Rychou / mpvue-vant

mpvue中无缝接入Vant Weapp组件库,所有组件均可使用。
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请问你 Notify 组件能调用? #53

Open kid1412621 opened 5 years ago

kid1412621 commented 5 years ago

我看组件里面调用了小程序的 getCurrentPages 方法, 但是 mpvue 貌似有 bug ,所以我一直报错, 请问你那边怎么处理的?

Rychou commented 5 years ago


kid1412621 commented 5 years ago
<van-notify id="van-notify"/>
import Notify from '../../../dist/wx/miniprogram_npm/vant-weapp/notify/notify'
kid1412621 commented 5 years ago

我是按照官方文档, npm 的方式装的 vant weapp 报错:

VM267:1 thirdScriptError 
 sdk uncaught third Error 
 Cannot read property 'selectComponent' of undefined 
 TypeError: Cannot read property 'selectComponent' of undefined
    at Notify (
    at Vue$3.created (
    at callHook (
    at Vue$3.Vue._init (
    at new Vue$3 (
    at Object._ (
    at __webpack_require__ (
    at Object.webpackJsonpCallback [as webpackJsonpMpvue] (
    at require (
Rychou commented 5 years ago

好 我之前没用过npm的形式引入 我后几天有时间复现一下