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Minecraft - Nintendo Switch Edition - 01006BD001E06000 #80

Open HorrorTroll opened 5 years ago

HorrorTroll commented 5 years ago

Minecraft - Nintendo Switch Edition

Game Update Version : 1.0.0

Current on master : 1.0.6086

Game now loads and plays at a high FPS.

Hardware Specs :

CPU: Ryzen 7 5800X

Screenshots :

2020-12-16 04_44_01-Ryujinx 1 0 6086 - Minecraft_ Nintendo Switch Edition v1 0 0 (01006BD001E06000) 2020-12-16 04_44_06-Ryujinx 1 0 6086 - Minecraft_ Nintendo Switch Edition v1 0 0 (01006BD001E06000) 2020-12-16 04_44_11-Ryujinx 1 0 6086 - Minecraft_ Nintendo Switch Edition v1 0 0 (01006BD001E06000) 2020-12-16 04_44_17-Ryujinx 1 0 6086 - Minecraft_ Nintendo Switch Edition v1 0 0 (01006BD001E06000) 2020-12-16 04_44_28-Ryujinx 1 0 6086 - Minecraft_ Nintendo Switch Edition v1 0 0 (01006BD001E06000) 2020-12-16 04_44_36-Ryujinx 1 0 6086 - Minecraft_ Nintendo Switch Edition v1 0 0 (01006BD001E06000) 2020-12-16 04_44_48-Ryujinx 1 0 6086 - Minecraft_ Nintendo Switch Edition v1 0 0 (01006BD001E06000) 2020-12-16 04_45_57-Ryujinx 1 0 6086 - Minecraft_ Nintendo Switch Edition v1 0 0 (01006BD001E06000) 2020-12-16 04_46_06-Ryujinx 1 0 6086 - Minecraft_ Nintendo Switch Edition v1 0 0 (01006BD001E06000) 2020-12-16 04_46_22-Ryujinx 1 0 6086 - Minecraft_ Nintendo Switch Edition v1 0 0 (01006BD001E06000) 2020-12-16 04_47_14-Ryujinx 1 0 6086 - Minecraft_ Nintendo Switch Edition v1 0 0 (01006BD001E06000) 2020-12-16 04_47_30-Ryujinx 1 0 6086 - Minecraft_ Nintendo Switch Edition v1 0 0 (01006BD001E06000)

Log file :


HorrorTroll commented 5 years ago


AcK77 commented 4 years ago

Need an update.

HorrorTroll commented 4 years ago

Updated again

B3astTech commented 4 years ago

Need's Updated

EmulationFanatic commented 4 years ago

Minecraft: Nintendo Switch Edition

Current on master : 1.0.3937

Crashes on launch. Including debug log here.

Emulation CurrentDomain_UnhandledException: Unhandled exception caught: Ryujinx.HLE.Exceptions.UndefinedInstructionException: The instruction at 0x0000000008937cdc (opcode 0xe7ffdefe) is undefined!
   at Ryujinx.HLE.HOS.Kernel.Process.KProcess.UndefinedInstructionHandler(Object sender, InstUndefinedEventArgs e) in C:\projects\ryujinx\Ryujinx.HLE\HOS\Kernel\Process\KProcess.cs:line 1132
   at ARMeilleure.State.ExecutionContext.OnUndefined(UInt64 address, Int32 opCode) in C:\projects\ryujinx\ARMeilleure\State\ExecutionContext.cs:line 127
   at ARMeilleure.Instructions.NativeInterface.Undefined(UInt64 address, Int32 opCode) in C:\projects\ryujinx\ARMeilleure\Instructions\NativeInterface.cs:line 70
   at ARMeilleure.Translation.TranslatedFunction.Execute(ExecutionContext context) in C:\projects\ryujinx\ARMeilleure\Translation\TranslatedFunction.cs:line 27
   at ARMeilleure.Translation.Translator.Execute(ExecutionContext context, UInt64 address) in C:\projects\ryujinx\ARMeilleure\Translation\Translator.cs:line 96
   at Ryujinx.HLE.HOS.Kernel.Threading.KThread.ThreadStart(UInt64 entrypoint) in C:\projects\ryujinx\Ryujinx.HLE\HOS\Kernel\Threading\KThread.cs:line 1144
   at Ryujinx.HLE.HOS.Kernel.Threading.KThread.<>c__DisplayClass129_0.<Initialize>b__0() in C:\projects\ryujinx\Ryujinx.HLE\HOS\Kernel\Threading\KThread.cs:line 162
   at System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart_Context(Object state)
   at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state)
--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
   at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state)
   at System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart()

