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Xenoblade Chronicles 3 - 010074F013262000 #3960

Open MetrosexualGarbodor opened 1 year ago

MetrosexualGarbodor commented 1 year ago

Xenoblade Chronicles 3

Game Update Version : 1.2.1

Current on master : 1.1.405

Hardware Specs :

CPU: i7-10700k
GPU: NVIDIA RTX 3070 driver v522.25

Game loads and plays correctly most of the time. It is completable, as I have now personally played 306 hours of it.

Personally recommend Vulkan for playing; OpenGL has higher peak performance, but the stuttering stops being an issue, although upscaling will cause visual bugs on RTX 3000 series GPUs on Vulkan. Both backends can crash due to a game issue that is more frequent on Ryujinx. See below for details.

Outstanding Issues:


~~- On Vulkan, the game can crash randomly during gameplay, cutscenes or in menus with an "ErrorDeviceLost" in the logs. https://github.com/Ryujinx/Ryujinx/issues/3530~~ As of 1.1.405, this crash will only occur if you have an old shader cache.

GPU.MainThread Gpu : VK Sync Object 7696 failed to signal within 1000ms. Continuing...
00:01:52.444 |E| GPU.MainThread Gpu : VK Sync Object 7698 failed to signal within 1000ms. Continuing...
00:01:55.504 |E| GUI.RenderLoop Application : Unhandled exception caught: Ryujinx.Graphics.Vulkan.VulkanException: Unexpected API error "ErrorDeviceLost".
   at Ryujinx.Graphics.Vulkan.FenceHelper.WaitAllIndefinitely(Vk api, Device device, ReadOnlySpan`1 fences) in D:\a\Ryujinx\Ryujinx\Ryujinx.Graphics.Vulkan\FenceHelper.cs:line 27
   at Ryujinx.Graphics.Vulkan.FenceHolder.Wait() in D:\a\Ryujinx\Ryujinx\Ryujinx.Graphics.Vulkan\FenceHolder.cs:line 58
   at Ryujinx.Graphics.Vulkan.CommandBufferPool.WaitAndDecrementRef(Int32 cbIndex, Boolean refreshFence) in D:\a\Ryujinx\Ryujinx\Ryujinx.Graphics.Vulkan\CommandBufferPool.cs:line 307
   at Ryujinx.Graphics.Vulkan.CommandBufferPool.FreeConsumed(Boolean wait) in D:\a\Ryujinx\Ryujinx\Ryujinx.Graphics.Vulkan\CommandBufferPool.cs:line 189
   at Ryujinx.Graphics.Vulkan.CommandBufferPool.Rent() in D:\a\Ryujinx\Ryujinx\Ryujinx.Graphics.Vulkan\CommandBufferPool.cs:line 214
   at Ryujinx.Graphics.Vulkan.PipelineFull.FlushCommandsImpl() in D:\a\Ryujinx\Ryujinx\Ryujinx.Graphics.Vulkan\PipelineFull.cs:line 219
   at Ryujinx.Graphics.Vulkan.SyncManager.Create(UInt64 id) in D:\a\Ryujinx\Ryujinx\Ryujinx.Graphics.Vulkan\SyncManager.cs:line 46
   at Ryujinx.Graphics.GAL.Multithreading.CommandHelper.<>c.<InitLookup>b__5_4(Span`1 memory, ThreadedRenderer threaded, IRenderer renderer) in D:\a\Ryujinx\Ryujinx\Ryujinx.Graphics.GAL\Multithreading\CommandHelper.cs:line 62
   at Ryujinx.Graphics.GAL.Multithreading.ThreadedRenderer.RenderLoop() in D:\a\Ryujinx\Ryujinx\Ryujinx.Graphics.GAL\Multithreading\ThreadedRenderer.cs:line 130
   at Ryujinx.Graphics.GAL.Multithreading.ThreadedRenderer.RunLoop(Action gpuLoop) in D:\a\Ryujinx\Ryujinx\Ryujinx.Graphics.GAL\Multithreading\ThreadedRenderer.cs:line 107
   at Ryujinx.Ui.RendererWidgetBase.Render() in D:\a\Ryujinx\Ryujinx\Ryujinx\Ui\RendererWidgetBase.cs:line 399
   at System.Threading.Thread.StartCallback()


This is what it looks like on console:



After Nvidia driver 522.25, this bug started manifesting in the form of "puzzle pieces" in the sky. This bug appears to be specific to RTX 3000 series, another user confirmed it doesn't happen on a GTX 1660S. (Picture from UltraEgoKain)


OpenGL is fine.


This issue is shared with Xenoblade 1 and 2 as well, can be seen on the title screen in 1 and a lot of Blade awakening cutscenes in 2. This only happens when increasing the internal resolution with mods on Vulkan specifically.

Screenshots :

image image image image image image image image

Log file:


sakuka47 commented 1 year ago

Crash fixed with disable mod ?

64ghost commented 1 year ago

Crash on Vulkan when loading the menu. Works on OpenGL. Other games on Vulkan work. Ryujinx_1.1.200_2022-08-01_06-54-50.log

PhiZero commented 1 year ago

A quick and dirty workaround for the "ErrorDeviceLost" error on Vulkan is to change the memory manager mode to "Software" and just be persistent and keep trying. The cause seems to be partially related to compiling shaders.

Here's my first attempt at loading a save from the start of the game. Shader count: 1430.


Crashes almost instantly without even moving.

After crashing and retrying for ~5 times. Shader count: 1665.


I no longer crash in the same scene.

The first 3 attempts it eventually crashed after 5-10 seconds if I didn't move around. The 4th and 5th attempts I moved around my camera a lot to try and get shaders compiled for everything in my surroundings. And then all of a sudden no more crashes.

And finally, after purging the shader cache again.


Back to crashing instantly.

I'm not entirely sure if this matters but I think changing memory manager mode from "Host unchecked" to "Software" does seem to help as well. However, just retrying and trying to get as many shaders compiled as possible before you crash is the best way to go for a temporary workaround.

You can easily confirm this works by attempting the following:

KawaiiDinosaur commented 1 year ago


Crashes at the first loading screen before the main menu.


