🚀 Pull Request
Closes Issue #17
Created a form that accepts parameters during sign up sequence.
Describe the solution you implemented
Created a form component that accepts two equally sized arrays as props. One array keeps track of the names of the inputs and the other keeps track of the type of inputs. As long as the two arrays are of equal length, there will be no issues. The component has state only to pass props into and manipulate. Each time the submit button is clicked, the form goes to the next item and each time the back button is clicked, the form goes back one item. Most parts use native-base ,but the animations had to be taken from react-native.
How has this been tested?
All features were tested to ensure lack of bugs and the animations were tested to be smooth.
Screen shots
Types of Changes
[ ] Bug fix (non-breaking change which fixes an issue)
[x] New feature (non-breaking change which adds functionality)
[ ] Breaking change (fix or feature that would cause existing functionality to change)
[x] I have read the CONTRIBUTING document.
[x] My code follows the code style of this project.
[ ] My change requires a change to the documentation.
🚀 Pull Request Closes Issue #17 Created a form that accepts parameters during sign up sequence.
Describe the solution you implemented
Created a form component that accepts two equally sized arrays as props. One array keeps track of the names of the inputs and the other keeps track of the type of inputs. As long as the two arrays are of equal length, there will be no issues. The component has state only to pass props into and manipulate. Each time the submit button is clicked, the form goes to the next item and each time the back button is clicked, the form goes back one item. Most parts use native-base ,but the animations had to be taken from react-native.
How has this been tested? All features were tested to ensure lack of bugs and the animations were tested to be smooth.
Screen shots
Types of Changes