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Super Smash Bros. Ultimate - 01006A800016E000 #136

Open HorrorTroll opened 5 years ago

HorrorTroll commented 5 years ago

Super Smash Bros Ultimate

Version 10.1.0 Master, Build 1.0.6324

The game is working pretty good, almost perfect. Once shaders are generated, fps are pretty much stable 60 fps. No reproducable crashes I was able to find (World of light not tested).

Hardware Specs :

CPU: Amd Ryzen 5 3600 6x 3,6 Ghz GPU: Geforce Gtx 950 RAM: 16 Gb


Outstanding Issues:


Additonal Infos:

AlexLavoie42 commented 5 years ago

I'm running a 1070, so I will try and see what I can do.

AcK77 commented 4 years ago

Needs an update!

marysaka commented 4 years ago

Reported by a user on discord, possible regression on version 1.0.4114 (game version tested 3.0.0, 6.1.1 and 7.0.0)

Happens in training mode and on title screen apparently.

Logs: Ryujinx_2020-04-03_09-04-28.log

drunlade commented 4 years ago

Verison 1.0.4593

Leischii commented 4 years ago

Super Smash Bros Ultimate

Version 8.0.0

Master, Build 4829

The game is playable but not perfect. The game doesn't have any crashes when it comes to playing the base game (Normal smash fights), World of Light and other features not tested. Doesn't need "ignore missing services" enabled.

Hardware Specs :

CPU: Amd Ryzen 5 3600 6x 3,6 Ghz

GPU: Geforce Gtx 950

RAM: 16 Gb



Screenshot1 Screenshot2 Screenshot3 Screenshot4


https://i.gyazo.com/29ad2e1433696c67a51ae8af3305a2bd.mp4 https://i.gyazo.com/ced6b1f7128ea82e6cae779a0e66d920.mp4

Log file :


Additonal Info:

thomas11311 commented 3 years ago

the "Marios Special-Up attack (The one that makes him spawn coins when he hits an enemy with it) sometimes spawns purple coins instead of yellow ones." thing is intended. that's part of the real game. https://www.reddit.com/r/smashbros/comments/ajlx80/why_does_marios_up_b_make_purple_coins_sometimes/

greggameplayer commented 3 years ago

https://github.com/Ryujinx/Ryujinx/issues/1233 (tested with brand new 10.0.0 update)

EmulationFanatic commented 3 years ago

@greggameplayer that crash only happens if you try to go online, which is not supported anyway.

greggameplayer commented 3 years ago

@EmulationFanatic for me it happened when booting the game

drunlade commented 3 years ago

@greggameplayer Did you happen to be using the experimental LDN2 branch with LAN mode enabled? Just a thought that that could cause bonus network access that otherwise wouldn't take place.

greggameplayer commented 3 years ago

@drunlade yes, i enabled lan mode

EmulationFanatic commented 3 years ago

@greggameplayer it is advised to disable LAN mode unless you are using a game that supports it.

greggameplayer commented 3 years ago

@EmulationFanatic i doesn't knew that you have to disable this setting to use games which doesn't support it

EmulationFanatic commented 3 years ago

@greggameplayer It doesn't cause issues with all games when left on. But in general it's best to leave it off unless it's being actively used.

superbros45 commented 3 years ago

is the world of light mode playable? i've used several other emulator but the world of lights mode just not playable

Leischii commented 3 years ago

Super Smash Bros Ultimate Version 10.1.0 Master, Build 1.0.6324

The game is working pretty good, almost perfect. Once shaders are generated, fps are pretty much stable 60 fps. No reproducable crashes I was able to find (World of light not tested).

Hardware Specs : CPU: Amd Ryzen 5 3600 6x 3,6 Ghz GPU: Geforce Gtx 950 RAM: 16 Gb


Additonal Infos:

EmulationFanatic commented 3 years ago


NSgopi2001 commented 3 years ago

super smash bros ultimate spirits adventure keep crashing help pls

drunlade commented 3 years ago

@NSgopi2001 This isn't the right place for such comments. This page is for detailed compatibility reporting, as seen above in previous comments.

I'd suggest checking the discord server or a forum somewhere. However, the likely response is going to be along the lines of "This is an experimental emulator, many games are very likely to crash and there's not a lot you can do about it".

EmulationFanatic commented 3 years ago

Spirits/adventure mode simply doesn't work yet in the emulator. No mystery or unexpected behavior there.

