RylanSchaeffer / Stanford-LaTeX-Poster-Template

Stanford LaTeX poster template
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Compiling Errors [Overleaf] #3

Open zrobertson466920 opened 1 year ago

zrobertson466920 commented 1 year ago

The poster displays when compiled on Overleaf using pdfLatex (2022). However, there appear to be undefined control sequence errors in main.tex from the compiler.

\beamer@thmffamily@footline ->\Raleway

l.67 \begin{document}

The control sequence at the end of the top line of your error message was never \def'ed. If you have misspelled it (e.g., \hobx'), typeI' and the correct spelling (e.g., `I\hbox'). Otherwise just continue, and I'll forget about whatever was undefined.

\beamer@thmffamily@heading ->\Lato

l.327 \end{frame}

The control sequence at the end of the top line of your error message was never \def'ed. If you have misspelled it (e.g., \hobx'), typeI' and the correct spelling (e.g., `I\hbox'). Otherwise just continue, and I'll forget about whatever was undefined.

mirandali707 commented 7 months ago

Months late, but in case anyone else faces this issue I was able to get no compile errors by changing the compiler to XeLatex (in the Overleaf doc, Menu > Settings > Compiler) and uncommenting lines 11, 18, and 19 in beamerthemegemini.sty (\RequirePackage{fontspec}, \newfontfamily\Raleway[Ligatures=TeX]{Raleway}, \newfontfamily\Lato[Ligatures=TeX]{Lato}). It also seems to look nice if you uncomment lines 21-28 also :) cheers

RylanSchaeffer commented 6 months ago

I tried creating a new Overleaf project. I uploaded the files to a blank project, hit compile and everything seemed to work:


This is with pdflatex:


@zrobertson466920 @mirandali707 do you two still have the same problem? If so, can you tell me how to recreate it?

I'd like to fix it if possible.

lgelauff commented 1 month ago

I am running into errors as well. I forked the repo, and downloaded it from there to Overleaf. I get 9 errors/warnings:

Changing my settings to yours did not change anything.

Changing to XeLaTeX doesn't change anything, but when I then also uncomment the lines mentioned by @mirandali707 , it works. Uncommenting lines 11 and 18 gets rid of 5 of the errors, line 19 gets rid of the final one.

Switching to pdflatex results in Fatal Package fontspec Error: The fontspec package requires either XeTeX

RylanSchaeffer commented 1 month ago

@lgelauff I just downloaded the repo as a .zip and uploaded it to Overleaf and it compiles:


I see the 9 errors but Overleaf doesn't seem to care. I'm not an expert with Latex, so I'm not sure if it matters. Do you think it does? If so, should I make the above fixes?

RylanSchaeffer commented 1 month ago

If I make the above suggested fixes, it appears that pdflatex no longer works :(

lgelauff commented 1 month ago

The pdf indeed does compile for me with these errors, but I generally try to fix them. Up to you if you want to spend more time on fixing this - thanks for at least making the template available! An easy improvement could be to add a comment about the errors, so that people don't blame their own code for it.