Rychard / CityWebServer

Integrated Web Server for Cities: Skylines
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Not auto reloading #7

Open RenaKunisaki opened 5 years ago

RenaKunisaki commented 5 years ago

I've been able to build and use the mod from source on Linux, but the game doesn't reload it. I have to exit and restart the game every time I make a change. Any ideas?

Rychard commented 5 years ago

I've always compiled the assembly from Visual Studio and relied on a post-build script in the project to deploy the assemblies to the mod directory. This script however, is unique to Windows.

I believe you can press F7 in-game to view the debug panel, which should show the log messages from the server as it is initialized/released. I'd be interested in knowing if changes to the source files are actually triggering the game to take any action, such as even stopping/starting the server.

MrSlurp commented 5 years ago

I think the C# assembly is probably not being reloaded unless the game is restarted (like if plugins were initialized only once at application load time, which make sense from a software implementation point of view), but all web resources (css/html/js) could be changed and reloaded as the user/developer want. However it's been a long time I did not touch mod code, and I might be wrong regarding assembly load mechanism.

RenaKunisaki commented 5 years ago

The logs suggest the server isn't being stopped/restarted at all.

RenaKunisaki commented 5 years ago

Well, I found that I can use FileSystemWatcher to know when my DLL gets replaced, and PluginManager.instance.ForcePluginsChanged() to force a reload. But it doesn't actually reload the file, just stops and starts the plugins, so the server restarts but is still using the old version. (Also, some mods throw errors and/or crash the game when doing this...)

Any idea the correct way to reload a plugin from disk? Ideally without forcing reload of all other plugins?

No idea why the game doesn't do it automatically. Maybe it's just not supported on Linux for some reason.

MrSlurp commented 5 years ago

I did some reserch and it seems the there is some mod config per-requisites to allow live reload. Page 6 of https://buildmedia.readthedocs.org/media/pdf/citiesskylinesmoddingguide/latest/citiesskylinesmoddingguide.pdf " To make the game reload your mod while running, change the last two lines in AssemblyInfo.cs to read:[assembly: AssemblyVersion("1.0.*")] "

RenaKunisaki commented 5 years ago

Right, I've done that, still no effect. I tried changing to "2.0.*" as well.