phnix-dev commented 1 year ago

The game crashes for me too, here are my error logs

00:05:17.436 |S| HLE.OsThread.16 ServiceAm SetIdleTimeDetectionExtension: Stubbed. {idleTimeDetectionExtension: 2}
00:05:19.198 |E| GPU.MainThread Gpu : VK Sync Object 273471 failed to signal within 1000ms. Continuing...
00:05:20.198 |E| GPU.MainThread Gpu : VK Sync Object 273474 failed to signal within 1000ms. Continuing...
00:05:29.880 |E| GUI.RenderLoop Application : Unhandled exception caught: Ryujinx.Graphics.Vulkan.VulkanException: Unexpected API error "ErrorDeviceLost".
   at Ryujinx.Graphics.Vulkan.FenceHelper.WaitAllIndefinitely(Vk api, Device device, ReadOnlySpan`1 fences) in D:\a\Ryujinx\Ryujinx\Ryujinx.Graphics.Vulkan\FenceHelper.cs:line 27
   at Ryujinx.Graphics.Vulkan.FenceHolder.Wait() in D:\a\Ryujinx\Ryujinx\Ryujinx.Graphics.Vulkan\FenceHolder.cs:line 58
   at Ryujinx.Graphics.Vulkan.CommandBufferPool.WaitAndDecrementRef(Int32 cbIndex, Boolean refreshFence) in D:\a\Ryujinx\Ryujinx\Ryujinx.Graphics.Vulkan\CommandBufferPool.cs:line 307
   at Ryujinx.Graphics.Vulkan.CommandBufferPool.FreeConsumed(Boolean wait) in D:\a\Ryujinx\Ryujinx\Ryujinx.Graphics.Vulkan\CommandBufferPool.cs:line 189
   at Ryujinx.Graphics.Vulkan.CommandBufferPool.Rent() in D:\a\Ryujinx\Ryujinx\Ryujinx.Graphics.Vulkan\CommandBufferPool.cs:line 214
   at Ryujinx.Graphics.Vulkan.PipelineFull.GetPreloadCommandBuffer() in D:\a\Ryujinx\Ryujinx\Ryujinx.Graphics.Vulkan\PipelineFull.cs:line 175
   at Ryujinx.Graphics.Vulkan.BufferHolder.SetData(Int32 offset, ReadOnlySpan`1 data, Nullable`1 cbs, Action endRenderPass) in D:\a\Ryujinx\Ryujinx\Ryujinx.Graphics.Vulkan\BufferHolder.cs:line 166
   at Ryujinx.Graphics.Vulkan.VulkanRenderer.SetBufferData(BufferHandle buffer, Int32 offset, ReadOnlySpan`1 data) in D:\a\Ryujinx\Ryujinx\Ryujinx.Graphics.Vulkan\VulkanRenderer.cs:line 526
   at Ryujinx.Graphics.GAL.Multithreading.CommandHelper.<>c.<InitLookup>b__5_13(Span`1 memory, ThreadedRenderer threaded, IRenderer renderer) in D:\a\Ryujinx\Ryujinx\Ryujinx.Graphics.GAL\Multithreading\CommandHelper.cs:line 81
   at Ryujinx.Graphics.GAL.Multithreading.ThreadedRenderer.RenderLoop() in D:\a\Ryujinx\Ryujinx\Ryujinx.Graphics.GAL\Multithreading\ThreadedRenderer.cs:line 131
   at Ryujinx.Graphics.GAL.Multithreading.ThreadedRenderer.RunLoop(Action gpuLoop) in D:\a\Ryujinx\Ryujinx\Ryujinx.Graphics.GAL\Multithreading\ThreadedRenderer.cs:line 108
   at Ryujinx.Ui.RendererWidgetBase.Render() in D:\a\Ryujinx\Ryujinx\Ryujinx\Ui\RendererWidgetBase.cs:line 399
   at System.Threading.Thread.StartCallback()
yuwenhua653 commented 1 year ago

The crash on the menu seems to be more serious after 1.1.200, so that the menu cannot be opened at all, which is manifested as a crash immediately after opening the menu within a few seconds

S0gnat0re commented 1 year ago

Vulkan only visual issue



Nothing on OpenGL


Chapter 7 Savefile at the only spot i've noticed so far 0.zip

fedast commented 1 year ago

Tried S0gnat0re's savefile and don't have that issue while running on Vulkan. Works fine. I'm using 1.1.206 with a RTX3080.

S0gnat0re commented 1 year ago

Tried S0gnat0re's savefile and don't have that issue while running on Vulkan. Works fine. I'm using 1.1.206 with a RTX3080.

Can confirm the issue is gone as of 1.1.206 ryujinx_capture_2022-08-04_04-38-22

Drakonas commented 1 year ago

I wanted to mention that the character model disappearing issue may not be entirely on-emulator. I play this game a lot on my actual Switch, and one time a character's weapon model did not load. (swinging hands like a sword)

FirionHope commented 1 year ago

I've been playing 1.1.206 Vulkan, for the most part it runs fine, like other people said rarely stuff will be missing or not spawn in but it usually fixes itself fast. However every once in a while itll crash, and then once it crashes once it will continue to consistently crash every time I open the menu. until I clear either the shader or pptc cache (not very knowledgeable but guessing its shader). It even crashes my entire PC sometimes. It almost seems like theres a small chance it'll just generate a corrupted shader or something and everytime it tries to load said shader will crash.

Wabinab commented 1 year ago

@FirionHope is right. I keep crashing when approaching a scene, and clearing the PPTC cache it doesn't continue crashing; not sure if in the future will have more crashes though... I also changed memory management from "host unchecked" to "host", not sure if that helps...

Edit: As mentioned by @CloneIX, one also purged everything today for it to work properly. One guesses it might be a "limit" to shader cache? I don't know, one had around 7.5k shader cache by then, then only problem comes up. Other times it seems to be working "quite fine".

CloneIX commented 1 year ago

@FirionHope and @Wabinab

I confirm: Clearing JUST the PPTC cache and rebooting the game clears the crashes when going into the menu. If I do not do that, then everytime I load the game and enter the menu via "X" - the game crashes.

The only missing thing I have found otherwise are some of the (most of the time) red particles when soldiers are fallen.

EDIT: JUST clearing the PPTC cache did not work on my 4th try. Had top clear both caches.

ExE-Boss commented 1 year ago

The log also contains a lot of “Invalid texture format” messages with many different IDs^1. Which is probably why many particle effects are broken.

There’s also the occasional vertex explosion during some cutscenes like what used to plague Xenoblade Chronicles 2.

Wabinab commented 1 year ago

The fix on 1.1.213 is quite good. Recovery on most cases. However, upon enter recovery, screen starts getting laggy as if recovery seems to keep happening frequently. Then, if you leave it for too long without restarting Ryujinx, you might get stuck on a frame sooner or later, without any error messages.

Then upon restart without purging cache, there's a chance that opening the menu will lead to the same result again. (for me, this only happens when trying to fight Phantom Streya)

00:02:20.445 |E| Gpu : GL Sync Object 63902 failed to signal within 1000ms. Continuing...

One got stuck there 2 times chain attacking with Ouroboros ending, aside from another issue that Phantom Streya is invisible (except for its shadow) during attack.

scol1951 commented 1 year ago

Ryujinx version: 1.1.213 Game version: xenoblade 1.1.0 System Specs: OS: Windows 10 CPU: 5800x GPU: amd 5700 RAM: 16gb Applied Mods : no


It doesn't go through the start menu. The game freezes. Opengl and vulkan are the same. } ], "talent_lv": ], "en_arts_learned": [ 0, 0 ], "en_skill_learned": [ 0, 0 ], "ui_lasted_open_scene_id": 0, "ui_lasted_open_transition_type": 0, "ui_lasted_close_scene_id": 0, "ui_lasted_close_transition_type": 0, "session_id": { "TypeCode": 0, "Value": "0xEC8AEB25B813E675" opengl.log vulkan.log

scol1951 commented 1 year ago

3552 version works fine in my computer.

There is a problem with grass, and there is a problem with the graphics breaking when looking east of the Pentelas Region on AMD...


MetrosexualGarbodor commented 1 year ago


Wabinab commented 1 year ago

One sometimes get this kind of crashes:

02:49:08.888 |E| HLE.GuestThread.19 Cpu InvalidAccessHandler: Invalid memory access at virtual address 0x0000001CF45BD000.
02:49:08.970 |E| HLE.GuestThread.19 Application : Unhandled exception caught: Ryujinx.Memory.InvalidMemoryRegionException: Attempted to access an invalid memory region.
   at Ryujinx.Memory.Tracking.MemoryTracking.VirtualMemoryEvent(UInt64 address, UInt64 size, Boolean write, Boolean precise) in D:\a\Ryujinx\Ryujinx\Ryujinx.Memory\Tracking\MemoryTracking.cs:line 252
   at ARMeilleure.Translation.Translator.Execute(ExecutionContext context, UInt64 address) in D:\a\Ryujinx\Ryujinx\ARMeilleure\Translation\Translator.cs:line 168
   at Ryujinx.Cpu.Jit.JitCpuContext.Execute(IExecutionContext context, UInt64 address) in D:\a\Ryujinx\Ryujinx\Ryujinx.Cpu\Jit\JitCpuContext.cs:line 32
   at Ryujinx.HLE.HOS.ArmProcessContext`1.Execute(IExecutionContext context, UInt64 codeAddress) in D:\a\Ryujinx\Ryujinx\Ryujinx.HLE\HOS\ArmProcessContext.cs:line 40
   at Ryujinx.HLE.HOS.Kernel.Threading.KThread.ThreadStart() in D:\a\Ryujinx\Ryujinx\Ryujinx.HLE\HOS\Kernel\Threading\KThread.cs:line 1265

It's more rarer than the Vulkan "open-menu" crash, but it happens randomly. I'm using "Host" as memory-mapping. It happens on both Vulkan and OpenGL.

yuwenhua653 commented 1 year ago

I used the 217 version to play for about 1H, most of them were good, but finally got stuck on the battle interface, but the game was still running, but the screen was stuck, I successfully saved the game after the battle was over. Below is the log file

Ryujinx_1.1.217_2022-08-16_14-50-34.log The error is as follows:Gpu AwaitResult: Error: Query result timed out. Took more than 5000 tries.

