Ryder-One / hmap

An HTML5 map for Die2Nite
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Fix issue with DieVerdammten map #12

Closed Ludofloria closed 3 years ago

Ludofloria commented 3 years ago

On DieVerdammten, non-visited zones are set to null or are undefined. To allow HMap to work on DV, those slight adjustment are necessary ;) Fixes #7

Ryder-One commented 3 years ago

Honestly I don't have the time to try it. Did you try your modifications on other servers ? Is everything working well ?

Ludofloria commented 3 years ago

Hey there =) I didn't test explorable ruins, but otherwise everything works well on Hordes, Die2Nite and DieVerdammten (I'm currently using it)

Matoran commented 3 years ago

Ruin is fully working on Hordes with the 3 additional pull requests I have done to your repo @Ludofloria . Tested more than 40 times now.

Ryder-One commented 3 years ago

I'm sorry but it looks like this PR has totally broken the ruin for me. At least the debug code I got in 2020 are not working now with the ruin mode. Since the game has not been updated, I'm not sure it will work now on hordes.fr

  1. Are you testing on hordes.fr ?
  2. Can you share debug code of your tests on the ruin with us ?

Thanks !

Ludofloria commented 3 years ago

I've tried it just now, and the ruins works fine. Here's some debug : https://pastebin.com/M3DCSDvi

Ryder-One commented 3 years ago

You tried on which server ? Hordes.fr ?

Ludofloria commented 3 years ago

Yup, I went into an Abandoned Hospital on Hordes.fr, in a distant town.

Ludofloria commented 3 years ago

I must mention that the Debug button gets hidden (you can click on its location, but it is not displayed)