RyoKosaka / HelloDrum-arduino-Library

This is a library for making E-Drum with arduino.
MIT License
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HELP use 31 pads * 4MUX but the flashing LCD shows SPLASH1. can't press any buttons #19

Open attachi201 opened 4 years ago

attachi201 commented 4 years ago

Hi i use 31 pads but the flashing LCD shows SPLASH1. can't press any buttons, but when i comment code scan mux SENSING & SENDING MIDI So it works
i use Mega2560 with 4*MUX IC and EEPROM MUX LCDI2C code this is my code





LiquidCrystal_I2C lcd(0x27, 16, 2);


/ Mux Breakout ----------- Arduino S0 ------------------- 2 S1 ------------------- 3 S2 ------------------- 4 Z -------------------- A0 / //Define MUX Pins

HelloDrumMUX_4051 mux1(2,3,4,0); //D2, D3, D4, A0

HelloDrumMUX_4051 mux2(5,6,7,1); //D5, D6, D7, A1

HelloDrumMUX_4051 mux3(8,9,10,2); //D8, D9, D10, A2

HelloDrumMUX_4051 mux4(11,12,13,3); //D11, D12, D13, A2

//Please name your pad and controller.

HelloDrum snare(0, 1); HelloDrum hihat(2, 3); HelloDrum ride(4, 5); HelloDrum kick1(6); HelloDrum kick2(7); HelloDrum tom1(8); HelloDrum rimtom1(9); HelloDrum tom2(10); HelloDrum rimtom2(11); HelloDrum tom3(12); HelloDrum rimtom3(13); HelloDrum tom4(14); HelloDrum rimtom4(15); HelloDrum tom5(16); HelloDrum rimtom5(17); HelloDrum crash1(18, 19); HelloDrum crash2(20, 21); HelloDrum crash3(22, 24); HelloDrum crash4(25, 26); HelloDrum china1(27); HelloDrum china2(28); HelloDrum splash1(29); HelloDrum splash2(30); HelloDrum hihatPedal(23);

//Set the DIGITAL pin number to which the buttons are connected. HelloDrumButton button(14, 15, 16, 17, 18); //(EDIT,UP,DOWN,NEXT,BACK)

void setup() { lcd.init(); // initialize the lcd lcd.backlight();

//if you use ESP32, you have to uncomment the next line. //EEPROM_ESP.begin(512);

//If you use Hairless MIDI, you have to comment out the next line. //MIDI.begin(10); //And uncomment the next two lines. Please set the baud rate of Hairless to 38400. MIDI.begin(); Serial.begin(38400);

//Give each pad a name to be displayed on the LCD. //It is necessary to make the order in exactly the same order as you named the pad first.

snare.settingName("SNARE"); hihat.settingName("HIHAT"); hihatPedal.settingName("HIHAT PEDAL"); ride.settingName("RIDE"); kick1.settingName("KICK1"); kick2.settingName("KICK2"); tom1.settingName("TOM1"); rimtom1.settingName("RIMTOM1"); tom2.settingName("TOM2"); rimtom2.settingName("RIMTOM2"); tom3.settingName("TOM3"); rimtom3.settingName("RIMTOM3"); tom4.settingName("TOM4"); rimtom4.settingName("RIMTOM4"); tom5.settingName("TOM5"); rimtom5.settingName("RIMTOM5"); crash1.settingName("CRASH1"); crash2.settingName("CRASH2"); crash3.settingName("CRASH3"); crash4.settingName("CRASH4"); china1.settingName("CHINA1"); china2.settingName("CHINA2"); splash1.settingName("SPLASH1"); splash2.settingName("SPLASH2");

//Load settings from EEPROM. //It is necessary to make the order in exactly the same order as you named the pad first.

snare.loadMemory(); hihat.loadMemory(); hihatPedal.loadMemory(); ride.loadMemory(); kick1.loadMemory(); kick2.loadMemory(); tom1.loadMemory(); rimtom1.loadMemory(); tom2.loadMemory(); rimtom2.loadMemory(); tom3.loadMemory(); rimtom3.loadMemory(); tom4.loadMemory(); rimtom4.loadMemory(); tom5.loadMemory(); rimtom5.loadMemory(); crash1.loadMemory(); crash2.loadMemory(); crash3.loadMemory(); crash4.loadMemory(); china1.loadMemory(); china2.loadMemory(); splash1.loadMemory(); splash2.loadMemory();

lcd.clear(); lcd.print("Hello world!"); lcd.setCursor(0, 1); lcd.print("Hello drum!"); }

