Rxxbertx / Lenovo-Legion-5pro-Hackintosh

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Laptop can't sleep properly #3

Open RasyiidWho opened 1 month ago

RasyiidWho commented 1 month ago

There's an issue with laptop sleep. Only screen goes to "sleep", and but not the entirely (laptop still running). And when tried to awake the screen, any wakeups using keyboard, keypad, and power button doesn't seems to be working. The behaviour are the same both for sleep and screen-off after X minutes.

Already tried using CpuTscSync and old/new NootedRed, doesn't seems to be fixed at all.

Rxxbertx commented 1 month ago

Try this kext https://github.com/ChefKissInc/ForgedInvariant and remove CpuTscSync, also check if you have correctly mapped the USBs and all that stuff...

RasyiidWho commented 1 month ago


Just today I found ForgedInvariant before you reply this, in high hope that it will succed, but still no hope. I've already follows sleep problem fix from dortania https://dortania.github.io/OpenCore-Post-Install/universal/sleep.html, like mapping USB (tried both utbtool and usbmap), and still not working at all.

I even tried to use available public EFI like https://github.com/kalkmann/Legion-5600H-Hackintosh and https://github.com/JamisonMurphy/Legion-5-Pro-Hackintosh with combination of USB mapping + ForgedInvariant. Is there a way I can grab the log something like logcat or dmesg?

Rxxbertx commented 1 month ago

If you have the same same laptop as mine...then you're making something totally wrong. Talk me on Telegram

RasyiidWho commented 1 month ago

If you have the same same laptop as mine...then you're making something totally wrong. Talk me on Telegram

I've contacted you from your telegram profile in readme. Thanks before 👍🏻