Rytiggy / api-watchface

Fitbit Ionic watch face for viewing and displaying points on a graph. compatible with Xdrip+
MIT License
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Companion app occasionally fails. #11

Open PedanticAvenger opened 6 years ago

PedanticAvenger commented 6 years ago

At least once a day the updates for BG stop getting sent to the watch. When this happens the graph goes blank, the most recent value spot goes blank but the counter for time since last update continues to run. Tracker values for steps and heartrate continue to update normally. When this happens the settings option has disappeared in the companion app. The only way to address this is to re-establish dev link on phone and watch and re-push the app and companion. I'm not yet ready to attribute this to code quite yet as I suspect it is a side-loading artifact or the fitbit development environment oddity.

Rytiggy commented 6 years ago

Thank you for pointing this out 👍

Rytiggy commented 6 years ago

If you end up working on the code please make a pull request with anything you find!

PedanticAvenger commented 6 years ago

Will do, full disclosure I'm a hack with javascript and I'm getting up to speed on this environment. Current research suggests that this may want to implement wakeInterval https://dev.fitbit.com/guides/companion/#periodic-wake-interval to potentially make companion to watch interactions more stable, but this is using messaging and there seems to be a comms protocol issue that fitbit is working on which could also address this.

PedanticAvenger commented 6 years ago

Hey, welcome back! I think we can close this one as with newer ionic firmwares and other dev env changes it seems to have gone away. Also, you hang in the fitbit sdk discord server?

PedanticAvenger commented 6 years ago

If you do, poke NiVZ about nightscout.....