RyroNZ / UE4MasterServer

This is a plugin for Unreal Engine 4 that adds server registration, deregistration etc with a master server.
zlib License
223 stars 73 forks source link

Keep getting this error with 4.11 #6

Closed muzaheed57 closed 8 years ago

muzaheed57 commented 8 years ago

Keep getting this error with 4.11

Error 13 error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "declspec(dllimport) public: static class TBaseDelegate<class FFixedUObjectArray *> & cdecl FCoreDelegates::GetObjectArrayForDebugVisualizersDelegate(void)"

(_imp?GetObjectArrayForDebugVisualizersDelegate@FCoreDelegates@@SAAEAV?$TBaseDelegate@PEAVFFixedUObjectArray@@$$$V@@XZ) referenced in function "void cdecl `dynamic initializer for 'GObjectArrayForDebugVisualizers''(void)" (??EGObjectArrayForDebugVisualizers@@YAXXZ) H:\UnrealProjects\StarImperium_2\Intermediate\ProjectFiles\Module.MasterServer.cpp.obj

Is there a version for 4.11?

muzaheed57 commented 8 years ago

fixed by compiling with 4.12.5

RyroNZ commented 8 years ago

Not sure what the issue is looking at that I've been able to compile and use right up to 4.12.5 as I keep my project on the latest version... I'll close this off anyway.