MetrosexualGarbodor commented 1 year ago

Where are you seeing that they are mostly fixed? I'm checking some cutscenes and they all look the same. Can you post a comparison?

MetrosexualGarbodor commented 1 year ago

Both of those worked exactly the same in 1.1.217

KawaiiDinosaur commented 1 year ago

Both of those worked exactly the same in 1.1.217

Oh and here's some of the prologue with a lightshow that I'd normally barely even see any in other than the parts where the two big robots would vacuum the particles in(probably just planes with scrolling textures since there are so many on screen at the same time):


I'm almost sure that cutscene is pre-rendered. The games switches from pre-rendered to realtime, a la good old Final Fantasy 7.

CloneIX commented 1 year ago

I have a reproducable visual bug. Water becomes black. No mods / cheats installed and caches deleted before boot. It depends on the camera angle for it to be this blacked out.


And my log: Ryujinx_1.1.220_2022-08-17_23-48-28.log

CloneIX commented 1 year ago

And my saves:


MetrosexualGarbodor commented 1 year ago

After playing for almost 12 hours straight today on Vulkan (log file for proof), it seems the Vulkan crashes have been fixed by either 1.1.218 or 1.1.219. At the end it finally crashed, but with the fatal memory error and not the Device Lost error. If no one can provide proof that the Vulkan device loss is still happening on the latest build, I'll mark it as fixed.

Edit: nevermind, it's still happening.

KawaiiDinosaur commented 1 year ago


Crashes at the first loading screen before the main menu.


Still the same in the 1.1.222 using Vulkan on AMD with mesa drivers. It crashes with /app/bin/ryujinx-wrapper, line 7: 13 Floating point exception (wrapped core image)Ryujinx "$@".

RandomGitUser321 commented 1 year ago

that the Vulkan device loss is still happening on the latest build, I'll mark it as fixed.

Edit: nevermind, it's still happening.

I managed to play a few hours today and I'm in chapter 4, crashed at least once every 30 min on VK while exploring new places. The game still seems to lag out or do something weird in the background when unlooted ether nodes or husks are nearby. I usually save before looting them, loot them, save again, then restart the emulator. Usually prevents a crash for me, otherwise, after 20-30 min, the game will inevitably crash when I open the menu or there's some area that has to load in a bunch of new assets as you're walking around. If I play on OGL, the game will often do this hard lagging thing on the ether nodes where it hangs(doesn't crash) for a second or two, then progresses a second, then hangs, over and over till the node is fully looted. But I know OGL has different rules than VK for hangs.

All that said, once you've looted the ether nodes and sent off the husks in a zone, the game doesn't seem to crash anymore and I can go hours without any problems.

KawaiiDinosaur commented 1 year ago

Screenshot_20220801_105242 Crashes at the first loading screen before the main menu. Ryujinx_1.1.201_2022-08-01_10-51-08.zip

Still the same in the 1.1.222 using Vulkan on AMD with mesa drivers. It crashes with /app/bin/ryujinx-wrapper, line 7: 13 Floating point exception (wrapped core image)Ryujinx "$@".

Now on 1.1.226 with Vulkan it goes past the loading screen but my desktop hangs and I can't do anything. The log outputs:

00:00:37.575 |I| .NET ThreadPool Worker Ptc Save: Saved Profiling Info (size: 138609 bytes, profiled functions: 40872).
00:00:39.258 |E| Gpu : VK Sync Object 668 failed to signal within 1000ms. Continuing...
00:00:49.365 |E| HLE.GuestThread.19 Gpu : VK Sync Object 673 failed to signal within 1000ms. Continuing...
00:00:53.656 |E| Gpu AwaitResult: Error: Query result SamplesPassed timed out. Took more than 5000 tries.
00:00:59.338 |E| Gpu : VK Sync Object 676 failed to signal within 1000ms. Continuing...
00:00:59.338 |E| HLE.GuestThread.19 Gpu : VK Sync Object 677 failed to signal within 1000ms. Continuing...
00:01:09.418 |E| HLE.GuestThread.19 Gpu : VK Sync Object 681 failed to signal within 1000ms. Continuing...
00:01:13.714 |E| Gpu AwaitResult: Error: Query result SamplesPassed timed out. Took more than 5000 tries.
00:01:19.392 |E| HLE.GuestThread.19 Gpu : VK Sync Object 685 failed to signal within 1000ms. Continuing...
00:01:19.395 |E| Gpu : VK Sync Object 684 failed to signal within 1000ms. Continuing...
00:01:29.445 |E| HLE.GuestThread.19 Gpu : VK Sync Object 688 failed to signal within 1000ms. Continuing...
00:01:30.458 |E| HLE.GuestThread.19 Gpu : VK Sync Object 689 failed to signal within 1000ms. Continuing...
00:01:34.762 |E| Gpu AwaitResult: Error: Query result SamplesPassed timed out. Took more than 5000 tries.
00:01:39.445 |E| Gpu : VK Sync Object 692 failed to signal within 1000ms. Continuing...
00:01:39.445 |E| HLE.GuestThread.19 Gpu : VK Sync Object 693 failed to signal within 1000ms. Continuing...
00:01:49.502 |E| HLE.GuestThread.19 Gpu : VK Sync Object 696 failed to signal within 1000ms. Continuing...
00:01:50.515 |E| HLE.GuestThread.19 Gpu : VK Sync Object 697 failed to signal within 1000ms. Continuing...
00:01:54.815 |E| Gpu AwaitResult: Error: Query result SamplesPassed timed out. Took more than 5000 tries.
00:01:58.516 |I| Hid Configure: Configured Controller ProController to Player1
00:01:59.498 |E| HLE.GuestThread.19 Gpu : VK Sync Object 701 failed to signal within 1000ms. Continuing...
00:01:59.498 |E| Gpu : VK Sync Object 700 failed to signal within 1000ms. Continuing...
00:02:09.552 |E| Gpu : VK Sync Object 704 failed to signal within 1000ms. Continuing...
00:02:09.578 |E| HLE.GuestThread.19 Gpu : VK Sync Object 705 failed to signal within 1000ms. Continuing...
00:02:19.552 |E| HLE.GuestThread.19 Gpu : VK Sync Object 709 failed to signal within 1000ms. Continuing...
00:02:19.552 |E| Gpu : VK Sync Object 708 failed to signal within 1000ms. Continuing...
00:02:24.842 |I| Hid Configure: Configured Controller ProController to Player1
00:02:28.785 |I| Hid Configure: Configured Controller ProController to Player1
00:02:29.605 |E| Gpu : VK Sync Object 712 failed to signal within 1000ms. Continuing...
00:02:29.632 |E| HLE.GuestThread.19 Gpu : VK Sync Object 713 failed to signal within 1000ms. Continuing...
00:02:38.666 |I| Hid Configure: Configured Controller ProController to Player1
00:02:39.605 |E| HLE.GuestThread.19 Gpu : VK Sync Object 717 failed to signal within 1000ms. Continuing...
00:02:39.605 |E| Gpu : VK Sync Object 716 failed to signal within 1000ms. Continuing...
00:02:49.658 |E| Gpu : VK Sync Object 720 failed to signal within 1000ms. Continuing...
00:02:49.685 |E| HLE.GuestThread.19 Gpu : VK Sync Object 721 failed to signal within 1000ms. Continuing...
00:02:59.658 |E| HLE.GuestThread.19 Gpu : VK Sync Object 725 failed to signal within 1000ms. Continuing...
00:02:59.658 |E| Gpu : VK Sync Object 724 failed to signal within 1000ms. Continuing...
00:03:09.715 |E| Gpu : VK Sync Object 728 failed to signal within 1000ms. Continuing...
00:03:09.742 |E| HLE.GuestThread.19 Gpu : VK Sync Object 729 failed to signal within 1000ms. Continuing...
00:03:19.712 |E| HLE.GuestThread.19 Gpu : VK Sync Object 733 failed to signal within 1000ms. Continuing...
00:03:19.712 |E| Gpu : VK Sync Object 732 failed to signal within 1000ms. Continuing...
00:03:29.765 |E| Gpu : VK Sync Object 736 failed to signal within 1000ms. Continuing...
00:03:29.795 |E| HLE.GuestThread.19 Gpu : VK Sync Object 737 failed to signal within 1000ms. Continuing...
00:03:39.765 |E| HLE.GuestThread.19 Gpu : VK Sync Object 741 failed to signal within 1000ms. Continuing...
00:03:39.765 |E| Gpu : VK Sync Object 740 failed to signal within 1000ms. Continuing...
00:03:49.872 |E| Gpu : VK Sync Object 752 failed to signal within 1000ms. Continuing...
00:03:49.898 |E| HLE.GuestThread.19 Gpu : VK Sync Object 753 failed to signal within 1000ms. Continuing...
00:04:00.032 |E| Gpu : VK Sync Object 756 failed to signal within 1000ms. Continuing...
00:04:00.035 |E| HLE.GuestThread.19 Gpu : VK Sync Object 757 failed to signal within 1000ms. Continuing...
00:04:10.058 |E| Gpu : VK Sync Object 760 failed to signal within 1000ms. Continuing...
00:04:10.112 |E| HLE.GuestThread.19 Gpu : VK Sync Object 761 failed to signal within 1000ms. Continuing...


