Ryogo-X / tolino_ntx_6sl_twrp

TWRP for Tolino eInk readers
Apache License 2.0
38 stars 10 forks source link

Tolino page support #1

Closed bell07 closed 6 years ago

bell07 commented 6 years ago


thank you for your work, I was able to boot the image on my tolino page. The adb access does work and I was able to root the device using "twrp install" on command line.

Unfortunately the touch display does not work as expected. I got streaked screen and I have no idea how to solve it. The "page" does have resolution 600x800 only

# cat /sys/devices/platform/mxc_epdc_fb/graphics/fb0/modes 

So I grab the sources and recompiled the image playing around with BoardConfig parameters, but without look. Any hint how I can try to get the screen working? Do you need additional informations about the device to add the support "official" to this repo?

Ryogo-X commented 6 years ago


Could you please post: 1) output from: cat /proc/partitions 2) output from: getprop

Also, when you booted recovery - picture on screen displayed correctly (except crop) or it was garbled?

bell07 commented 6 years ago
$ cat /proc/partitions                                         
major minor  #blocks  name

 179        0    3872256 mmcblk0
 179        1       6112 mmcblk0p1
 179        2      32768 mmcblk0p2
 179        3          1 mmcblk0p3
 179        4    2212387 mmcblk0p4
 179        5     393208 mmcblk0p5
 179        6     393208 mmcblk0p6
 179        7     524280 mmcblk0p7
 179        8       8184 mmcblk0p8
 179        9       4088 mmcblk0p9
 179       10     262144 mmcblk0p10
$ getprop                                                      
[config.disable_bluetooth]: [true]
[config.disable_telephony]: [true]
[dalvik.vm.dexopt-flags]: [m=y]
[dalvik.vm.heapgrowthlimit]: [128m]
[dalvik.vm.heapmaxfree]: [48m]
[dalvik.vm.heapminfree]: [512k]
[dalvik.vm.heapsize]: [384m]
[dalvik.vm.heapstartsize]: [48m]
[dalvik.vm.heaptargetutilization]: [0.75]
[dalvik.vm.jniopts]: [warnonly]
[dalvik.vm.stack-trace-file]: [/data/anr/traces.txt]
[debug.egl.hw]: [0]
[debug.force_rtl]: [0]
[debug.sf.enable_hgl]: [1]
[debug.sf.showfps]: [0]
[dev.bootcomplete]: [1]
[dhcp.wlan0.dns1]: []
[dhcp.wlan0.dns2]: []
[dhcp.wlan0.dns3]: []
[dhcp.wlan0.dns4]: []
[dhcp.wlan0.domain]: []
[dhcp.wlan0.gateway]: []
[dhcp.wlan0.ipaddress]: []
[dhcp.wlan0.leasetime]: [86400]
[dhcp.wlan0.mask]: []
[dhcp.wlan0.mtu]: []
[dhcp.wlan0.pid]: [2693]
[dhcp.wlan0.reason]: [REBOOT]
[dhcp.wlan0.result]: [failed]
[dhcp.wlan0.server]: []
[dhcp.wlan0.vendorInfo]: []
[gsm.ril.delay]: [15]
[hw.CTM.dev]: [lm3630a_led]
[hw.backlight.dev]: [mxc_msp430_fl.0]
[hwc.enable_dither]: [1]
[hwc.stretch.filter]: [1]
[init.svc.adbd]: [running]
[init.svc.bootanim]: [stopped]
[init.svc.console]: [running]
[init.svc.debuggerd]: [running]
[init.svc.dhcpcd_wlan0]: [stopped]
[init.svc.drm]: [running]
[init.svc.flash_recovery]: [stopped]
[init.svc.healthd]: [running]
[init.svc.hide_folders]: [stopped]
[init.svc.hw_check]: [stopped]
[init.svc.installd]: [running]
[init.svc.keystore]: [running]
[init.svc.media]: [running]
[init.svc.netd]: [running]
[init.svc.p2p_supplicant]: [stopped]
[init.svc.servicemanager]: [running]
[init.svc.surfaceflinger]: [running]
[init.svc.ueventd]: [running]
[init.svc.upgrade_check]: [stopped]
[init.svc.vold]: [running]
[init.svc.watchdogd]: [running]
[init.svc.wifi_mac]: [stopped]
[init.svc.zygote]: [running]
[net.bt.name]: [Android]
[net.change]: [net.dns1]
[net.dns1]: []
[net.hostname]: [android-8dfe3120c5310744]
[net.qtaguid_enabled]: [1]
[net.tcp.buffersize.default]: [4096,87380,110208,4096,16384,110208]
[net.tcp.buffersize.wifi]: [524288,1048576,2097152,262144,524288,1048576]
[persist.sampling_profiler]: [1]
[persist.sys.country]: [DE]
[persist.sys.dalvik.vm.lib]: [libdvm.so]
[persist.sys.language]: [de]
[persist.sys.localevar]: []
[persist.sys.profiler_ms]: [0]
[persist.sys.strictmode.disable]: [1]
[persist.sys.strictmode.visual]: [0]
[persist.sys.timezone]: [Europe/Amsterdam]
[persist.sys.usb.config]: [mass_storage,adb]
[qemu.hw.mainkeys]: [0]
[ro.adb.secure]: [1]
[ro.allow.mock.location]: [0]
[ro.baseband]: [unknown]
[ro.board.platform]: [imx6]
[ro.boot.console]: [ttymxc0]
[ro.boot.hardware]: [E60QJ0]
[ro.boot.serialno]: [80041040,ec22696e94dd4735bd49a79031fdae6e]
[ro.bootloader]: [unknown]
[ro.bootmode]: [unknown]
[ro.build.characteristics]: [tablet]
[ro.build.date.utc]: [1529945274]
[ro.build.date]: [Mon Jun 25 18:47:54 CEST 2018]
[ro.build.description]: [ntx_6sl-user 4.4.2 KOT49H 89 ee3fb1835172d6184eb374e4ed33b903eae4dbf6,release-keys]
[ro.build.display.id]: [KOT49H.89.ee3fb18]
[ro.build.host]: [build03]
[ro.build.id]: [KOT49H]
[ro.build.product]: [ntx_6sl]
[ro.build.tags]: [ee3fb1835172d6184eb374e4ed33b903eae4dbf6,release-keys]
[ro.build.type]: [user]
[ro.build.user]: [jenkins]
[ro.build.version.codename]: [REL]
[ro.build.version.incremental]: [89]
[ro.build.version.release]: [4.4.2]
[ro.build.version.sdk]: [19]
[ro.carrier]: [unknown]
[ro.config.alarm_alert]: [Alarm_Classic.ogg]
[ro.config.low_ram]: [true]
[ro.config.notification_sound]: [OnTheHunt.ogg]
[ro.crypto.fuse_sdcard]: [true]
[ro.crypto.state]: [unencrypted]
[ro.debuggable]: [1]
[ro.factorytest]: [0]
[ro.hardware]: [E60QJ0]
[ro.hw.ctm]: [no]
[ro.hw.epd_resolution]: [800x600]
[ro.hw.epd_vcom]: [2070]
[ro.hw.epd_waveform]: [320_G120_AD1F01_ED060SCTT1_TC]
[ro.hw.frontlight]: [no]
[ro.hw.gyro_app_ver]: []
[ro.hw.gyro_loader_ver]: []
[ro.hw.pcb_name]: [E60QJ0]
[ro.hw.touch_id]: [----]
[ro.hw.touch_ver]: [----]
[ro.hw.wifi_drv_ver]: [ (r420671)]
[ro.hw.wifi_fw_ver]: []
[ro.lockscreen.disable.default]: [true]
[ro.product.board]: [EVK]
[ro.product.brand]: [RakutenKobo]
[ro.product.cpu.abi2]: [armeabi]
[ro.product.cpu.abi]: [armeabi-v7a]
[ro.product.device]: [ntx_6sl]
[ro.product.display]: [eink]
[ro.product.hardwareType]: [E60QJ0]
[ro.product.locale.language]: [en]
[ro.product.locale.region]: [US]
[ro.product.manufacturer]: [Rakuten Kobo Inc.]
[ro.product.model]: [tolino]
[ro.product.name]: [ntx_6sl]
[ro.revision]: [393728]
[ro.ril.wake_lock_timeout]: [300]
[ro.runtime.firstboot]: [1533749512121]
[ro.secure]: [0]
[ro.serialno]: [80041040,ec22696e94dd4735bd49a79031fdae6e]
[ro.sf.hwrotation]: [270]
[ro.sf.lcd_density]: [167]
[ro.tether.denied]: [true]
[ro.wifi.channels]: []
[ro.zygote.disable_gl_preload]: [true]
[service.bootanim.exit]: [1]
[supolicy.loaded]: [1]
[sys.2step.sleep_reason]: [3]
[sys.boot_completed]: [1]
[sys.interactive]: [active]
[sys.settings_global_version]: [1]
[sys.settings_system_version]: [3]
[sys.sysctl.extra_free_kbytes]: [5625]
[sys.usb.config]: [mass_storage,adb]
[sys.usb.state]: [mass_storage,adb]
[system_init.startsurfaceflinger]: [0]
[tolino.wifi_timeout]: [180]
[vold.post_fs_data_done]: [1]
[wifi.ap.interface]: [wlan0]
[wifi.interface]: [wlan0]
[wlan.driver.status]: [unloaded]
[wlan.interface]: [wlan0]

