Ryan-Korteway / GVSSS

The Grand Valley Bandwagon Repository for use by Team Uberish during their CIS 467 Capstone Course
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Research Real-Time Pin Locations #15

Closed nickheady closed 7 years ago

nickheady commented 7 years ago

How do we show real-time locations of drivers on a map?

Ryan-Korteway commented 7 years ago

Havent researched this yet but at one point in our summer course, we did do automated pin creation through having the latitude and longitude of what where we wanted to drop the pin so in my mind doing so would be best done by just having the maps in the app fill up themselves with the lat/longs of the drivers every few minutes, sadly that would be rather jerky and probably eat up a lot of battery too so some additional research for something more fluid probably wouldnt be a bad idea.

Ryan-Korteway commented 7 years ago

realtime pins researched and partially implemented. working on finishing their implementation.