  RxSwift                         0x000000010530d2e4 0x1052cc000 + 266980
50  RxSwift                         0x0000000105315438 0x1052cc000 + 300088
51  RxSwift                         0x00000001052fa084 0x1052cc000 + 188548
52  RxCocoa                         0x00000001050aa468 0x10508c000 + 124008
53  RxCocoa                         0x00000001050ba274 0x10508c000 + 189044
54  Peek Pro                        0x0000000100ad3fe0 0x100718000 + 3915744
55  Peek Pro                        0x0000000100ad4010 0x100718000 + 3915792
56  RxCocoa                         0x00000001050cce04 0x10508c000 + 265732
57  Peek Pro                        0x0000000100ac5d78 0x100718000 + 3857784
58  Peek Pro                        0x0000000100ac58c0 0x100718000 + 3856576
59  Peek Pro                        0x0000000100ac6e78 0x100718000 + 3862136
60  UIKitCore                       0x00000001a24fd98c -[UIViewController _sendViewDidLoadWithAppearanceProxyObjectTaggingEnabled] + 108
61  UIKitCore                       0x00000001a25021e8 -[UIViewController loadViewIfRequired] + 956
62  UIKitCore                       0x00000001a25025ac -[UIViewController view] + 32
63  UIKitCore                       0x00000001a242d018 -[UINavigationController _startCustomTransition:] + 1136
64  UIKitCore                       0x00000001a2442234 -[UINavigationController _startDeferredTransitionIfNeeded:] + 704
65  UIKitCore                       0x00000001a24436c0 -[UINavigationController __viewWillLayoutSubviews] + 168
66  UIKitCore                       0x00000001a2425184 -[UILayoutContainerView layoutSubviews] + 228
67  UIKitCore                       0x00000001a3173d90 -[UIView+ 17911184 (CALayerDelegate) layoutSublayersOfLayer:] + 2504
68  QuartzCore                      0x00000001a3689384 -[CALayer layoutSublayers] + 308
69  QuartzCore                      0x00000001a3689858 CA::Layer::layout_if_needed+ 1435736 (CA::Transaction*) + 524
70  QuartzCore                      0x00000001a369dff8 CA::Layer::layout_and_display_if_needed+ 1519608 (CA::Transaction*) + 144
71  QuartzCore                      0x00000001a35e3ee0 CA::Context::commit_transaction+ 757472 (CA::Transaction*, double, double*) + 416
72  QuartzCore                      0x00000001a360f36c CA::Transaction::commit+ 934764 () + 732
73  QuartzCore                      0x00000001a36106fc CA::Transaction::observer_callback+ 939772 (__CFRunLoopObserver*, unsigned long, void*) + 96
74  CoreFoundation                  0x00000001a01f3358 __CFRUNLOOP_IS_CALLING_OUT_TO_AN_OBSERVER_CALLBACK_FUNCTION__ + 36
75  CoreFoundation                  0x00000001a01ed5c4 __CFRunLoopDoObservers + 576
76  CoreFoundation                  0x00000001a01edb74 __CFRunLoopRun + 1056
77  CoreFoundation                  0x00000001a01ed21c CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 600
78  GraphicsServices                0x00000001b726c784 GSEventRunModal + 164
79  UIKitCore                       0x00000001a2c26200 -[UIApplication _run] + 1072
80  UIKitCore                       0x00000001a2c2ba74 UIApplicationMain + 168
81  Peek Pro                        0x0000000100862420 0x100718000 + 1352736
82  libdyld.dylib                   0x000000019fead6c0 start + 4