RxSwiftCommunity / RxKeyboard

Reactive Keyboard in iOS
MIT License
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Cathage Build Failed #75

Closed gordoneliel closed 5 years ago

gordoneliel commented 5 years ago

Building the framework throws the following error: Incompatible Swift version - framework was built with 4.0.3 (swiftlang-900.0.74.1 clang-900.0.39.2) and the local version is 4.2 (swiftlang-1000.11.37.1 clang-1000.11.45.1).

Which is weird because the project is updated to Swift 4.2

freak4pc commented 5 years ago

Reuploaded a build, seems to be an issue with Carthage, can you check again now? @gordoneliel

m-j-g commented 5 years ago

It is still saying that it is built with swift 4.0.3.

freak4pc commented 5 years ago

Did you do a carthage update ? Try removing your Carthage folder and re-bootstrap.

m-j-g commented 5 years ago

Sorry for the delay. Just ran this again this morning.
Deleted Carthage folder. Ran Carthage update --platform iOS :

Downloading binary-only framework RxKeyboard at "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/RxSwiftCommunity/RxKeyboard/master/RxKeyboard.json" xcodebuild output can be found in /var/folders/cr/_t5ztln566x424zy28byvhbm0000gn/T/carthage-xcodebuild.Oyh1AF.log Incompatible Swift version - framework was built with 4.0.3 (swiftlang-900.0.74.1 clang-900.0.39.2) and the local version is 4.2 (swiftlang-1000.11.37.1 clang-1000.11.45.1).

freak4pc commented 5 years ago

Is it trying to get 0.9.0 for sure ? I’ll test this again next week

m-j-g commented 5 years ago

cart file.resolved is showing> binary "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/RxSwiftCommunity/RxKeyboard/master/RxKeyboard.json" "0.9.0"

yurimingo commented 5 years ago

@mgaines33 did you try this? -> https://stackoverflow.com/questions/45504896/how-to-clear-carthage-cache your carthage may reference previous RxKeyboard-v0.9.0. i've solved same issue in this way.

m-j-g commented 5 years ago

@yurimingo That worked for me. Thankyou.

freak4pc commented 5 years ago

Please see @yurimingo solution if you have a broken version in your Carthage cache.