RyanElliott10 / BeerMe

A small React website (with C# backend) to aid in beer-flavor exploration
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User Stories / Acceptance Tests #134

Open isvelasc opened 4 years ago

isvelasc commented 4 years ago


User Story

As an amateur craft beer drinker, I want to search for styles based on criteria I like, so that I have suggestions for new types of beer I might find appealing.

Use Case

Name Explore new styles of beer.

Description User finds new and exciting styles they have never heard of before or have seldom explored. Explore is based on types of profiles they know they like, so it will only suggest styles that are closely related to those profiles.

Preconditions Fill out three fields before search: desired color of the beer, alcohol percent of the beer, bitterness level of the beer.

Basic Course of Action

  1. User goes to explore page
  2. User fills out three fields
  3. User is recommended a new style

Postconditions The user tries the new style.

Alternative Paths The user is not suggested any new styles. The user is not suggested any styles.

Acceptance Test


User Story

As a BeerMe account holder, I want new and exciting beers recommended to me based on beers I know I have liked, so that I will have possible new beers to drink I might like.

Use Case

Name Get recommendations based on ratings.

Description Based on beers that the user has rated with 3 stars or higher, BeerMe recommends the user beers that are similar in style, taste, color, alcohol content and bitterness level.

Preconditions Have a BeerMe account. Have rated at least one beer.

Basic Course of Action

  1. Sign in to account
  2. User rates beer they have liked
  3. User goes to recommendations
  4. User is recommended a beer according to criteria similar to beer rated 3 stars or higher

Postconditions User checks beers recommended page User is recommended beers that are not beers they have rated User is not recommended beer if beer is rated less than 3 stars

Alternative Paths User isn’t shown any beers User is shown beers but has already had these particular beers, which they then can decide to rate or not rate to acquire a new set of beers User is recommended beers they have already rated User is recommended beers they have rated less than 3 stars

Acceptance Test


User Story

As a BeerMe an account holder, I want to be able to rate beers both recommended to me and not recommended to me according to my opinion of that beer, so that others know whether or not that beer is desirable.

Use Case

Name Rate beers that have been tasted

Description User finds beers they have tasted and rates them according to preferences.

Preconditions Have a BeerMe account.

Basic Course of Action

  1. User signs in to BeerMe
  2. User searches for beer they have tasted
  3. User rates beer according to overall experience with beer

Postconditions User’s rating is taken into account to the overall rating of the beer

Alternative Paths User isn’t able to rate beer User’s desired beer to rate is missing User can’t find beer that they wanted to rate User’s rating has no effect

Acceptance Test

Marketing Craft Beers

User Story

As a BeerMe business account holder, I want to be able to publish and suggest my beers to possible BeerMe users, so that I can have more potential customers drinking my beer.

Use Case

Name Market beers to potential customers

Description Business/Breweries are able to market their own beers to BeerMe users under specified styles

Preconditions Have a BeerMe account Be a business

Basic Course of Action

  1. Business user signs in to account
  2. User selects fills in fields to add a beer
  3. User selects style that the beer falls under
  4. User provides beer’s name
  5. User publishes beer by “Add Beer”

Postconditions User’s beer is published to the style chosen by user

Alternative Paths Beer isn’t added to style chosen There is no style available for that specific beer

Acceptance Test

User Story & Acceptance Test