Wabinab commented 1 year ago

I got this kind of crash

01:36:33.712 |E| HLE.GuestThread.15 Cpu InvalidAccessHandler: Invalid memory access at virtual address 0x000000733E013000.
01:36:33.786 |E| HLE.GuestThread.15 Application : Unhandled exception caught: Ryujinx.Memory.InvalidMemoryRegionException: Attempted to access an invalid memory region.
   at Ryujinx.Memory.Tracking.MemoryTracking.VirtualMemoryEvent(UInt64 address, UInt64 size, Boolean write, Boolean precise) in D:\a\Ryujinx\Ryujinx\Ryujinx.Memory\Tracking\MemoryTracking.cs:line 252
   at ARMeilleure.Translation.Translator.Execute(ExecutionContext context, UInt64 address) in D:\a\Ryujinx\Ryujinx\ARMeilleure\Translation\Translator.cs:line 168
   at Ryujinx.Cpu.Jit.JitCpuContext.Execute(IExecutionContext context, UInt64 address) in D:\a\Ryujinx\Ryujinx\Ryujinx.Cpu\Jit\JitCpuContext.cs:line 32
   at Ryujinx.HLE.HOS.ArmProcessContext`1.Execute(IExecutionContext context, UInt64 codeAddress) in D:\a\Ryujinx\Ryujinx\Ryujinx.HLE\HOS\ArmProcessContext.cs:line 40
   at Ryujinx.HLE.HOS.Kernel.Threading.KThread.ThreadStart() in D:\a\Ryujinx\Ryujinx\Ryujinx.HLE\HOS\Kernel\Threading\KThread.cs:line 1265
   at System.Threading.Thread.StartCallback()

especially when it tries to load the character models. That is, if you enter the menu -> character or menu -> heroes, it tries to load the model which you can spin about and check it out. When it fails to load or too much of a burden to render the character, it crashes.

I'm using 1.1.217 and OpenGL, Host memory management btw.

EDIT: It might also be useful to note that, with almost 15k shaders currently, it's insufficient to store everything in RAM, as I only have 16GB RAM, and nearly one-third of them reserved by Windows, and Ryujinx's shader cache uses more than the rest of the available RAM. If memory addresses were cached at the beginning, some of them might have been moved to virtual RAM (on the SSD/hard disk) and move back when needed to use, which invalidates the cached address since now it's stored on a different address. Though, this is just my assumption/opinion which may/may not be true.

scol1951 commented 1 year ago

AMD Game Update Version : 1.0 Current on master : 1.1.227 Hardware Specs : CPU: 5800x GPU: RX 5700 driver 22.8.1 RAM: 16GB

game : saga scarlet grace : ambitions

I am writing this as it is a similar symptom in vulkan. Even in the game above, it often crashes from the menu, and the game turns off if you turn on the game and browse the Internet or do something else. Sometimes the game doesn't shut down, just music and ryujinx freezes. (must force quit) vulkan.log

1.1.227 saga scarlet grace no longer crashes on opengl. It is possible to play the game continuously for more than 6 hours. Instead, it stutters occasionally.

Error with both opengl and vulkan

00:00:31.422 |E| HLE.OsThread.6 AudioRenderer Update: Unmap of memory pool (address: 0x1015ae3000, size 0x8000) failed! 00:00:31.423 |E| HLE.OsThread.6 AudioRenderer Update: Unmap of memory pool (address: 0x1015aeb000, size 0x8000) failed!

I can't read the log, but it seems that there are a lot of errors in the battle screen in opengl.


ayurai commented 1 year ago

Anyone have seen this bug where texture doesn't loading correctly? Place is colony lambda, Isurd's cottage. image

(gonna post logs later) edit: ....Or i would, if I hadn't forgotten that the emulator creates a log file every time I merely open it, and I've reopened it more than 3x.

