RxSwiftCommunity / RxRealm

RxSwift extension for RealmSwift's types
MIT License
1.15k stars 263 forks source link

Latest release (5.0.6) not compatible to latest RealmSwift versions because of Pod's version requirement #207

Closed jaimeeee closed 4 months ago

jaimeeee commented 8 months ago

Latest release 5.0.6 has the following version pinning on the .podspec:

s.dependency "RealmSwift", "~> 10.40.1"

Making it not compatible with v10.41 or greater version (as of writing this, RealmSwift is already on 10.44.0).

jopache commented 8 months ago

For what it's worth, I forked the repo, updated the pod spec and pointed my projects podfile towards the forked repo and it worked. Not a great solution by any means, but the downgrade in this Repo was in a commit with comment "fix ci" so I won't bother PRing.

in my projects podfile pod 'RxRealm', :git => 'https://github.com/jopache/RxRealm.git'