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Intro/Outro cut/skip #2

Open Bluscream opened 4 years ago

Bluscream commented 4 years ago


I know this is kind of a big one but if such a system would exist in a accessibly manner, many people would be less annoyed by it.

The problem:

There are many things in YouTube videos that one might wanna skip:

Concept 1 (Preferred)

Setup: Providing a UI to specify conditions and actions:

  1. User opens UI somehow
  2. User adds condition (When "channel" is "<id/name>")
  3. User adds condition (When "playlist" is "<id>")
  4. User adds condition (When "title" contains "game xy")
  5. User uploads (?should just convert to base64 string) a image that represents a still frame from the video where the part to cut starts
  6. User sets amount in seconds to skip forward when image matched
  7. User sets slider with image similarity from 1-100%
  8. ?Settings get saved somewhere for easy export/sharing of presets


  1. Video is being played
  2. Conditions are being checked
  3. If all conditions are true, start analyzing every (?n'th) frame
  4. If frame matches provided still by at least similarity%, skip user set amounts of seconds

Concept 2 (per-video shared database):

Bluscream commented 3 years ago

There's now Sponsor Block which has a nice API, what do you think of adding that? ^^