emilianoscolaro commented 1 year ago

00:00:03.942 |S| HLE.OsThread.10 ServiceNv FinishInitialize: Stubbed. 00:00:03.946 |I| HLE.OsThread.16 SurfaceFlinger CreateLayerFromId: Creating layer 1 00:00:03.948 |I| HLE.OsThread.16 SurfaceFlinger CreateLayerFromId: Creating layer 2 00:00:03.964 |S| HLE.OsThread.10 ServiceNv InitializeEx: Stubbed. 00:00:03.988 |S| HLE.OsThread.10 ServiceNv GetActiveSlotMask: Stubbed. 00:00:04.037 |S| HLE.OsThread.10 ServiceNv SetNvMapFd: Stubbed. 00:00:04.037 |S| HLE.OsThread.10 ServiceNv AllocGpfifoEx2: Stubbed. 00:00:04.038 |S| HLE.OsThread.10 ServiceNv AllocObjCtx: Stubbed. 00:00:04.039 |S| HLE.OsThread.10 ServiceNv SetErrorNotifier: Stubbed. 00:00:04.039 |S| HLE.OsThread.10 ServiceNv SetUserData: Stubbed. 00:00:04.039 |S| HLE.OsThread.10 ServiceNv SetTimeout: Stubbed. 00:00:04.040 |S| HLE.OsThread.10 ServiceNv SetTimeslice: Stubbed. 00:00:04.041 |S| HLE.OsThread.10 ServiceNv ZcullBind: Stubbed. 00:00:04.092 |S| HLE.OsThread.10 ServiceNv ZbcSetTable: Stubbed. 00:00:04.092 |S| HLE.OsThread.10 ServiceNv GetActiveSlotMask: Stubbed. 00:00:04.092 |S| HLE.OsThread.10 ServiceNv ZbcSetTable: Stubbed. 00:00:04.092 |S| HLE.OsThread.10 ServiceNv GetActiveSlotMask: Stubbed. 00:00:04.092 |S| HLE.OsThread.10 ServiceNv ZbcSetTable: Stubbed. 00:00:04.092 |S| HLE.OsThread.10 ServiceNv GetActiveSlotMask: Stubbed. 00:00:04.093 |S| HLE.OsThread.10 ServiceNv ZbcSetTable: Stubbed. 00:00:04.093 |S| HLE.OsThread.10 ServiceNv GetActiveSlotMask: Stubbed. 00:00:04.093 |S| HLE.OsThread.10 ServiceNv ZbcSetTable: Stubbed. 00:00:04.093 |S| HLE.OsThread.10 ServiceNv GetActiveSlotMask: Stubbed. 00:00:04.093 |S| HLE.OsThread.10 ServiceNv ZbcSetTable: Stubbed. 00:00:04.093 |S| HLE.OsThread.10 ServiceNv GetActiveSlotMask: Stubbed. 00:00:04.093 |S| HLE.OsThread.10 ServiceNv ZbcSetTable: Stubbed. 00:00:04.093 |S| HLE.OsThread.10 ServiceNv GetActiveSlotMask: Stubbed. 00:00:04.239 |S| HLE.OsThread.9 ServiceHid ActivateTouchScreen: Stubbed. {appletResourceUserId: 1} 00:00:04.247 |S| HLE.OsThread.9 ServiceHid ActiveNpadImpl: Stubbed. {appletResourceUserId: 1 ; revision: 3} 00:00:04.248 |S| HLE.OsThread.9 ServiceHid SetSupportedNpadStyleSet: Stubbed. {pid: 92 ; appletResourceUserId: 1 ; type: ProController, Handheld, JoyconPair} 00:00:04.252 |S| HLE.OsThread.9 ServiceHid SetSupportedNpadIdType: Stubbed. 4 Players: Player1,Player2,Player3,Handheld 00:00:04.390 |I| HLE.OsThread.16 ServiceAm GetDesiredLanguage: Application doesn't support configured language. Using BritishEnglish 00:00:04.473 |S| HLE.OsThread.6 ServiceAudio GetActiveChannelCount: Stubbed. 00:00:04.476 |S| HLE.OsThread.6 ServiceAudio QueryAudioDeviceOutputEvent: Stubbed. 00:00:04.509 |S| HLE.OsThread.6 ServiceAudio GetActiveChannelCount: Stubbed. 00:00:09.772 |S| HLE.OsThread.16 ServiceAm GetPseudoDeviceId: Stubbed. 00:00:09.773 |I| HLE.OsThread.16 ServiceAm GetDesiredLanguage: Application doesn't support configured language. Using BritishEnglish 00:00:11.147 |I| HLE.OsThread.7 AudioRenderer AcquireSessionId: Registered new output (0) 00:00:11.158 |I| HLE.OsThread.7 Audio EnsureAudioStreamSetup: New audio stream setup with a target sample count of 1024 00:00:21.856 |E| GUI.RenderLoop Application : Unhandled exception caught: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at Ryujinx.Graphics.Vulkan.I8ToI16CacheKey.Dispose() in D:\a\Ryujinx\Ryujinx\Ryujinx.Graphics.Vulkan\CacheByRange.cs:line 30 at Ryujinx.Graphics.Vulkan.CacheByRange1.Clear() in D:\a\Ryujinx\Ryujinx\Ryujinx.Graphics.Vulkan\CacheByRange.cs:line 153 at Ryujinx.Graphics.Vulkan.BufferHolder.TryPushData(CommandBufferScoped cbs, Action endRenderPass, Int32 dstOffset, ReadOnlySpan1 data) in D:\a\Ryujinx\Ryujinx\Ryujinx.Graphics.Vulkan\BufferHolder.cs:line 241 at Ryujinx.Graphics.Vulkan.BufferHolder.SetData(Int32 offset, ReadOnlySpan1 data, Nullable1 cbs, Action endRenderPass) in D:\a\Ryujinx\Ryujinx\Ryujinx.Graphics.Vulkan\BufferHolder.cs:line 166 at Ryujinx.Graphics.Vulkan.VulkanRenderer.SetBufferData(BufferHandle buffer, Int32 offset, ReadOnlySpan1 data) in D:\a\Ryujinx\Ryujinx\Ryujinx.Graphics.Vulkan\VulkanRenderer.cs:line 535 at Ryujinx.Graphics.GAL.Multithreading.CommandHelper.<>c.<InitLookup>b__5_13(Span1 memory, ThreadedRenderer threaded, IRenderer renderer) in D:\a\Ryujinx\Ryujinx\Ryujinx.Graphics.GAL\Multithreading\CommandHelper.cs:line 81 at Ryujinx.Graphics.GAL.Multithreading.ThreadedRenderer.RenderLoop() in D:\a\Ryujinx\Ryujinx\Ryujinx.Graphics.GAL\Multithreading\ThreadedRenderer.cs:line 130 at Ryujinx.Graphics.GAL.Multithreading.ThreadedRenderer.RunLoop(Action gpuLoop) in D:\a\Ryujinx\Ryujinx\Ryujinx.Graphics.GAL\Multithreading\ThreadedRenderer.cs:line 107 at Ryujinx.Ui.RendererWidgetBase.Render() in D:\a\Ryujinx\Ryujinx\Ryujinx\Ui\RendererWidgetBase.cs:line 399 at System.Threading.Thread.StartCallback()

MetrosexualGarbodor commented 1 year ago

Removing the audio label since it seems all of the audio issues are there in real hardware.

yuwenhua653 commented 1 year ago

The game crashes on the first loading screen before the main menu after AMD mesa users update drivers for 22.2.0 and above. Use OpenGL. If you have a previous shader cache, the game will crash in the loading cache

Renari commented 1 year ago

The game crashes on the first loading screen before the main menu after AMD mesa users update drivers for 22.2.0 and above. Use OpenGL. If you have a previous shader cache, the game will crash in the loading cache

This appears to affect Steam Deck as well, with Vulkan game crashes with a stack smashing error after hitting the first "OK" prompt.