void loop() {

/////////// 1. LCD and SETTING MODE /////////////

bool buttonPush = button.GetPushState(); bool editStart = button.GetEditState(); bool editDone = button.GetEditdoneState(); bool display = button.GetDisplayState();

char padName = button.GetPadName(); char item = button.GetSettingItem(); int settingValue = button.GetSettingValue(); int velocity = button.GetVelocity(); char *hitPad = button.GetHitPad();


snare.settingEnable(); hihat.settingEnable(); hihatPedal.settingEnable(); ride.settingEnable(); kick1.settingEnable(); kick2.settingEnable(); tom1.settingEnable(); rimtom1.settingEnable(); tom2.settingEnable(); rimtom2.settingEnable(); tom3.settingEnable(); rimtom3.settingEnable(); tom4.settingEnable(); rimtom4.settingEnable(); tom5.settingEnable(); rimtom5.settingEnable(); crash1.settingEnable(); crash2.settingEnable(); crash3.settingEnable(); crash4.settingEnable(); china1.settingEnable(); china2.settingEnable(); splash1.settingEnable(); splash2.settingEnable();

if (buttonPush == true) { lcd.clear(); lcd.print(padName); lcd.setCursor(0, 1); lcd.print(item); lcd.setCursor(13, 1); lcd.print(settingValue); }

if (editStart == true) { lcd.clear(); lcd.print("EDIT START"); delay(500); lcd.clear(); lcd.print(padName); lcd.setCursor(0, 1); lcd.print(item); lcd.setCursor(13, 1); lcd.print(settingValue); }

if (editDone == true) { lcd.clear(); lcd.print("EDIT DONE"); delay(500); lcd.clear(); lcd.print(padName); lcd.setCursor(0, 1); lcd.print(item); lcd.setCursor(13, 1); lcd.print(settingValue); }

//show hitted pad name and velocity to LCD //Immediately after I2C communication, scanning of piezo is stop. //So if you change the display right after you hit pad, it affects the sensing. //I recommend leaving it as a comment.

if (display == true)
    lcd.setCursor(0, 1);

////////// 2. SENSING & SENDING MIDI////////////

//Sensing each pad.





snare.dualPiezoMUX(); hihat.HH2zoneMUX();
hihatPedal.hihatControlMUX(); ride.cymbal3zoneMUX(); crash1.cymbal2zoneMUX(); crash2.cymbal2zoneMUX(); crash3.cymbal2zoneMUX(); crash4.cymbal2zoneMUX(); kick1.singlePiezoMUX(); kick2.singlePiezoMUX(); tom1.singlePiezoMUX(); rimtom1.singlePiezoMUX(); tom2.singlePiezoMUX(); rimtom2.singlePiezoMUX(); tom3.singlePiezoMUX(); rimtom3.singlePiezoMUX(); tom4.singlePiezoMUX(); rimtom4.singlePiezoMUX(); tom5.singlePiezoMUX(); rimtom5.singlePiezoMUX(); china1.singlePiezoMUX(); china2.singlePiezoMUX(); splash1.singlePiezoMUX(); splash2.singlePiezoMUX();

//Sending MIDI signals. //HEAD if (snare.hit == true) { MIDI.sendNoteOn(snare.note, snare.velocity, 10); //(note, velocity, channel) MIDI.sendNoteOff(snare.note, 0, 10); } //RIM else if (snare.hitRim == true) { if (snare.velocity > 60) //Rim shot { MIDI.sendNoteOn(snare.noteRim, snare.velocity, 10); //(note, velocity, channel) MIDI.sendNoteOff(snare.noteRim, 0, 10); } else //Side Stick { MIDI.sendNoteOn(snare.noteCup, snare.velocity * 2, 10); //(note, velocity, channel) MIDI.sendNoteOff(snare.noteCup, 0, 10); } } //HIHAT //MIDI signals are transmitted with this IF statement. //bow if (hihat.hit == true) { //check open or close //1.open if (hihatPedal.openHH == true) { MIDI.sendNoteOn(hihat.noteOpen, hihat.velocity, 10); //(note, velocity, channel) MIDI.sendNoteOff(hihat.noteOpen, 0, 10); } //2.close else if (hihatPedal.closeHH == true) { MIDI.sendNoteOn(hihat.noteClose, hihat.velocity, 10); //(note, velocity, channel) MIDI.sendNoteOff(hihat.noteClose, 0, 10); } }

else if (hihat.hitRim == true)
    //check open or close
    if (hihatPedal.openHH == true)
        MIDI.sendNoteOn(hihat.noteOpen, hihat.velocity, 10); //(note, velocity, channel)
        MIDI.sendNoteOff(hihat.noteOpen, 0, 10);
    else if (hihatPedal.closeHH == true)
        MIDI.sendNoteOn(hihat.noteClose, hihat.velocity, 10); //(note, velocity, channel)
        MIDI.sendNoteOff(hihat.noteClose, 0, 10);

