Ryoyo-NV / Gaze-Analysis-System

Gaze analysis system for Jetson Xavier NX, and AGX Xavier.
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Cannot execute run_gaze_sequential.py to the end #2

Closed ryoyomyamagishi closed 2 years ago

ryoyomyamagishi commented 2 years ago

I tried to run this script without Kibana, on Jetson AGX Xavier with Jetpack 4.4 flashed by SDK Manager. But the script cannot executed to the end, and I found following error.

Error: Failed to read a frame data because gst thread is done already Error: Gst thread is dead

The full log when executed the script is attached. Could you tell me something wrong?



ryoyomyamagishi commented 2 years ago

I attempted to run this script again, on Jetson Nano B01 with Jetpack 4.4 and Deepstream 5.0 flashed by SDK Manager. I installed some packages with designating version, but I got error.

I attached the full log during running this script and the log of history. *I once mistaken forgetting option when I run the script, then I killed that process.

Thanks. log_211208.txt history.txt

takutoi commented 2 years ago

Prebuild TensorRT engines in this repository such as "age_megaasian.onnx_b8_fp16.engine" or "gender_wiki.onnx_b8_fp16.engine" are built for Xavier GPU(compute capability 7.2). So if you want to run on Nano(5.3) or TX2(6.2), you need to rebuild them on your device. Please see https://github.com/Ryoyo-NV/Gaze-Analysis-System/tree/main/model about pretrained models.

ryoyomyamagishi commented 2 years ago

I understood that provided engine file made for GPU Compute Capability 7.2, thus this script cannot run at Jetson except Xavier series by default.

Thanks for your support.

takutoi commented 2 years ago

About your first comment, it is reported "Internal data stream error." in your log.txt. Please run with video file (not camera) and show me the log messages.

ryoyomyamagishi commented 2 years ago

Thank you for your reply.

I tried to re-flash jetpack 4.4 to Jetson AGX Xavier, and run the script with sample video file (/opt/nvidia/deepstream/deepstream-5.0/samples/streams/sample_qHD.h264). But I found error as attached log file.

I can see the log got this time is different with the log I uploaded at first on this issue, but see same "Internal data stream error" was shown.

Do you have any opinion for these phenomena?

Thanks. history_211212.txt log_211212.txt

takutoi commented 2 years ago

Sorry, this program cannot read a raw H.264 file. Please use a MP4 file. In case of a webcam, please check your webcam spec using "v4l2-ctl --list-formats-ext", and specify the options --width, --height, --max-fps and --codec=mjpg as needed.

ryoyomyamagishi commented 2 years ago

Thank you for your replying.

I could run the script with mp4 file included DeepStream SDK's sample.

$ python3 run_gaze_sequential.py /opt/nvidia/deepstream/deepstream-5.0/samples/streams/sample_1080p_h264.mp4 -- codec h264

And also I could run this with USB camera, by limiting cam's spec level, such as resolution, and framerate.

$ python3 run_gaze_sequential.py --width 640 --height 480 --media v4l2 --max-fps 15 /dev/video0

I seemed the spec, 640 x480 15 fps, could run this script most appropriately under my circumstance, connecting Logicool C615 to AGX Xavier Developer Kit.

I could run this script both with USB camera and video file at Jetpack 4.4, so I solved all issue. Thank you for your support.