LukeWarnut commented 3 years ago

When going into Vault > Sounds > Music, selecting a song, then exiting while the song is still playing, the game will crash with a missing service error.

00:02:03.827 |E| HLE.OsThread.5 Application : Unhandled exception caught: Ryujinx.HLE.Exceptions.ServiceNotImplementedException: Ryujinx.HLE.HOS.Services.Am.AppletAE.AllSystemAppletProxiesService.SystemAppletProxy.ICommonStateGetter: 52

Guest Stack Trace:
Process: Service, PID: 82

Raw Request Data:
00000000   01 00 11 00 05 00 00 00  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00   ················
00000010   53 46 43 49 01 00 00 00  34 00 00 00 00 00 00 00   SFCI····4·······
00000020   00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00               ············    

   at Ryujinx.HLE.HOS.Services.IpcService.CallMethod(ServiceCtx context) in C:\projects\ryujinx\Ryujinx.HLE\HOS\Services\IpcService.cs:line 148
   at Ryujinx.HLE.HOS.Services.ServerBase.Process(Int32 serverSessionHandle, UInt64 recvListAddr) in C:\projects\ryujinx\Ryujinx.HLE\HOS\Services\ServerBase.cs:line 208
   at Ryujinx.HLE.HOS.Services.ServerBase.ServerLoop() in C:\projects\ryujinx\Ryujinx.HLE\HOS\Services\ServerBase.cs:line 132
   at Ryujinx.HLE.HOS.Kernel.Threading.KThread.ThreadStart() in C:\projects\ryujinx\Ryujinx.HLE\HOS\Kernel\Threading\KThread.cs:line 1031
   at System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart_Context(Object state)
   at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state)
--- End of stack trace from previous location ---
   at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state)
   at System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart()
UND3RD0G5335 commented 3 years ago

is it possible to play online?

drunlade commented 3 years ago

is it possible to play online?

I'm not a dev, but pretty sure the answer is "No" and you won't ever be able to. Online is where Ninty lawyers live ;)

LDN on the other hand, I imagine support for that is coming along.

defunky commented 3 years ago

Boots ingame and can access menu, pressing anything under smash sub-menu (e.g. smash) causes black screen. Using 1.0.6819 with Smash v11.0.0

sidoka-contact commented 3 years ago

boots ingame and can access menu, but pressing anything under smash sub menu, like smash button, still causes black screen, using ryujinx 1.0.6896 with smash 11.0.1, the crash message,

EmulationFanatic commented 3 years ago

@defunky and @sidoka-contact you need a save file to bypass this

sidoka-contact commented 3 years ago

@EmulationFanatic oh thank you kind sir

meisiek commented 3 years ago

With version 1.0.0, no DLC and "ignore missing services" adventure mode fights are working. Without "ignore missing services" it still crashes when entering a fight. I saved the game and changed back to version 11.0.1 and it still works. After that I added all DLCs and can still enter the fight in adventure mode.

Very strange. It is as if the save game from version 1.0 and maybe the cached shaders and PPC prevents further crashes when entering a fight. Using ryujinx 1.0.6935

MutantAura commented 3 years ago

Matches with above 3 players will have "instant" loads in subsequent games after the first. Video below shows Ryujinx 1.0.6946, a TTC PR based on said version and real hardware: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-B-s9zhB7sU

Effect is seen in 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 player matches. When switching to 3 or 1v1 matches the effect can no longer be seen and regular load times return.

ljmerza commented 3 years ago

@EmulationFanatic oh thank you kind sir

what save file did you use to get this working?

Nakata2021 commented 2 years ago

Game not loading after update to 1.0.7000 Error code: 2002-000 Captura de tela 2021-08-17 205649

StrixKruiboh commented 1 year ago

https://youtu.be/7Lz9RgEUr1k In order to replicate pick Ness or Lucas and use PK star storm on fountain of dreams. Ryujinx_1.1.282_2022-09-29_18-51-39.log

Xalavar commented 1 year ago

Smash replays that weren't saved in Ryujinx cannot be played. Additionally, Smash replays that were saved in Ryujinx can't be played in other emulators (or on my Switch).

I.e. I backed up some Smash replays (not videos) from my Switch and imported them into Ryujinx. They show up in the game and I can play them, but the replays stop after the first few seconds. Both versions of Smash match, and so do the replays they were saved from.

