Open seekcx opened 8 years ago
I'm sorry I did not look at example
@Abel94 I have same issue, but I still don't figure it out... can you please share your experience with me? thx!
Set the item to enum type, and then each type is a enumeration of this one.
Here's a little code example.
1.Define the Section Model
import RxSwift
import RxDataSources
enum PuzzleItemSectionItem
case Content(Puzzle)
case Author(User)
case Action(id: Int, commentCount: Int)
case Probe(Probe)
enum PuzzleItemSectionModel
case ContentSection(content: [PuzzleItemSectionItem])
case ProbeSection(count: Int, content: [PuzzleItemSectionItem])
extension PuzzleItemSectionModel: SectionModelType
typealias Item = PuzzleItemSectionItem
var items: [Item] {
switch self {
case let .ContentSection(content):
return content
case let .ProbeSection(_, content):
return content
var titles: String {
switch self {
case let .ProbeSection(count, _):
return "探讨(\(count))"
return ""
init(original: PuzzleItemSectionModel, items: [Item]) {
switch original {
case let .ContentSection(content):
self = .ContentSection(content: content)
case let .ProbeSection(count, content):
self = .ProbeSection(count: count, content: content)
2.Bind the data source
dataSource = RxTableViewSectionedReloadDataSource<PuzzleItemSectionModel>().then { source in
source.configureCell = { dataSource, tableView, indexPath, puzzle in
switch dataSource[indexPath] {
case .Content(let puzzle ):
let cell = tableView.dequeueReusableCell(withIdentifier: "content") as! PuzzleItemContentCell
cell.setup(puzzle: puzzle)
return cell
case .Author(let author):
let cell = tableView.dequeueReusableCell(withIdentifier: "author") as! PuzzleItemAuthorCell
cell.setup(author: author)
self.registerForPreviewing(with: self, sourceView: cell)
return cell
case let .Action(id, commentCount):
let cell = tableView.dequeueReusableCell(withIdentifier: "action") as! PuzzleItemActionCell
cell.setup(id: id, commentCount: commentCount)
return cell
case let .Probe(probe):
let cell = tableView.dequeueReusableCell(withIdentifier: "probe") as! PuzzleItemProbeCell
cell.setup(probe: probe)
self.registerForPreviewing(with: self, sourceView: cell.authorContentView!)
return cell
source.titleForHeaderInSection = { ds, section -> String? in
return ds[section].titles
I may not be very good expression, I hope you can understand.
@Abel94 thx a lot! you are my life saver!
It's not working with RxCollectionViewSectionedAnimatedDataSource :(
The difference it that you need to have unique ID, right?
Here is my code:
enum PurchaseItemSectionItem: Hashable, IdentifiableType {
typealias Identity = Int
case purchaseProduct(product: PurchasedCommodityEntity)
case loader
var identity: Int {
switch self {
case .loader:
return "".hashValue
case .purchaseProduct(product: let product):
var hashValue: Int {
switch self {
case .loader:
return "".hashValue
case .purchaseProduct(product: let product):
static func == (lhs: PurchaseItemSectionItem, rhs: PurchaseItemSectionItem) -> Bool {
if case .loader = lhs, case .loader = rhs {
return true
} else {
if case .purchaseProduct(let lhsProduct) = lhs, case .purchaseProduct(let rhsProduct) = rhs {
return ==
return false
enum PurchaseItemSections: AnimatableSectionModelType {
typealias Item = PurchaseItemSectionItem
typealias Identity = Int
case purchaseProductsSection(products: [PurchaseItemSectionItem])
case loaderSection
var items: [Item] {
switch self {
case .purchaseProductsSection(products: let products):
return products
case .loaderSection:
return [.loader]
var identity: Int {
switch self {
case .purchaseProductsSection(products: _):
return 1
case .loaderSection:
return -1
init(original: PurchaseItemSections, items: [Item]) {
switch original {
case .purchaseProductsSection(products: let products):
self = .purchaseProductsSection(products: products)
case .loaderSection:
self = .loaderSection
Section pipe:
//sections: Driver<[PurchaseItemSections]>
self.sections = itemsPaging
.map { (tuple: (items: [PurchasedCommodityEntity], paging: PagingEntity<PurchasedCommodityCollection>)) -> [PurchaseItemSections] in
let items ={ (commodityEntity) -> PurchaseItemSectionItem in
.purchaseProduct(product: commodityEntity)
var sections: [PurchaseItemSections] = []
sections.append(.purchaseProductsSection(products: items))
if tuple.paging.hasNext {
return sections
.asDriver(onErrorJustReturn: [])
let dataSource = RxCollectionViewSectionedAnimatedDataSource<PurchaseItemSections>()
.drive(productCollectionView.rx.items(dataSource: dataSource))
When I start app in debug mode I obtain this error:
Error while binding data animated: Wrong initializer implementation for:
Here is complete exception:
Printing description of e:
