RyanElliott10 / BeerMe

A small React website (with C# backend) to aid in beer-flavor exploration
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Team Retrospectives #10

Closed RyanElliott10 closed 4 years ago

RyanElliott10 commented 4 years ago

What went well last week?

Using a negative as a positive, our group was able to find a new, more productive project idea: a beer rating and recommendation system. While it was initially a struggle to conjure up unique ideas, we ultimately landed on one we were all interested in and, most importantly, is an acceptable project plan.

Furthermore, our group started the week in a bit of a communication slump. However, as the week progressed, we were able to effectively improve our communication and all became more vocal and willing to offer our input.

What didn't go well last week?

The largest challenge we faced was the vetoing of our initial project idea, GroupRatings. While we had initially viewed this idea as an effective way to encourage stronger group participation, it became clear -- with the input of a third party -- that the end product would likely be more harmful than beneficial as our natural tendencies lean toward being far more critical, sometimes even becoming blinded of our own faults, while judging others.

Additionally, our group faced difficulties trying to meet at the same time. Outside conflicts proved to be a large hindrance, meaning some group members were forced to miss meetings. Despite this, we were all still able to meet the deliverables for the week.

What experiment (or change) we'll make next week to improve as a team

This week was jumbled with meetings scattered throughout the week to try to meet everyone's scheduling availabilities. Next week, we plan on setting a specific day, time, and place to meet that will hopefully be carried on throughout the remainder of this project.

isvelasc commented 4 years ago

What went well last week

Our communication has progressed immensely over the course of the last few weeks. Even if one of our members isn't able to meet up with the whole team, we are always sure to include them in texts and update on further developments.

We have become more concretely aware and specific with our features for BeerMe without allowing ourselves to feature creep.

What didn't go well last week

Understanding the extent and design of our features, and which feature would do exactly what. Because our features rely heavily on recommendations, we had difficulty deciding which recommendations were part of which feature and which features included ratings to improve user experience.

There seemed to be a lot of overlap in the beginning trying to decide which feature would have which properties and why: this was especially true with our Explore and For You features. While both had the merits to include other aspects that were present in the other, each had its own distinct purpose and finding the reason why was what we had difficulty with--which proved doubly difficult because everyone was agreeing with what each feature should do, but we were coming at it from differing angles.

What experiment ( or change) we'll make next week to improve as a team

Meet more often for shorter periods. We met last week, and planned to have another meeting, but in the end we didn't, which seems to be a re-occurring issue. I think this is due in part to the amount of time and effort each meeting takes. Perhaps having a meeting with a pre-requirement for a certain amount of time will allow us to allocate that time instead of an indeterminate amount.

VedantMehta39 commented 4 years ago

What went well last week

This week we finally got some direction in our project. Due to this, we could successfully plan our work on the frontend and the backend, giving us quantifiable targets to work on.

What didn't go well last week

Being Week 5, we couldn't decide a time where all 4 of us could meet. But we managed to kind of overcome this by meeting only with our particular subgroup (like frontend and backend). Although this resulted in us being kind of out of sync with each other.

What experiment ( or change) we'll make next week to improve as a team

We need to try and find a fixed time during the week where all of us can meet to be in sync with each other and then we can also meet with our particular subgroup some other day. That way we can plan things as a team and also find time to work within our subgroup.

marinecossoul commented 4 years ago

What went well last week

Throughout this week, both teams met on their own time, collaborating on the front and back ends separately. Then on Saturday, both teams met together and successfully connected the front end to the database. This was a very productive set up, as we were able to make significant progress in both areas and finally meet up to sync our work.

What didn't go well last week

We have not yet been able to make the back end data accessible online, so the database must be accessed locally. This is less convenient for our current system of meeting separately, but our work up to this point has been group-specific enough to avoid this being significant problem. From now on, however, we will need to collaborate more often to make sure our work is cohesive when integrated.

What experiment ( or change) we'll make next week to improve as a team

At this point in the project it is definitely important for us to meet as often as possible to coordinate both sides of the development. With a group of 4 people, it is challenging - especially around midterm season - to find a time for all members to be present at a meeting. It is still extremely beneficial, however, for any available team members to meet whenever possible to make progress throughout the week. We will try to apply this to our meeting strategy this week.

RyanElliott10 commented 4 years ago

What went well last week

This week saw a lot of visual progress on the frontend. We have finally been able to get the true formatting of the webpages designed and live and are now pulling dummy data to test the formatting. Additionally, we were able to get the login and create account endpoints fully working, meaning we are approaching the final steps before we get the full user flow together.

What didn't go well last week

We are still struggling to get the backend hooked up via a remote API online, meaning the frontend is still not able to view data and make API calls to the service. This issue is slowly beginning to creep into the main user flow, making it difficult for us to get a full understanding of present bugs.

What experiment (or change) we'll make next week to improve as a team

We're going to need to meet as a team next week to finally resolve the backend's inability to be called without a local server running. Once this is resolved, we will be able to see an accurate, live view of what users will be presented.

isvelasc commented 4 years ago

What went well last week

About 90-95 percent of our data has been gathered. The logic to get our recommendations showcased to the user has been implemented, and most of the logic for the explore feature is completed. We were able to as front end and back end teams able to effectively communicate and get our separate work done.

What didn't go well last week

The effectiveness that we had foreseen in using a remote API didn't translate economically into our project and thus we will have to locally host instead.

What experiment (or change) we'll make next week to improve as a team

We will host our API into one of our laptops and gauge how well our system translates into user interface-ability. We will also debug and fix some edge cases the user might stumble upon. Better safe than sorry.

VedantMehta39 commented 4 years ago

What went well last week

We have finally started to integrate the frontend with the backend. We could successfully get the Authentication system working and now we are focusing on getting the features integrated.

What didn't go well last week

Setting up a way for us to integrate our work was quite tedious. We ended up just setting up the backend on @marinecossoul laptop. It ended up taking up quite some time too.

What experiment ( or change) we'll make next week to improve as a team

Well, none because we are going to be presenting our website by the end of this week.