Ryu-From-Streets / classcompass

CS320 PUMA2 semester project
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New field for courses displaying plain english description of prerequisites? #63

Open Ryu-From-Streets opened 1 month ago

Ryu-From-Streets commented 1 month ago

Hey backend team, I was wondering if we could potentially update the course schema to include a new field "prerequisiteDescription" that contains a string with the plain english description of prerequisites. This way, alongside the "prerequisite" field that contains an array of prerequisites in a specific structure for the tree to display, we could also show the regular description of prerequisites for redundancy and clarity.

For example some courses may not have prerequisites but recommendations, which cannot be captured in the array structure. Having this extra bit of information would help address any uncertainty or nuance with prerequisites, as well as help people better understand the tree.

So for example CICS110: image Would become:

code: CICS110
description: "An introduction to comp....."
prerequisiteDescription: "R1 (or a score of 15 or higher on the math placement test Part A), or one of the following courses: MATH 101&102 or MATH 104 or MATH 127 or MATH 128 or MATH 131 or MATH 132. 4 credits."
prerequisites:  [ [ "MATH102", "MATH104", "MATH127", "MATH128", "MATH131", "MATH132" ] ]
pratimsadhu commented 1 month ago

I think that is fine. But updating the model would still require us to fill in the prerequisiteDescription part.