▿ Wrong initializer implementation for: purchaseProductsSection([PurchaseItemSectionItem.purchaseProduct(PurchasedCommodityEntity(imageUrl:, name: "BOSCH GMS 120", purchasedCommodityDetail: ProxyEntity<PurchasedCommodityDetailEntity>)), PurchaseItemSectionItem.purchaseProduct(PurchasedCommodityEntity(imageUrl:, name: "BOSCH GMS 100 M", purchasedCommodityDetail: ProxyEntity<PurchasedCommodityDetailEntity>)), .PurchaseItemSectionItem.purchaseProduct(PurchasedCommodityEntity(imageUrl:, name: "Narex Industrial-CrV 7-Bit Box", purchasedCommodityDetail: ProxyEntity<PurchasedCommodityDetailEntity>)), PurchaseItemSectionItem.purchaseProduct(PurchasedCommodityEntity(imageUrl:, name: "Devolo dLAN 1200+ Starter Kit", purchasedCommodityDetail: ProxyEntity<PurchasedCommodityDetailEntity>)), PurchaseItemSectionItem.purchaseProduct(PurchasedCommodityEntity(imageUrl:, name: "Tom Clancy\'s Ghost Recon: Wildlands", purchasedCommodityDetail: ProxyEntity<PurchasedCommodityDetailEntity>))])
Expected it should return items: [PurchaseItemSectionItem.purchaseProduct(PurchasedCommodityEntity(imageUrl:, name: "Narex Industrial-CrV 7-Bit Box", purchasedCommodityDetail: ProxyEntity<PurchasedCommodityDetailEntity>)), PurchaseItemSectionItem.purchaseProduct(PurchasedCommodityEntity(imageUrl:, name: "Stanley FatMax STA56045-QZ", purchasedCommodityDetail: ProxyEntity<PurchasedCommodityDetailEntity>))]
Expected it should have id: 1
▿ invalidInitializerImplementation : 3 elements
▿ section : PurchaseItemSections
▿ purchaseProductsSection : 4 elements
▿ 0 : PurchaseItemSectionItem
▿ purchaseProduct : PurchasedCommodityEntity
▿ imageUrl :
- name : "BOSCH GMS 120"
▿ purchasedCommodityDetail : <ProxyEntity<PurchasedCommodityDetailEntity>: 0x11ba43670>
▿ 1 : PurchaseItemSectionItem
▿ purchaseProduct : PurchasedCommodityEntity
▿ imageUrl :
- name : "BOSCH GMS 100 M"
▿ purchasedCommodityDetail : <ProxyEntity<PurchasedCommodityDetailEntity>: 0x11ba44a50>
▿ 2 : PurchaseItemSectionItem
▿ purchaseProduct : PurchasedCommodityEntity
▿ imageUrl :
- name : "Narex Industrial-CrV 7-Bit Box"
▿ purchasedCommodityDetail : <ProxyEntity<PurchasedCommodityDetailEntity>: 0x11ba44bd0>
▿ 3 : PurchaseItemSectionItem
▿ purchaseProduct : PurchasedCommodityEntity
▿ imageUrl :
- name : "Devolo dLAN 1200+ Starter Kit"
▿ purchasedCommodityDetail : <ProxyEntity<PurchasedCommodityDetailEntity>: 0x11ba44d50>
▿ 4 : PurchaseItemSectionItem
▿ purchaseProduct : PurchasedCommodityEntity
▿ imageUrl :
- name : "Tom Clancy\'s Ghost Recon: Wildlands"
▿ purchasedCommodityDetail : <ProxyEntity<PurchasedCommodityDetailEntity>: 0x11ba44ed0>
▿ expectedItems : 2 elements
▿ 0 : PurchaseItemSectionItem
▿ purchaseProduct : PurchasedCommodityEntity
▿ imageUrl :
- name : "Narex Industrial-CrV 7-Bit Box"
▿ purchasedCommodityDetail : <ProxyEntity<PurchasedCommodityDetailEntity>: 0x11ba7bbc0>
▿ 1 : PurchaseItemSectionItem
▿ purchaseProduct : PurchasedCommodityEntity
▿ imageUrl :
- name : "Stanley FatMax STA56045-QZ"
▿ purchasedCommodityDetail : <ProxyEntity<PurchasedCommodityDetailEntity>: 0x11ba61eb0>
- expectedIdentifier : 1
ID is unique
Can me somebody help?
@jasin755 @seekcx has anyone solved this problem ?
This my section model
enum EditorFileSectionModel: AnimatableSectionModelType, IdentifiableType, Equatable {
typealias Item = EditorCells
typealias Identity = String
case editorFile(items: [EditorCells])
var items: [Item] {
switch self {
case .editorFile(let items): return { $0 }
var identity: String {
switch self {
case .editorFile: return "editorFile"
init(original: EditorFileSectionModel, items: [Item]) {
switch original {
case .editorFile(let items): self = .editorFile(items: items)
static func ==(lhs: EditorFileSectionModel, rhs: EditorFileSectionModel) -> Bool {
return lhs.identity == rhs.identity
And Items model
enum EditorCells: IdentifiableType, Equatable {
case text(data: String)
case .....
typealias Identity = String
var identity: String {
switch self {
case .text(let data): return data
case .....
static func ==(lhs: EditorCells, rhs: EditorCells) -> Bool {
return lhs.identity == rhs.identity
When added a new cell in model, I get error Wrong initializer implementation for:
@Tawfikk Sorry, I may not be able to help you. I haven't written Swift for a long time.
This issue can be resolved by change
init(original: PuzzleItemSectionModel, items: [Item]) {
switch original {
case let .ContentSection(content):
self = .ContentSection(content: content)
case let .ProbeSection(count, content):
self = .ProbeSection(count: count, content: content)
init(original: PuzzleItemSectionModel, items: [Item]) {
switch original {
case let .ContentSection:
self = .ContentSection(content: items)
case let .ProbeSection:
self = .ProbeSection(count: items.count, content: items)
Hi, I am experiencing the need to:
A tableview needs to display the content section of an article and a list of comments for the article.
So, the content and the comments of the cell is different types, so they come from different data model, this situation should be how to use RxDatasources to achieve?