RyanElliott10 / BeerMe

A small React website (with C# backend) to aid in beer-flavor exploration
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Explore Beers By Flavor #13

Closed RyanElliott10 closed 4 years ago

RyanElliott10 commented 4 years ago

User Story

As a user looking to find new beers, I want to be taken through a flow to select specific beer styles, flavors, and notes I enjoy so that I can further explore new flavors and diversify my beer preferences.

Which biz goal are you targeting and why?

This feature will be targeting the adoption business goal. This feature will be unique to our business and will be enticing for new users. It'll be a great way to explore the power of the website and view the recommended flavors. At the end of the flow, the user will be prompted to create a profile to save their recommendations.

Use Case template (make sure to include alternative paths!)


"Explore By Flavor"


The user will be taken through a smooth flow to select: beer color (light v. dark), enjoyed notes, hoppiness, etc. Once the user has selected all their preferences, we will generate recommended beers and types the user may enjoy.


None, this feature will be available to all users to encourage them to adopt our website.

Basic Course of Action

  1. User visits our website
  2. Users selects the "Explore" tab in the taskbar
  3. User goes through the flow
  4. User is shown a page of recommended beer


If the user is signed in, the recommended beers will be added to their recommended beer history. If the user is not signed in, they will be prompted to either sign in or sign up to save the recommendations.

Alternatives Paths - All the things that could go wrong (e.g. errors or

exceptions, user cancels, or goes back to update)

  1. The user leaves the page. This will reset all data and force them to start from the beginning.
  2. The user selects the wrong option and wants to go back. They will hit the "Back" button to correct their error. This will be fine since the PATCH to the backend won't be made until the user has finished the final page.
saraford commented 4 years ago

Great job re Feature title!

User goes through the flow

Be more specific. What is the flow? What should a software tester do to verify the feature works?

Your alternative paths are very close. Think more about "what if there are no recommended beers?" or "what if user cancels their sign-in" - what do you show them? Think more about errors and what a developer should implement.