RyanMullins / angular-hammer

Hammer.js v2 support for AngularJS
MIT License
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preventGhosts not needed? #39

Open johnpapa opened 9 years ago

johnpapa commented 9 years ago

I'm trying to verify that ng-click is indeed firing if I do not set prevetnGhosts. however my sample is not showing any ng-clicks being evented , so I checked out your demo (see link below) and it is also not showing anything for any ng-clicks. Does this mean preventGhosts is no longer needed? Or do I misunderstand the purpose?


Also, the demo does not record anything at all when tapping or clicking on the 2nd and 4th options (recognizer with prevent ghosts and stop propogation)

kosich commented 9 years ago

I got "ghost clicks" on hm-tap directive handlers with chrome's device emulation of "Notebook with touch". So first touchstart and touchend fire (triggering hammer's tap event) and then mousedown->mouseup->click guys come up, also triggering hammer's tap.

Though currently I can only test it in chrome's emulation (got no real device available).

RyanMullins commented 9 years ago

Can you please verify this issue persists with the changes from #55 and update this issue.