Ryujinx: 1.1.309

Click to expand log ``` 00:00:00.005 |I| Configuration LogValueChange: EnableFileLog set to: True 00:00:00.083 |I| Configuration LogValueChange: ResScale set to: 1 00:00:00.090 |I| Configuration LogValueChange: ResScaleCustom set to: 1 00:00:00.090 |I| Configuration LogValueChange: MaxAnisotropy set to: -1 00:00:00.091 |I| Configuration LogValueChange: AspectRatio set to: Fixed16x9 00:00:00.093 |I| Configuration LogValueChange: BackendThreading set to: Auto 00:00:00.094 |I| Configuration LogValueChange: GraphicsBackend set to: OpenGl 00:00:00.096 |I| Configuration LogValueChange: PreferredGpu set to: 00:00:00.099 |I| Configuration LogValueChange: EnableDockedMode set to: False 00:00:00.109 |I| Configuration LogValueChange: EnableVsync set to: True 00:00:00.109 |I| Configuration LogValueChange: EnableShaderCache set to: True 00:00:00.109 |I| Configuration LogValueChange: EnableTextureRecompression set to: False 00:00:00.109 |I| Configuration LogValueChange: EnablePtc set to: True 00:00:00.109 |I| Configuration LogValueChange: EnableInternetAccess set to: False 00:00:00.109 |I| Configuration LogValueChange: EnableFsIntegrityChecks set to: True 00:00:00.109 |I| Configuration LogValueChange: FsGlobalAccessLogMode set to: 0 00:00:00.110 |I| Configuration LogValueChange: AudioBackend set to: SDL2 00:00:00.110 |I| Configuration LogValueChange: AudioVolume set to: 1 00:00:00.111 |I| Configuration LogValueChange: MemoryManagerMode set to: HostMappedUnsafe 00:00:00.111 |I| Configuration LogValueChange: ExpandRam set to: False 00:00:00.111 |I| Configuration LogValueChange: IgnoreMissingServices set to: False 00:00:00.116 |N| Application PrintSystemInfo: Ryujinx Version: 1.1.309 00:00:00.134 |N| Application Print: Operating System: Linux 5.13.0-valve21.3-1-neptune #1 SMP PREEMPT Mon, 03 Oct 2022 23:17:36 +0000 (X64) 00:00:00.134 |N| Application Print: CPU: AMD Custom APU 0405 AmdCcxVhFf3PeiInit Entry ; 4 logical 00:00:00.135 |N| Application Print: RAM: Total 14836 MB ; Available 12293 MB 00:00:00.139 |N| Application PrintSystemInfo: Logs Enabled: Info, Warning, Error, Guest, Stub 00:00:00.140 |N| Application PrintSystemInfo: Launch Mode: UserProfile Gtk-Message: 09:05:18.389: Failed to load module "canberra-gtk-module" WARNING: radv is not a conformant Vulkan implementation, testing use only. 00:00:16.208 |I| Configuration LogValueChange: GraphicsBackend set to: Vulkan 00:00:16.208 |I| Configuration LogValueChange: PreferredGpu set to: 0x1002_0x163F 00:00:00.143 |I| Gpu : Backend Threading (Auto): True 00:00:00.360 |N| Application LoadApplication: Using Firmware Version: 14.1.2 00:00:00.360 |I| Application LoadApplication: Loading as XCI. 00:00:00.462 |I| ModLoader QueryContentsDir: Searching mods for Title 010074F013262000 00:00:00.463 |I| ModLoader QueryContentsDir: Searching mods for Title 010074F013262000 00:00:00.479 |I| Application EnsureSaveData: Ensuring required savedata exists. 00:00:00.491 |I| Loader LoadExeFs: Loading rtld... 00:00:00.608 |I| Loader PrintRoSectionInfo: rtld: Module: nnrtld 00:00:00.608 |I| Loader LoadExeFs: Loading main... 00:00:00.866 |I| Loader PrintRoSectionInfo: main: Module: C:\Monolithsoft\BF3\prog\application\BF3\NX64\Rom_Master\BF3.nss SDK Libraries: SDK MW+Nintendo+NintendoSDK_libz-12_3_9-Release 00:00:00.866 |I| Loader LoadExeFs: Loading subsdk0... 00:00:00.929 |I| Loader PrintRoSectionInfo: subsdk0: Module: multimedia SDK Libraries: SDK MW+Nintendo+NintendoSDK_movie-12_3_9-Release 00:00:00.929 |I| Loader LoadExeFs: Loading sdk... 00:00:01.054 |I| Loader PrintRoSectionInfo: sdk: Module: nnSdk FS SDK Version: 12.3.9 SDK Libraries: SDK MW+Nintendo+NintendoSDK_libz-12_3_9-Release SDK MW+Nintendo+NintendoSdk_nnSdk-12_3_9-Release SDK MW+Nintendo+NintendoSDK_NVN-12_3_9-Release 00:00:01.094 |I| Ptc Initialize: Initializing Profiled Persistent Translation Cache (enabled: True). 00:00:01.479 |I| Ptc Load: Loaded Translation Cache (size: 23314012 bytes, translated functions: 19349). 00:00:01.496 |I| Ptc Load: Loaded Profiling Info (size: 101312 bytes, profiled functions: 30149). 00:00:01.729 |I| Loader LoadNsos: Loading image 0 at 0x0000000008000000... 00:00:01.732 |I| Loader LoadNsos: Loading image 1 at 0x0000000008004000... 00:00:01.745 |I| Loader LoadNsos: Loading image 2 at 0x0000000009f94000... 00:00:01.747 |I| Loader LoadNsos: Loading image 3 at 0x000000000a62e000... 00:00:01.766 |I| ModLoader LoadCheats: Build ids found for title 010074F013262000: E79AB9AF2AB0517496B6C5630B5C7A69769806D4000000000000000000000000 60887A25B66529910275A1066003A00217914F5E000000000000000000000000 BE1EE79A9968A35A6B63FC8F1036A6D4447F4AC3000000000000000000000000 E8CDCEB1E77A8465FE20F21928E8D296EEA3117E000000000000000000000000 00:00:01.766 |I| Loader LoadNca: Application Loaded: Xenoblade Chronicles 3 v1.0.0 [010074f013262000] [64-bit] 00:00:01.783 |I| GUI.WindowThread Hid Configure: Configured Controller ProController to Player1 00:00:01.829 |I| GUI.WindowThread Hid SetupNpad: Connected Controller ProController to Player1 WARNING: radv is not a conformant Vulkan implementation, testing use only. 00:00:02.079 |N| GUI.RenderLoop Gpu PrintGpuInformation: AMD AMD RADV VANGOGH (Vulkan v1.2.195, Driver v21.3.9) 00:00:02.106 |I| GPU.MainThread Gpu LoadShaders: Loading 337 shaders from the cache... 00:00:05.278 |I| GPU.MainThread Gpu LoadShaders: Rebuilding 337 shaders... 00:00:08.665 |I| GPU.MainThread Gpu LoadShaders: Rebuilt 337 shaders successfully. 00:00:08.666 |I| GPU.MainThread Gpu LoadShaders: Shader cache loaded. 00:00:08.936 |I| HLE.GuestThread.15 Ptc LoadTranslations: 18555 translated functions loaded 00:00:08.954 |I| HLE.GuestThread.15 Ptc MakeAndSaveTranslations: 0 of 11594 functions translated | Thread count: 4 00:00:15.914 |I| HLE.GuestThread.15 Ptc MakeAndSaveTranslations: 11594 of 11594 functions translated | Thread count: 4 in 6.9585174 s 00:00:16.074 |S| HLE.OsThread.16 ServiceAm GetAppletResourceUserId: Stubbed. {appletResourceUserId: 1} 00:00:16.092 |S| HLE.OsThread.16 ServiceAm AcquireForegroundRights: Stubbed. 00:00:16.093 |S| HLE.OsThread.16 ServiceAm SetFocusHandlingMode: Stubbed. {unknownFlag1: False ; unknownFlag2: False ; unknownFlag3: True} 00:00:16.094 |S| HLE.OsThread.16 ServiceAm SetOutOfFocusSuspendingEnabled: Stubbed. {outOfFocusSuspendingEnabled: False} 00:00:16.112 |S| HLE.OsThread.16 ServicePctl Initialize: Stubbed. 00:00:16.161 |W| HLE.GuestThread.15 KernelSvc : MapPhysicalMemory() = ResLimitExceeded 00:00:17.044 |S| HLE.OsThread.16 ServiceAcc InitializeApplicationInfo: Stubbed. {TitleId: 72186168500166656} 00:00:17.050 |S| HLE.OsThread.16 ServiceAcc IsUserAccountSwitchLocked: Stubbed. 00:00:17.059 |S| HLE.OsThread.9 ServiceHid ActivateMouse: Stubbed. {appletResourceUserId: 1} 00:00:17.062 |S| HLE.OsThread.9 ServiceHid ActivateKeyboard: Stubbed. {appletResourceUserId: 1} 00:00:17.100 |S| HLE.OsThread.16 ServiceAm SetOperationModeChangedNotification: Stubbed. {operationModeChangedNotification: True} 00:00:17.100 |S| HLE.OsThread.16 ServiceAm SetPerformanceModeChangedNotification: Stubbed. {performanceModeChangedNotification: True} 00:00:17.101 |S| HLE.OsThread.16 ServiceAm SetRestartMessageEnabled: Stubbed. {restartMessageEnabled: True} 00:00:17.102 |S| HLE.OsThread.16 ServiceAm LockExit: Stubbed. 00:00:17.104 |I| HLE.OsThread.16 ServiceAm GetDesiredLanguage: Application doesn't support configured language. Using BritishEnglish 00:00:17.225 |S| HLE.OsThread.10 ServiceNv FinishInitialize: Stubbed. 00:00:17.235 |I| HLE.OsThread.16 SurfaceFlinger CreateLayerFromId: Creating layer 1 00:00:17.239 |I| HLE.OsThread.16 SurfaceFlinger CreateLayerFromId: Creating layer 2 00:00:17.318 |S| HLE.OsThread.10 ServiceNv InitializeEx: Stubbed. 00:00:17.364 |S| HLE.OsThread.10 ServiceNv GetActiveSlotMask: Stubbed. 00:00:17.459 |S| HLE.OsThread.10 ServiceNv SetNvMapFd: Stubbed. 00:00:17.460 |S| HLE.OsThread.10 ServiceNv AllocGpfifoEx2: Stubbed. 00:00:17.461 |S| HLE.OsThread.10 ServiceNv AllocObjCtx: Stubbed. 00:00:17.463 |S| HLE.OsThread.10 ServiceNv SetErrorNotifier: Stubbed. 00:00:17.463 |S| HLE.OsThread.10 ServiceNv SetUserData: Stubbed. 00:00:17.464 |S| HLE.OsThread.10 ServiceNv SetTimeout: Stubbed. 00:00:17.465 |S| HLE.OsThread.10 ServiceNv SetTimeslice: Stubbed. 00:00:17.468 |S| HLE.OsThread.10 ServiceNv ZcullBind: Stubbed. 00:00:17.579 |S| HLE.OsThread.10 ServiceNv ZbcSetTable: Stubbed. 00:00:17.579 |S| HLE.OsThread.10 ServiceNv GetActiveSlotMask: Stubbed. 00:00:17.579 |S| HLE.OsThread.10 ServiceNv ZbcSetTable: Stubbed. 00:00:17.579 |S| HLE.OsThread.10 ServiceNv GetActiveSlotMask: Stubbed. 00:00:17.579 |S| HLE.OsThread.10 ServiceNv ZbcSetTable: Stubbed. 00:00:17.579 |S| HLE.OsThread.10 ServiceNv GetActiveSlotMask: Stubbed. 00:00:17.579 |S| HLE.OsThread.10 ServiceNv ZbcSetTable: Stubbed. 00:00:17.579 |S| HLE.OsThread.10 ServiceNv GetActiveSlotMask: Stubbed. 00:00:17.579 |S| HLE.OsThread.10 ServiceNv ZbcSetTable: Stubbed. 00:00:17.579 |S| HLE.OsThread.10 ServiceNv GetActiveSlotMask: Stubbed. 00:00:17.580 |S| HLE.OsThread.10 ServiceNv ZbcSetTable: Stubbed. 00:00:17.580 |S| HLE.OsThread.10 ServiceNv GetActiveSlotMask: Stubbed. 00:00:17.580 |S| HLE.OsThread.10 ServiceNv ZbcSetTable: Stubbed. 00:00:17.580 |S| HLE.OsThread.10 ServiceNv GetActiveSlotMask: Stubbed. 00:00:17.812 |S| HLE.OsThread.9 ServiceHid ActivateTouchScreen: Stubbed. {appletResourceUserId: 1} 00:00:17.834 |S| HLE.OsThread.9 ServiceHid ActiveNpadImpl: Stubbed. {appletResourceUserId: 1 ; revision: 3} 00:00:17.835 |S| HLE.OsThread.9 ServiceHid SetSupportedNpadStyleSet: Stubbed. {pid: 92 ; appletResourceUserId: 1 ; type: ProController, Handheld, JoyconPair} 00:00:17.841 |S| HLE.OsThread.9 ServiceHid SetSupportedNpadIdType: Stubbed. 4 Players: Player1,Player2,Player3,Handheld 00:00:18.061 |I| Ptc Save: Saved Translation Cache (size: 39727922 bytes, translated functions: 30943). 00:00:18.075 |I| HLE.OsThread.16 ServiceAm GetDesiredLanguage: Application doesn't support configured language. Using BritishEnglish 00:00:18.218 |S| HLE.OsThread.6 ServiceAudio GetActiveChannelCount: Stubbed. 00:00:18.223 |S| HLE.OsThread.6 ServiceAudio QueryAudioDeviceOutputEvent: Stubbed. 00:00:18.252 |S| HLE.OsThread.6 ServiceAudio GetActiveChannelCount: Stubbed. 00:00:18.745 |S| HLE.OsThread.9 ServiceHid DisconnectNpad: Stubbed. {appletResourceUserId: 4294967296 ; npadIdType: Player2} 00:00:18.745 |S| HLE.OsThread.9 ServiceHid DisconnectNpad: Stubbed. {appletResourceUserId: 4294967296 ; npadIdType: Player3} 00:00:18.745 |S| HLE.OsThread.9 ServiceHid DisconnectNpad: Stubbed. {appletResourceUserId: 4294967296 ; npadIdType: Handheld} 00:00:25.119 |S| HLE.OsThread.16 ServiceAm GetPseudoDeviceId: Stubbed. 00:00:25.120 |I| HLE.OsThread.16 ServiceAm GetDesiredLanguage: Application doesn't support configured language. Using BritishEnglish 00:00:27.194 |I| HLE.OsThread.7 AudioRenderer AcquireSessionId: Registered new output (0) 00:00:27.241 |I| HLE.OsThread.7 Audio EnsureAudioStreamSetup: New audio stream setup with a target sample count of 1024 *** stack smashing detected ***: terminated /app/bin/ryujinx-wrapper: line 7: 13 Aborted (core dumped) Ryujinx "$@" ```
kuroganashi commented 1 year ago

