Ryken100 / mytube

The best YouTube experience around.
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myTube app #22

Closed Andrey6777 closed 8 months ago

Andrey6777 commented 1 year ago

W10M myTube!: Beta: yes

Description: Video is not playing (eternal loading). And it crashes when I try to add an account. The problem is both with the standard API and with your own.

Fix it, it's the last hope.

Bluscream commented 1 year ago

myTube is no longer being maintained, sorry. Use the normal youtube app or something like https://invidious.io instead

mediaexplorer74 commented 10 months ago

myTube is no longer being maintained, sorry. Use the normal youtube app or something like https://invidious.io instead

Hi, Bluscream. Are you from Ryken Studio team ore not? If yes, please decide to made myTube open-sourced (minimum - old miniversion 2.x for WindowPhones).

Best wishes, MediaExplorer Cancelled W10M developer-enthusiast

Bluscream commented 10 months ago

Hi, Bluscream. Are you from Ryken Studio team ore not?

I am not, i have just helped Ryken set up this github repo and provided feedback while the project was still active.

mediaexplorer74 commented 10 months ago

Hi, Bluscream. Are you from Ryken Studio team ore not?

I am not, i have just helped Ryken set up this github repo and provided feedback while the project was still active.

Ok. Sorry for (to) disturbing you

Proxima0 commented 8 months ago

myTube больше не поддерживается, извините. Вместо этого используйте обычн

Did I understand correctly that the project is closed? I have a myTube license purchased, but I haven't been able to log into my account for a long time. I wrote to rykenproductions@outlook.com but no one responded. Help me. 3

Bluscream commented 8 months ago

Nevermind what i previously said. It's all working! You just need to set your own API key

mediaexplorer74 commented 8 months ago

Nevermind what i previously said. It's all working! You just need to set your own API key

Bluscream , cool solving! :) Yea, it's all working even on my old sweet Windowsphone Lumia 950 when I registered and set personal API key. Thank you, and Merry Christamas / Happy New Year !

Proxima0 commented 8 months ago


Which key should I choose? 2023-12-30_202120

Proxima0 commented 8 months ago

Неважно, что я сказал ранее. Все работает! Вам просто нужно установить свой собственный ключ API

Give me instructions (video) on how to do this correctly, please...

Bluscream commented 8 months ago


Which key should I choose?


Bluscream commented 8 months ago

Неважно, что я сказал ранее. Все работает! Вам просто нужно установить свой собственный ключ API

Give me instructions (video) on how to do this correctly, please...

Search for "how to create youtube api key" on youtube

Proxima0 commented 8 months ago

Неважно, что я сказал ранее. Все работает! Вам просто нужно установить свой собственный ключ API

Give me instructions (video) on how to do this correctly, please...

Search for "how to create youtube api key" on youtube

I did it according to the instructions. It worked the second time... :) Hurray!