Rybadour / Spider-Fish

A simple Bullet Hell Shooter.
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Animation API #50

Open erisco opened 12 years ago

erisco commented 12 years ago

This issue outlines the proposed Animation API.

The intent of the Animation API is to facilitate the animation of in-game Sprites.

Implementation details, such as the usage of spritesheets and xml definition files, are intentionally hidden.

Publicly accessible class: Animator

Public attributes of Animator: none

Public methods of Animator:



StephenNu commented 12 years ago

Will there be a function access to set the correct x y coords to display, or will this be coded depending from which class it is called?

erisco commented 12 years ago

Corrected the return value of getFrame(...) from SDL_image * to SDL_Surface *.

@StephenNu: Animator returns pointers to instances of SDL_Surface via getFrame(...). You can draw an SDL_Surface wherever you want, since it is independent of coordinate systems.