Rynchodon / ARMS

ARMS mod for Space Engineers
Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal
18 stars 18 forks source link

scripts not working #124

Open AnonaMoose21 opened 7 years ago

AnonaMoose21 commented 7 years ago

no matter what i do following the read me to every word the autopilot wont work for the demo world or my world i don't know what i'm doing wrong

Rynchodon commented 7 years ago

When you run LoadARMS.exe, a log file will be created at SpaceEngineers/Load-ARMS/Load-ARMS.log. What is its content?

AnonaMoose21 commented 7 years ago

Mods folder containing "Rychodon.ARMS and Rychodon.Load.ARMS" config file data file license and load-ARMS text document

Rynchodon commented 7 years ago

I need to know the content of the log file, not a list of files in the directory.

AnonaMoose21 commented 7 years ago

sorry didn't show it as a log but here it is 01/23/2017 01:02:55:LoadArms.cs:UpdateMods:373:mod: Rynchodon.ARMS 01/23/2017 01:02:57:GitHubClient.cs:Update:266:Up-to-date: v1.79.3.0-stable 01/23/2017 01:02:57:LoadArms.cs:UpdateMods:373:mod: Rynchodon.Load-ARMS 01/23/2017 01:02:57:GitHubClient.cs:Update:266:Up-to-date: v0.5.2.0 01/23/2017 01:03:31:LoadArms.cs:Update:266:Finished task, loading plugins 01/23/2017 01:03:31:LoadArms.cs:LoadPlugins:453:Loading plugins from C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Load-ARMS\mods\Rynchodon.ARMS\ARMS.dll 01/23/2017 01:03:32:LoadArms.cs:LoadPlugins:462:Plugin: Rynchodon.Update.Plugin

Rynchodon commented 7 years ago

The log looks normal. Are you getting the message about downloading Load-ARMS when you load a world?

AnonaMoose21 commented 7 years ago

Edit:Actions not usable Actions not in first world is the issue the program blocks give me.

no message at all but nothing runs in your demo world and is the command prompt supposed to continue to run if so mine does not. i start the game with the arms launcher in my start up command first "new" world other deleted then this made screen shots to show issue's http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198127564735/screenshots/

AnonaMoose21 commented 7 years ago

any know on what i did wrong?

Rynchodon commented 7 years ago

It's my fault the programmable blocks are not working. Are there any other issues?

AnonaMoose21 commented 7 years ago

if thats the only issue then everything else may be my fault on not knowing how to use the code and just need to take time learning it. just tried the demo world with the ship's seems for me all code's ship side are not working also ill go tinker with it more. another thing you can possibly do is a quick how to video just explaining how to set up stuff like the miner and fighter.

abraxas commented 7 years ago

I'm also having issues...same perfect logfile.

I have a ship with an autopilot module on it, and a GPS coordinate I want to land..>I fly up, set the autopilot to that GPS coordinate, then turn on the ARM Autopilot..nothing happens at all.

I've been toying with it for a few hours, and have not yet been able to make anything work. Seems like it SHOULD be straightforward.

Rynchodon commented 7 years ago

I'm also having issues...same perfect logfile.

I have a ship with an autopilot module on it, and a GPS coordinate I want to land..>I fly up, set the autopilot to that GPS coordinate, then turn on the ARM Autopilot..nothing happens at all.

I've been toying with it for a few hours, and have not yet been able to make anything work. Seems like it SHOULD be straightforward.

If you want to land on something you'll have to use one of the landing commands or the pathfinder won't allow it.

If you are not landing, use the proximity command if you need to move closer to the target than 100 m.

abraxas commented 7 years ago

I just created a new waypoint called "NOWHERE NEAR GROUND" in the middle of nowhere.