//when pedal is closed
if (hihatPedal.hit == true)
    MIDI.sendNoteOn(hihatPedal.note, hihatPedal.velocity, 10); //(note, velocity, channel)
    MIDI.sendNoteOff(hihatPedal.note, 0, 10);

//sending state of pedal with controll change
if (hihatPedal.moving == true)
    MIDI.sendControlChange(4, hihatPedal.pedalCC, 10);

//RIDE //MIDI signals are transmitted with this IF statement. //bow if (ride.hit == true) { MIDI.sendNoteOn(ride.note, ride.velocity, 10); //(note, velocity, channel) MIDI.sendNoteOff(ride.note, 0, 10); }

//edge else if (ride.hitRim == true) { MIDI.sendNoteOn(ride.noteRim, ride.velocity, 10); //(note, velocity, channel) MIDI.sendNoteOff(ride.noteRim, 0, 10); }

//cup else if (ride.hitCup == true) { MIDI.sendNoteOn(ride.noteCup, ride.velocity, 10); //(note, velocity, channel) MIDI.sendNoteOff(ride.noteCup, 0, 10); }

//choke if (ride.choke == true) { MIDI.sendPolyPressure(ride.note, 127, 10); MIDI.sendPolyPressure(ride.noteRim, 127, 10); MIDI.sendPolyPressure(ride.noteCup, 127, 10); MIDI.sendPolyPressure(ride.note, 0, 10); MIDI.sendPolyPressure(ride.noteRim, 0, 10); MIDI.sendPolyPressure(ride.noteCup, 0, 10); }

//CRASH1 //MIDI signals are transmitted with this IF statement. ceash1 //bow if (crash1.hit == true) { MIDI.sendNoteOn(crash1.note, crash1.velocity, 10); //(note, velocity, channel) MIDI.sendNoteOff(crash1.note, 0, 10); }

//edge else if (crash1.hitRim == true) { MIDI.sendNoteOn(crash1.noteRim, crash1.velocity, 10); //(note, velocity, channel) MIDI.sendNoteOff(crash1.noteRim, 0, 10); }

//choke if(crash1.choke == true) {

 MIDI.sendPolyPressure(crash1.note, 127, 10);
MIDI.sendPolyPressure(crash1.noteRim, 127, 10);
MIDI.sendPolyPressure(crash1.note, 0, 10);
MIDI.sendPolyPressure(crash1.noteRim, 0, 10);


//CRASH2 //MIDI signals are transmitted with this IF statement. ceash1 //bow if (crash2.hit == true) { MIDI.sendNoteOn(crash2.note, crash2.velocity, 10); //(note, velocity, channel) MIDI.sendNoteOff(crash2.note, 0, 10); }

//edge else if (crash2.hitRim == true) { MIDI.sendNoteOn(crash2.noteRim, crash2.velocity, 10); //(note, velocity, channel) MIDI.sendNoteOff(crash2.noteRim, 0, 10); }

//choke if(crash2.choke == true) {

 MIDI.sendPolyPressure(crash2.note, 127, 10);
MIDI.sendPolyPressure(crash2.noteRim, 127, 10);
MIDI.sendPolyPressure(crash2.note, 0, 10);
MIDI.sendPolyPressure(crash2.noteRim, 0, 10);


//CRASH3 //MIDI signals are transmitted with this IF statement. ceash1 //bow if (crash3.hit == true) { MIDI.sendNoteOn(crash3.note, crash3.velocity, 10); //(note, velocity, channel) MIDI.sendNoteOff(crash3.note, 0, 10); }

//edge else if (crash3.hitRim == true) { MIDI.sendNoteOn(crash3.noteRim, crash3.velocity, 10); //(note, velocity, channel) MIDI.sendNoteOff(crash3.noteRim, 0, 10); }