The screen looks image

Ryogo-X commented 6 years ago

Thank you. Please try this recovery: https://1drv.ms/u/s!AlBgZahcgzeIkQCv9_N2E-6YdAFg

bell07 commented 6 years ago

The build does work for me now, thank you!

I am able to start using fastboot boot twrp.img but the image does not start if flshed to recovery partiiton.

I tried fastboot flash recovery twrp.img and dd if=/tmp/twrp.img of=/dev/block/mmcblk0p2 both with the same result: The device does power off after ~8 seconds without booting twrp :-( Any further idea? The previous build I tested without flashing only too. I was able to start "original recovery" before so I know the key grip

EDIT: tried the "Simple Reboot" app (from F-droid) . This way I see the temwin splash image, but the twrp is not started.

Ryogo-X commented 6 years ago

By the way, you tried to boot with your book connected to pc? As far as I see it won't boot into twrp while book is not connected to pc.

bell07 commented 6 years ago

You are right. Connected to PC and restarted using "Simple reboot" => TWRP started, Restarted again from TWRP => TWRP started Disconnected and restarted from TWRP => is hanging in TWRP splash image

So I this issue can be closed, since Page is supported more or less same way as other devices ;-)

Ryogo-X commented 6 years ago

Yeah, I think so. Here's a separate issue for boot without pc: https://github.com/Ryogo-Z/tolino_ntx_6sl_twrp/issues/2