Tested on both Yuzu and Ryujinx on 2 different PC

PC 1 (AMD RX550/50):

Yuzu - Crashes vulcan/openGL

Ryujinx - Vulcan works but on "Pentalas Region" crash/visual glitch

PC 2 (Nvdia GPU):

Yuzu - Crashes vulcan/openGL

Ryujinx - Vulcan works Perfectly.

So its an AMD GPU Issue, having to swap PC just to go to that 1 Region, then swap back, but its definitely playable (Still annoying to do such a thing).

Djipi71 commented 1 year ago

Finish the game : But there is graphicals issues at the end of the game , and there is a loop you can return to the game after the final scene (that scene that you can't see it due to the graphical issues)

You must passed the last scene to restart a new game + or continue the game



Basmurd commented 1 year ago

flute bug is not new, black blocks are the same issue as the black flickering described on the main post

new bugs in the game sVWZF4Bspb rYMsjX2PXN Ryujinx_1.1.387_2022-11-25_18-47-50.log

MetrosexualGarbodor commented 1 year ago


Bjorn29512 commented 1 year ago

DESCRIPTION : Eunie's interlink form model disappears from screen after cancelling into some specific arts like earth collider,lightning arrow and raptor raid.

SPECS : 12th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-12400F | 12 Threads | 31.82 GiB RAM | TSC: 2.496GHz | AVX-512+ | FMA3 Operating system: Windows, Major: 10, Minor: 0, Build: 22000, Service Pack: none, Compatibility mode: 0 GPU: 'NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660 SUPER' running on 526.86.




meisiek commented 1 year ago

Noahs flute is missing in the cut scene "Reunion" (Event Theater Chapter 1: Ouroboros). Its missing in every Ryujinx version since the game came out in OpenGL and Vulcan.


It should look like this:


It takes 6:15 minutes after starting the cut scene to see this... The bottom picture is taken at night, sorry for that. My GPU: GeForce 3080, newest drivers (527.56). But it also happens on older drivers.

