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Using my own API Key #19

Open Kreuger opened 2 years ago

Kreuger commented 2 years ago

Hey all. Today I set up an API key to use.

Just as a note, the instructions within myTube are not fully detailed enough. As an example, there's no mention of the fact that when creating an API your project will not be published, leaving it under testing which requires you to manually allow user access via email unless you want to publish it and wait for Google to approve of it. To me that may not be a great idea since they may see that we are using an unofficial way to access youtube and thereby block it.

Anyways I now have everything set up and got through the log in but now in myTube, it just says "signing in". How long does this usually take? Is there something else that I'm missing on the API page? I tried closing the program (on xbox) and now have to log in again.

Kreuger commented 2 years ago

@Ryken100 Is this dead?

Bluscream commented 2 years ago

Try bringing attention to your request on https://discord.gg/dWy7Ah

Bluscream commented 2 years ago