I flew about 1km away, programmed it with c 37156.14,-603.82,48177.12 (started as cg 37156.14,-603.82,48177.12 but I tried to disable the GPS-linking in case that was it)

Truthfully, nothing ever happens when I flip on ARMS GPS, even though I've been launching the game with the ARMS Launcher.exe each time

Thoughts on anything else that could be missing?

abraxas commented 7 years ago

I did find more logs, a log-0.txt in the AppData... I'll paste it, but it's pretty clean-looking, suggesting ARMS is correctly running at least.

[2017-03-06 14:24:55,327][INFO][Game][][ServerSettings][parse][339][][]Setting fMaxSpeed = 3.402823E+38
[2017-03-06 14:24:55,327][INFO][Game][][ServerSettings][.ctor][98][][]file version:, latest version:
[2017-03-06 14:24:55,341][INFO][Game][][UpdateManager][Init][464][Not_Initialized][]This is the server, running server scripts
[2017-03-06 14:24:55,402][INFO][Game][][Saver][LoadSaveData][255][][]Save version:
[2017-03-06 14:27:56,482][TRACE][Game][Small Grid 4021(77669348172674021)][AutopilotCommands][Commands][203][Autopilot Block][Autopilot Block(80926280543649301)]Commands: r -1100,-1100,-10000
[2017-03-06 14:29:17,654][INFO][Game][][Rynchodon.Log][][0][][]Closing log

Strangely, I tried to run several commands after that, and that one had a typo in it...only that one showed up in the log

Rynchodon commented 7 years ago

Please post a world to steam workshop and I'll look into it.

abraxas commented 7 years ago

Thanks... before you check it (to save you time)...The only requirements to autopilot with the "C" or "F" command is the autopilot block on my ship, right? No radar or anything?

Here it is: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=879547686

Rynchodon commented 7 years ago

Thanks... before you check it (to save you time)...The only requirements to autopilot with the "C" or "F" command is the autopilot block on my ship, right? No radar or anything?

Here it is: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=879547686

The cockpit has "main cockpit" enabled, effectively disabling the autopilot block.

abraxas commented 7 years ago

That was one of several things I tried.

I also find no motion when I set "f 0,100,-100" with NO main cockpit set, or with the autopilot block set as the Main Cockpit... still nothing.

In all tests, I reloaded the world exactly as you see, made the change, and attempted. In all cases, I never run any executable except LoadARM.exe

Rynchodon commented 7 years ago

That was one of several things I tried.

I also find no motion when I set "f 0,100,-100" with NO main cockpit set, or with the autopilot block set as the Main Cockpit... still nothing.

In all tests, I reloaded the world exactly as you see, made the change, and attempted. In all cases, I never run any executable except LoadARM.exe

I don't know what to tell you, it works fine when I try it. What does it say in control panel?

abraxas commented 7 years ago

Anything I should be looking for in particular?

Nothing looks abnormal to me. I have "Main Cockpit" on now (so I can't move the ship at the moment). I have ARMS Autopilot ON (I've toggled it a few times)

I changed the autopilot command to "f 1000,1000,-1000" to make sure it's nothing silly about the scale being too small to see.

"Control thrusters" is set, as is "Inertial dampeners" and "Show horizon/altitude"

What else should I be looking for? I don't see any "Autopilot on/off" like the traditional remote block...just the checkbox..but the checkbox is doing nothing for me.

My inertial stabilizers just hold me stable no matter what tihs block does. Could it be version related?


Space Engineers: 1.172 ARMS: Steam current version LOADArms.exe dated 2/2/2017

When I run LOADArms.exe (on a copy that was started with LOADArms anyway), the output is:

3/14/2017 4:14:36 PM: Inject: Dll injected 3/14/2017 4:14:36 PM: Inject: Loaded LoadARMS.dll

Then I reload the world...still nothing.

Happy to test anything else or verify anything else... but something is definitely non-responsive.