Log: Ryujinx_1.1.299_2022-10-12_17-06-42.log

Given this information, it seems that Ryujinx is likely encoding and decoding replay data incorrectly.

Blackdemize commented 1 year ago

I have a problem after beating a CPU (Computer) in a match , A new challenger name Ken from SF will show up which causes my game to lag/stick then Ryujinx would come off for itself and whenever i start it over and i fight and win against CPU it keep's doing it over and over again other than that everything works fine.

If there is any tips to stop it from happening it would help me a lot.

zrksyd commented 1 year ago

On my Intel GPU, Vulkan runs way better than OpenGL. However, using the Vulkan backend and picking the Boxing Ring stage will cause Ryujinx to close. Right before Ryujinx closes, this error will appear: image

Here is my log from Vulkan: Ryujinx_1.1.338_2022-11-06_18-18-25.log

I tried using OpenGL just to see if that hard crash would occur. Although it does not crash, it does appear like this: image

Here is my log from my OpenGL experiment: Ryujinx_1.1.338_2022-11-06_18-04-44.log

zed213 commented 1 year ago

Currently have a problem with keeping a constant 60 fps due to stutters despite having a fully built shader cache. I've read something about NRO causing stutters in smash, but that was in the February 2022 Report and it had no solutions posted. Was this issue ever addressed again and fixed or is it still an ongoing problem?

Huffee commented 1 year ago

Having an issue with Joker's Arsene powerup, whenever it's on screen the game's framerate drops heavily going from stable 120fps (even in 4 player matches) to sometimes 70-80 (in 2 player matches) during certain moves, even after loading the shaders/NROs.

This is of course using the 120fps mod since my pc can keep above 60 even when Arsene is on screen but I assume it would be problematic on less powerful PCs at the game's native framerate.

If needed the steps necessary to reproduce are: In the main menu select games and more > training. Pick any stage, select Joker as your character and press start. Pause the game, select "Other Settings" and under "P1 Damage %" set it to 999 (by pressing left) This should activate Arsene for a short time.

I would also like to add that a fix to the NRO stutter situation would be very appreciated, a pull request that fixed it exists but it never got merged to the main branch.

taiwan-king commented 4 months ago

game crash on boot Ryujinx_1.1.1217_2024-03-03_13-14-27.log

Ryujinx_1.1.1217_2024-03-03_13-25-06.log work fine 1709455236262

BOB5941 commented 4 months ago

Game crashes on boot in Vulkan, however it works perfectly in OpenGL

Hardware: CPU: i5-1135G7 GPU: Intel Iris Xe RAM: 12Gb

DevilAXE commented 4 months ago

I have an rx580 and an i5-3570K cpu and many games run correctly on my pc except smash bros which loads with its logo at startup and then stays on a black screen (in vulkan and opengl). The only notable error in the log is "HLE.OsThread.11 SurfaceFlincher OnTransact: Error returned by transaction Disconnect: Bad Value".

bananadonut commented 4 months ago

Similar to Bob, game crashes on vulkan after getting to the menu. OpenGL laggy a ton for me

Hardware: CPU: amd 5800x3d GPU: amd 7800xt RAM: 16gb Ryujinx_1.1.1223_2024-03-11_02-15-15.log

Okamiissun commented 3 months ago

Ryujinx crash on fight start Hardware Os win 11 Cpu i7-12700f Gpu nvidia geoforce 4070 Ram 32gb Ryujinx_1.1.1277_2024-04-11_04-12-42.log

TheFunIsInfinite commented 3 months ago

Every time i try to open smash, it never opens, it simply crashes ryujinx, whether its vulkan or opengl Ryujinx_1.1.1294_2024-04-28_21-36-53.log

mrTerryBogard commented 1 month ago

Good day! Last 2 updates exactly. I don't update often, so I can't trace when it started. But since I updated to the previous version of Ruyjinx and noticed that this is the case for me. But this is confirmed by other players.

After the previous update, Super Smash Bros. started to slow down. Ultimate. Ryujinx in the menu shows a stable approximately 30 FPS. If there are no drawdowns when choosing arenas, then these same 30 FPS begin when choosing a player. The change in speed of SSBU is noticeable. But what’s more, during the battle the average FPS is 10-15, which gives noticeable drawdowns.

What did you do with the update?

DGHoed commented 1 month ago

Whenever I start smash on the emulator, i get this error message and a crash... image_2024-06-16_110952093