RyanJarv / cdn-proxy

Bypass CDN and WAF restrictions using CDN re-fronting.
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Issue with cdn-scanner when using a CIDR block #9

Open luchua-bc opened 5 months ago

luchua-bc commented 5 months ago

I'm running cdn-scanner to scan an AWS CIDR block:

cdn-scanner -domain {my_instance}.cloudfront.net cloudfront

And I got the following:

Ulimit # of files open is currently set to 65326 -- Via Proxy: closed (502), Origin: error (000 -- Get "": dial tcp: lookup no such host) -- Via Proxy: closed (502), Origin: error (000 -- Get "": dial tcp: lookup no such host)

It seems that is treated as a single IP instead of a CIDR block. What's the correct command?

Thanks, Luc

RyanJarv commented 2 months ago

@luchua-bc Sorry for the delay here, I don't think the target selection supports CIDRs right now. If you want to expand the IPs out in to a file though it should accept that though.


luchua-bc commented 2 months ago

Thanks @RyanJarv for confirming the workaround.