Edit: Fixed in version 1.1.818.

AgarOther commented 1 year ago

Hello, I'm randomly getting a crash whenever I open the game's menu. The logs says:

00:05:33.461 |E| GPU.MainThread Gpu : VK Sync Object 569852 failed to signal within 1000ms. Continuing...
00:05:34.460 |E| GPU.MainThread Gpu : VK Sync Object 569853 failed to signal within 1000ms. Continuing...
00:05:35.460 |E| GPU.MainThread Gpu : VK Sync Object 569854 failed to signal within 1000ms. Continuing...
00:05:36.465 |E| GPU.MainThread Gpu : VK Sync Object 569856 failed to signal within 1000ms. Continuing...
00:05:36.896 |E| GUI.RenderLoop Application : Unhandled exception caught: Ryujinx.Graphics.Vulkan.VulkanException: Unexpected API error "ErrorDeviceLost".
   at Ryujinx.Graphics.Vulkan.CommandBufferPool.Return(CommandBufferScoped cbs, ReadOnlySpan`1 waitSemaphores, ReadOnlySpan`1 waitDstStageMask, ReadOnlySpan`1 signalSemaphores) in D:\a\Ryujinx\Ryujinx\Ryujinx.Graphics.Vulkan\CommandBufferPool.cs:line 315
   at Ryujinx.Graphics.Vulkan.PipelineFull.FlushCommandsImpl() in D:\a\Ryujinx\Ryujinx\Ryujinx.Graphics.Vulkan\PipelineFull.cs:line 213
   at Ryujinx.Graphics.Vulkan.PipelineFull.SignalAttachmentChange() in D:\a\Ryujinx\Ryujinx\Ryujinx.Graphics.Vulkan\PipelineFull.cs:line 291
   at Ryujinx.Graphics.Vulkan.PipelineBase.SetRenderTargetColorMasks(ReadOnlySpan`1 componentMask) in D:\a\Ryujinx\Ryujinx\Ryujinx.Graphics.Vulkan\PipelineBase.cs:line 876
   at Ryujinx.Graphics.GAL.Multithreading.CommandHelper.<>c.<InitLookup>b__5_72(Span`1 memory, ThreadedRenderer threaded, IRenderer renderer) in D:\a\Ryujinx\Ryujinx\Ryujinx.Graphics.GAL\Multithreading\CommandHelper.cs:line 205
   at Ryujinx.Graphics.GAL.Multithreading.ThreadedRenderer.RenderLoop()
   at Ryujinx.Graphics.GAL.Multithreading.ThreadedRenderer.RunLoop(Action gpuLoop) in D:\a\Ryujinx\Ryujinx\Ryujinx.Graphics.GAL\Multithreading\ThreadedRenderer.cs:line 115
   at Ryujinx.Ui.RendererWidgetBase.Render() in D:\a\Ryujinx\Ryujinx\Ryujinx\Ui\RendererWidgetBase.cs:line 400
splatov commented 1 year ago

Just got "ErrorDeviceLost" crash after purging shader cache on Ryujinx 1.1.621, so it seems that issue is still exists in recent release.

00:00:03.465 |N| GUI.RenderLoop Gpu PrintGpuInformation: NVIDIA NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2060 (Vulkan v1.3.224, Driver v528.49.0.0)
00:00:23.360 |W| HLE.GuestThread.19 KernelSvc : MapPhysicalMemory() = LimitReached
00:00:24.674 |W| GUI.WindowThread Hid Remap: No matching controllers found. Application requests 'ProController, Handheld, JoyconPair' on 'Player1, Player2, Player3, Handheld'
00:07:40.961 |E| GPU.MainThread Gpu : VK Sync Object 345300 failed to signal within 1000ms. Continuing...
00:07:41.962 |E| GPU.MainThread Gpu : VK Sync Object 345302 failed to signal within 1000ms. Continuing...
00:07:43.145 |E| GUI.RenderLoop Application : Unhandled exception caught: Ryujinx.Graphics.Vulkan.VulkanException: Unexpected API error "ErrorDeviceLost".
   at Ryujinx.Graphics.Vulkan.CommandBufferPool.Return(CommandBufferScoped cbs, ReadOnlySpan`1 waitSemaphores, ReadOnlySpan`1 waitDstStageMask, ReadOnlySpan`1 signalSemaphores) in D:\a\Ryujinx\Ryujinx\Ryujinx.Graphics.Vulkan\CommandBufferPool.cs:line 315
   at Ryujinx.Graphics.Vulkan.PipelineFull.FlushCommandsImpl() in D:\a\Ryujinx\Ryujinx\Ryujinx.Graphics.Vulkan\PipelineFull.cs:line 202
   at Ryujinx.Graphics.GAL.Multithreading.Commands.SetRenderTargetsCommand.Run(SetRenderTargetsCommand& command, ThreadedRenderer threaded, IRenderer renderer) in D:\a\Ryujinx\Ryujinx\Ryujinx.Graphics.GAL\Multithreading\Commands\SetRenderTargetsCommand.cs:line 21
   at Ryujinx.Graphics.GAL.Multithreading.CommandHelper.<>c.<InitLookup>b__5_1[T](Span`1 memory, ThreadedRenderer threaded, IRenderer renderer) in D:\a\Ryujinx\Ryujinx\Ryujinx.Graphics.GAL\Multithreading\CommandHelper.cs:line 41
   at Ryujinx.Graphics.GAL.Multithreading.ThreadedRenderer.RenderLoop()
   at Ryujinx.Graphics.GAL.Multithreading.ThreadedRenderer.RunLoop(Action gpuLoop) in D:\a\Ryujinx\Ryujinx\Ryujinx.Graphics.GAL\Multithreading\ThreadedRenderer.cs:line 115
   at Ryujinx.Ui.RendererWidgetBase.Render() in D:\a\Ryujinx\Ryujinx\Ryujinx\Ui\RendererWidgetBase.cs:line 400
   at System.Threading.Thread.StartCallback()
njmdietrich commented 1 year ago

On my RX 7900XT, the intro cutscene runs at around 20 fps on Vulkan. OpenGL runs better. On an RX 6600 this was not a problem. Ryujinx version 1.1.625

AaronKelley commented 1 year ago

Just got "ErrorDeviceLost" crash after purging shader cache on Ryujinx 1.1.621, so it seems that issue is still exists in recent release.

Same for me, the issue seems to happen around one out of five times when I try to open the in-game menu (X button). I can only reproduce it on the Vulkan renderer (...but OpenGL stutters to much to use...).

MasterDriverRex commented 1 year ago

I'm playing on macOS Ventura 13.2.1, M2 Max Chip with 64 GB of memory, and I'm getting a bit of slowdown when loading new areas, as well as some severe graphical issues in the Pentelas region (the forest one). Like, unplayably awful. Oh, and the game crashes whenever I try to go into Taion's Interlink chart, too.

PhiZero commented 1 year ago

Game Update Version : 2.0.0 (new story DLC) Current on master : 1.1.733 Hardware Specs : CPU: AMD Ryzen 9 5900X GPU: NVIDIA RTX 3080 Ti driver v531.68 RAM: 32GB

Immediately when loading into the first battle after the first cutscene, the screen is completely white. After the battle and entering the menu, there is severe graphical corruption.

1x Resolution scale, no mods. See: https://github.com/Ryujinx/Ryujinx/issues/4698

image (1) image

DuIslingr commented 1 year ago

+1 to the issue above on amd except it doesn’t look like it’s a regression as even older builds still have this problem. It’s a vulkan specific issue though. OpenGL does render but with black square artifacts.





Djipi71 commented 1 year ago

The DLC crash after defeating the blond boy and the girl with flame arm at the beginning Ryujinx_1.1.737_2023-04-28_12-43-20.log