Ryken100 / mytube

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Is mytube dead? #25

Open DraegonMcKnight opened 7 months ago

DraegonMcKnight commented 7 months ago

Now i know this is probably the wrong place to ask this but am i the only one unable to open/load mytube and i happened to see that it was deleted from the microsoft store

Bluscream commented 7 months ago


DraegonMcKnight commented 7 months ago

Now if that was the issue i would be relieved i had been using that for some time now. I personally never had issues with error 400 My issue that when i open the app up it crashes, and its not in the app store anymore to download or i would delete and redownload

TheMightyBattleCat commented 7 months ago

Now if that was the issue i would be relieved i had been using that for some time now. I personally never had issues with error 400 My issue that when i open the app up it crashes, and its not in the app store anymore to download or i would delete and redownload

I have exactly the same issue. Crash to dashboard when opened. It was working fine yesterday.

Bluscream commented 7 months ago

Btw: https://alternativeto.net/software/mytube/?platform=windows