//choke if(crash3.choke == true) {

 MIDI.sendPolyPressure(crash3.note, 127, 10);
MIDI.sendPolyPressure(crash3.noteRim, 127, 10);
MIDI.sendPolyPressure(crash3.note, 0, 10);
MIDI.sendPolyPressure(crash3.noteRim, 0, 10);


if (kick1.hit == true) { MIDI.sendNoteOn(kick1.note, kick1.velocity, 10); //(note, velocity, channel) MIDI.sendNoteOff(kick1.note, 0, 10); }

if (kick2.hit == true) { MIDI.sendNoteOn(kick2.note, kick2.velocity, 10); //(note, velocity, channel) MIDI.sendNoteOff(kick2.note, 0, 10); }

if (tom1.hit == true) { MIDI.sendNoteOn(tom1.note, tom1.velocity, 10); //(note, velocity, channel) MIDI.sendNoteOff(tom1.note, 0, 10); }

if (tom2.hit == true) { MIDI.sendNoteOn(tom2.note, tom2.velocity, 10); //(note, velocity, channel) MIDI.sendNoteOff(tom2.note, 0, 10); }

if (tom3.hit == true) { MIDI.sendNoteOn(tom3.note, tom3.velocity, 10); //(note, velocity, channel) MIDI.sendNoteOff(tom3.note, 0, 10); }

if (tom4.hit == true) { MIDI.sendNoteOn(tom4.note, tom4.velocity, 10); //(note, velocity, channel) MIDI.sendNoteOff(tom4.note, 0, 10); }

if (tom5.hit == true) { MIDI.sendNoteOn(tom5.note, tom5.velocity, 10); //(note, velocity, channel) MIDI.sendNoteOff(tom5.note, 0, 10); }

if (china1.hit == true) { MIDI.sendNoteOn(china1.note, china1.velocity, 10); //(note, velocity, channel) MIDI.sendNoteOff(china1.note, 0, 10); }

if (china2.hit == true) { MIDI.sendNoteOn(china2.note, china2.velocity, 10); //(note, velocity, channel) MIDI.sendNoteOff(china2.note, 0, 10); }

if (splash1.hit == true) { MIDI.sendNoteOn(splash1.note, splash1.velocity, 10); //(note, velocity, channel) MIDI.sendNoteOff(splash1.note, 0, 10); }

if (splash2.hit == true) { MIDI.sendNoteOn(splash2.note, splash2.velocity, 10); //(note, velocity, channel) MIDI.sendNoteOff(splash2.note, 0, 10); }

if (rimtom1.hit == true) { MIDI.sendNoteOn(rimtom1.note, rimtom1.velocity, 10); //(note, velocity, channel) MIDI.sendNoteOff(rimtom1.note, 0, 10); }

if (rimtom2.hit == true) { MIDI.sendNoteOn(rimtom2.note, rimtom2.velocity, 10); //(note, velocity, channel) MIDI.sendNoteOff(rimtom2.note, 0, 10); }

if (rimtom3.hit == true) { MIDI.sendNoteOn(rimtom3.note, rimtom3.velocity, 10); //(note, velocity, channel) MIDI.sendNoteOff(rimtom3.note, 0, 10); }

if (rimtom4.hit == true) { MIDI.sendNoteOn(rimtom4.note, rimtom4.velocity, 10); //(note, velocity, channel) MIDI.sendNoteOff(rimtom4.note, 0, 10); }

if (rimtom5.hit == true) { MIDI.sendNoteOn(rimtom5.note, rimtom5.velocity, 10); //(note, velocity, channel) MIDI.sendNoteOff(rimtom5.note, 0, 10); }

//CRASH4 //MIDI signals are transmitted with this IF statement. ceash1 //bow if (crash4.hit == true) { MIDI.sendNoteOn(crash4.note, crash4.velocity, 10); //(note, velocity, channel) MIDI.sendNoteOff(crash4.note, 0, 10); }

//edge else if (crash4.hitRim == true) { MIDI.sendNoteOn(crash4.noteRim, crash4.velocity, 10); //(note, velocity, channel) MIDI.sendNoteOff(crash4.noteRim, 0, 10); }

//choke if(crash4.choke == true) {

 MIDI.sendPolyPressure(crash4.note, 127, 10);
MIDI.sendPolyPressure(crash4.noteRim, 127, 10);
MIDI.sendPolyPressure(crash4.note, 0, 10);
MIDI.sendPolyPressure(crash4.noteRim, 0, 10);



jhsa commented 3 years ago

Hi, did you fix the problem? Thanks

RyoKosaka commented 3 years ago

If there is nothing connected to the analog or MUX pins for sensing (floating pins), it will pick up noise and be perceived as a continuous hit. Connect a pad to all the pins, or if not, use a 1MΩ resistor to connect them to GND.

attachai201 commented 3 years ago

@RyoKosaka You're right, the code can now be used, thank you very much.

attachai201 commented 3 years ago

@jhsa Now it works. But you have to connect all pads to the board.

dairyleaDunkan commented 8 months ago

Can the MUX chips be daisy-chained or is it better/faster to have them run separately like in the poster's code?