Rychard / GnomeServer

Integrated Web Server for Gnomoria
MIT License
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Add Newtonsoft.Json requirement to the README #12

Closed Temeez closed 8 years ago

Temeez commented 8 years ago


There doesn't seem to no mention about the Newtonsoft.Json framework which the project needs to be installed in the README Installation part. Might want to add that at some point :)

Secondly: Awesome job! It is nice to see that the [Game X]Server idea didn't stop to Cities Skylines.

Rychard commented 8 years ago

The Newtonsoft.Json package should get picked up automatically upon building the project, since the package is listed in the packages.config file.

Or are you referring to something else?

Secondly: Awesome job! It is nice to see that the [Game X]Server idea didn't stop to Cities Skylines.

Thanks. It feels great to hear this sort of feedback.

Temeez commented 8 years ago

Ah, correct you are. I was not aware that was even possible with VS. All is good, in that regard.