Some lines from logs that may help (and I can give you more full logs if needed)

On world load in SpaceEngineers.log I see:

2017-03-14 16:18:09.716 - Thread:   1 ->  Registered modules from: LoadARMS, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
2017-03-14 16:18:09.716 - Thread:   1 ->  Registered modules from: SpaceEngineers.Game, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
2017-03-14 16:18:09.717 - Thread:   1 ->  Registered modules from: LoadARMS, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
2017-03-14 16:18:09.717 - Thread:   1 ->  Registered modules from: Sandbox.Game, Version=0.1.6257.33463, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null

// MANY lines in the middle, but timstamps seconds apart

2017-03-14 16:18:54.150 - Thread:   1 ->  Registered modules from: ARMS, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null

My current log-0.txt

[2017-03-14 16:18:54,197][INFO][Game][][ServerSettings][parse][339][][]Setting fMaxSpeed = 3.402823E+38
[2017-03-14 16:18:54,197][INFO][Game][][ServerSettings][.ctor][98][][]file version:, latest version:
[2017-03-14 16:18:54,222][INFO][Game][][UpdateManager][Init][464][Not_Initialized][]This is the server, running server scripts
[2017-03-14 16:18:54,270][INFO][Game][][Saver][LoadSaveData][255][][]Save version:
[2017-03-14 16:19:33,140][TRACE][Game][Small Grid 4021(77669348172674021)][AutopilotCommands][Commands][203][Autopilot Block][Autopilot Block(80926280543649301)]Commands: f 1000,1000,1000
[2017-03-14 16:19:36,251][TRACE][Game][Small Grid 4021(77669348172674021)][AutopilotCommands][Commands][203][Autopilot Block][Autopilot Block(80926280543649301)]Commands: f 1000,1000,1000
[2017-03-14 16:19:50,073][INFO][Game][][Rynchodon.Log][][0][][]Closing log

No other log seems to make any sense to me... But through all this, inertial stabilizers are just holding my ship still in flight.

Rynchodon commented 7 years ago

In control panel, the pane in the bottom right has information about the block selected. With autopilot selected, there will be information about autopilot's status.

abraxas commented 7 years ago

No special text shows up in that pane. It reads the following no matter WHAT I do:

Player controlling: Abraxas
Current Input: 1.00 kW
Rynchodon commented 7 years ago

Then the control for the ship isn't set correctly by the game. You can try this:

  1. Enter Cockpit
  2. Toggle "Master Cockpit" switch once
  3. Exit Cockpit

If that doesn't work you'll have to build a new ship.

abraxas commented 7 years ago

Ok. I think you're onto something, but I don't know what.

I did all that, and discovered something coincidental. The autopilot block is 100% fine if I'm not in the cockpit. It shows as "Disabled" instead of blank, and I can turn autopilot on and it works.

But then I was able to replicate my issues with this:

  1. Save game flying in front of cockpit with autopilot block set with an "F" command (ship floating)
  2. Turn on autopilot and watch ship ascend
  3. Reload
  4. Get in cockpit
  5. Turn on autopilot...nothing (and no sign of "Disabled" or "Waiting" or "Moving"
Rynchodon commented 7 years ago

The game has a system in place to keep multiple players from controlling a ship at the same time. There isn't any way for autopilot to register with this system so it must defer to any player that might be in a position to control the ship. The problem is that the system doesn't always work and sometimes you have a player assigned control of a ship when it shouldn't be. It seems that the problem arises when the "master cockpit" switch is toggled on any cockpit (or autopilot) while there is a player in any cockpit.

abraxas commented 7 years ago

So it sounds like I'm stuck scrapping the ship, reloading it, and never using that checkbox?

That's fair. Anything else I can do to troubleshoot it since I'm able to replicate it so easily, in case there's a way to fix it in the plugin?

Rynchodon commented 7 years ago

First off, I feel silly for calling the switch master cockpit. Secondly, I found a way for ARMS to correct the behaviour of the switch. I'll also submit a bug report with the solution.

abraxas commented 7 years ago

Awesome..thanks 👍