Rybo713 / UX330UA-macOS

macOS Mojave 10.14.X for UX330UAK
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[QUESTION] Catalina / Mojave 1st Reboot On Installed System Graphcal Issues #9

Open stakeout55 opened 4 years ago

stakeout55 commented 4 years ago

Hey! Not my first rodeo with the hackintosh game but having an issue. Whether or not I use Mojave or Catalina -- I'll get the unit to boot into the install screen about 1/10 boots, but will get something along the lines of: SCREEN the other 9 boots land me on the initial install screen in a similar fashion as the screenshot above. nothing is responsive to clicks or typing but I can move the mouse. Have used both USB Keyboard and mouse too. No go. Now, I've done enough reboots to be able to install both Catalina and Mojave once each, (installer hangs on the black screen with little white Apple and 1 minute remaining.... -- I wait about 30 minutes then force reboot and it's installed apparently.) It'll let me go through initial set up SOMETIMES (9/10 times I get EXACTLY what you see in the screenshot above.) And only twice I've made it all the way to the desktop after the first install. I have gotten some post-install things installed but perhaps not the actual bootloader and such. When I go to do a reboot via the USB (in verbose or regular) I get a log in screen that is faint with a white apple and black loading screen overlayed on top. Again can move mouse but cant click. I've tried the trick of pressing the key of the first letter of my username and typing my password and I'll see it be entered, and I'll hit enter but the screen freezes with a movable cursor. Sounds like and feels like some sort of graphical issue to me but im not sure. Please let me know what you think. I've used your EFI folder directly on my USB and I've tried the other guide you've linked and yours is what gets me installed. I have this graphical error with both though. Thanks.

Specs: i5-7200U Kaby, 8GB DDR3 RAM -- match yours. BIOS were same version as yours too. Thanks.

Model: UX330UA-AH54

Thank you for all the help!

Rybo713 commented 4 years ago

Hi there, what version of the BIOS do u have? If u have BIOS version 312 or newer, u need to downgrade it back to BIOS version 311 or older.

stakeout55 commented 4 years ago

Hi! Thanks for the reply! This was done with the BIOS image you have on your github page. I flashed that and then did my testing. Being 311

Rybo713 commented 4 years ago

Hi, In the config.plist file, can you check if there is IONetworkingFamily.kext and IOGraphicsFamily.kext in KernelAndKextPatches/ForceKextsToLoad?

Rybo713 commented 4 years ago

I checked my config.plist and it indeed does not have those. I updated the config.plist. Please test it out and report back if it fixed your issue.


stakeout55 commented 4 years ago

Can confirm that under "ForceToLoad" in Clover there is nothing on the original config: https://photos.app.goo.gl/q6ecZBMV2VAVJRNj9

They exist under KextsToPatch but not under Forced. Will try your modified config.plist today and report back.

Again, thank you for your help!

stakeout55 commented 4 years ago

HEY! So, for Catalina I got everything to work flawlessly. Currently typing this on a fresh Catalina Install dualbooting with Win 10. I still need to figure out how to get keyboard brightness to work but everything else seems to. Is there a specific brand of card you bought for WiFi? I do see the chip number that we are looking for to make work but I was wondering if there was a particular brand you bought that you liked? Thanks!

Rybo713 commented 4 years ago

That's good to hear! For the keyboard brightness you might want to search for asusSMC on GitHub and update it to the latest one. As for the wifi card, I recommend the Dell DW1560.

stakeout55 commented 4 years ago

Alright I will look into the card! So, I've got everything working as it should be (sound, keyboard backlight -- all that jazz.) Thank you VERY much for your time and patience!!!! Not sure if you take EFI uploads but if anyone needs mine I'd be more than happy!

stakeout55 commented 4 years ago

I have yet to sit down and try to get iMessage to work though - that is on my list still yet to do

Rybo713 commented 4 years ago

No problem! I have already updated the repo with the modified config.plist. For iMessage, I couldn't seem to get it to work. Anyways, enjoy your new hackintosh!

stakeout55 commented 4 years ago

Well again, I really appreciate all of your help. I'll post back here if I ever get it working. Thank you!

stakeout55 commented 4 years ago

Well again, I really appreciate all of your help. I'll post back here if I ever get it working. Thank you!