Rybadour / Spider-Fish

A simple Bullet Hell Shooter.
8 stars 4 forks source link

Me and coding #46

Open StephenNu opened 12 years ago

StephenNu commented 12 years ago

Hey guys,

I know I'm a pretty much useless programmer mainly because of my lack of experience coding in C++, I'm wondering whats not super important that I can fiddle with until it works.

Like I just made it this past hour so the circle shrinks whenever you fire, (this is coded inside the singleshooter.cpp which allows each gun to have its own rate of change) I also added a minimum and maximum the circle can go to, but I'm not really sure that

A) You guys are even slightly considering that B) Someone else has done it better then me C) I've broken some kind of rule of design by making the weapon have a reference to the ShipHalo class.

Basically I'm wondering if there is a project you guys want to give me that is out of the way, IE not important that you won't mind if I take forever figuring it out, and something that hopefully won't get in the way because I didn't correctly code its X, Y axis so you can't reference it or whatever.

Link to the changes I did: https://github.com/StephenNu/Spider-Fish/downloads (All changes were commented so you can see where they are)

madebyjeffrey commented 12 years ago

I can think of two things: You can either fork the project and keep track of updates that are made here, or you can play around with https://github.com/iaefai/Spider_Penguin which is a sort of mini-Spider-Fish done in Processing (google it and you will find).

If you have already done some stuff on the c++ code base, I don't see any reason why you can't just fork it and carry on.

StephenNu commented 12 years ago

Yea I did fork it, no way I'm going to directly change it lol, my link there is to my fork. My main concern is I don't want to waste your guys time with poor coding, nor end up getting nothing done since I'm rehashing what you guys have already done.

madebyjeffrey commented 12 years ago

I believe you give us entirely too much credit. We are not experts in really any area. This project exists to develop some of that. Do anything you want, and if it is relevant then the master repository can make use of it.

Rybadour commented 12 years ago

Awesome work Stephen, I'll take a look at your code later. I'll integrate it into the master branch if it all works out. Otherwise I'll either let you know or make revision as needed.

In the mean time, how about you try the bullet to enemy transformation task. I'll assign it to you. At the moment their should be enough in the game for you to get that working. Just make a bullet (that leaves the circle) transform into an enemy.