RyoKosaka / HelloDrum-arduino-Library

This is a library for making E-Drum with arduino.
MIT License
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Do you have an ideas about Position Sensing? #6

Open MrUnzO opened 4 years ago

MrUnzO commented 4 years ago

I would like to implement positional sensing feature if you have any idea you can share an idea and resources.

thijstriemstra commented 4 years ago

Would love to see this feature as well.

corrados commented 3 years ago

Recently, I started researching the signal processing of a drum trigger module. As a first step I wanted to create a proof-of-conecpt where I ignore the latency and the processing requirements of the algorithms.

First results are shown here: https://github.com/corrados/mypitools/blob/master/projects/edrumtrigger/README.md.

I am not sure if this will lead to any useful algortihm which could be implemented on an Ardunio. But it is fun to do some research in that area :-).

corrados commented 3 years ago

I have now finished a first working version and created a short Youtube video to show my algorithms in action: https://youtu.be/6eQjCD-DFjo

corrados commented 3 years ago

I have ported the code to an ESP32 microcontroller now. The code is available at: https://github.com/corrados/edrumulus. Here is a short video showing the trigger performance of the current implementation: https://youtu.be/naP-ODXl9Y0.

thijstriemstra commented 3 years ago

@corrados wow that's awesome! Have you tried it with any VST, eg. Superior Drummer? I will order a new ESP32 and make this a holiday project.

corrados commented 3 years ago

No, I have not done that yet. I have just used the Roland TDW-20 to generate the drum sound from the MIDI signal. If you want to try out my library, please keep in mind that the code is in a very early stage and only optimized for my PD-120 mesh pad. Also, you have to put the operating point of the ADC in the middle of its range (I do it with two resistors in series connection and a capacitor).

thijstriemstra commented 3 years ago

the code is in a very early stage and only optimized for my PD-120 mesh pad.

I am also using one of those PD-120 mesh pads 👍🏼

SunboX commented 2 years ago

Hey @mrunzo , I had the same in my mind. See issue #43 . I wrote the issue, before I saw yours.

ojungleboy commented 2 years ago

Very interested on this!