Log file :


Spillebulle commented 4 years ago

Just launched minecraft on version 1.0.4593 and it works perfectly, between 40-50 fps on 50% utilization on a i7-6700 and 10% on a gtx 1080. No bugs or glitches encountered

EmulationFanatic commented 4 years ago

Just launched minecraft on version 1.0.4593 and it works perfectly, between 40-50 fps on 50% utilization on a i7-6700 and 10% on a gtx 1080. No bugs or glitches encountered

You must have ignore missing services enabled. The game still crashes on launch with a missing service error on default settings.

Spillebulle commented 4 years ago

Just launched minecraft on version 1.0.4593 and it works perfectly, between 40-50 fps on 50% utilization on a i7-6700 and 10% on a gtx 1080. No bugs or glitches encountered

You must have ignore missing services enabled. The game still crashes on launch with a missing service error on default settings.

I have not changed any settings. Just set up the correct folder for my games library and launched the game

EmulationFanatic commented 4 years ago

Can you upload your log file? Neither the eshop nor retail version of the game is booting.

B3astTech commented 4 years ago

I don't really see any evidence supporting, "it boots" if you would upload a log and a screenshot it would be appreciated other than it goes ingame

Spillebulle commented 4 years ago

Here is everything, just let me know if you need more proof ![2020-05-22 07_03_47-Ryujinx

1 0 4593 - Minecraft v1 2 12 0 (0100D71004694000) (64-bit)](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/46653946/82633266-f69f8480-9bfa-11ea-9165-c2c28d46897f.png) 2020-05-22 07_06_26-Ryujinx 1 0 4593 - Minecraft v1 2 12 0 (0100D71004694000) (64-bit) 2020-05-22 07_06_49-Ryujinx 1 0 4593 - Minecraft v1 2 12 0 (0100D71004694000) (64-bit) Ryujinx_2020-05-22_06-58-36.log

EmulationFanatic commented 4 years ago

From your log:

00:00:26.891 | KernelIpc CallMethod: Missing service Ryujinx.HLE.HOS.Services.Nifm.StaticService.IGeneralService: 5 ignored
  1. This means you have ignore missing services enabled, as I stated earlier.

  2. Your log shows you are using the retail version of the game whereas this page/gamedb entry is for the eshop version. They are in fact quite different. You can tell by the title "Minecraft - Nintendo Switch Edition" in the title of this page where yours is simply "Minecraft".

EmulationFanatic commented 3 years ago


NIKstudios commented 3 years ago

Download Game folder?

piplup55 commented 1 year ago

Game Update Version : 1.0.17

Current on master : 1.1.382

Graphics Backend : OpenGL and Vulkan

game is playable on both opengl and vulkan

Hardware Specs :

CPU: AMD Ryzen 7900X3D

Screenshots :

image image

piplup55 commented 4 months ago

LDN seems to be broken shows on the list but not in game

LDN is broken on real hardware aswell tested using 3 different switch's (tried with and without mitm)

Switch's used for testing:

sense-f commented 1 month ago

Game Update Version : 1.0.17 Current on master : 1.1.1298 Graphics Backend : OpenGL and Vulkan Infinite loading after perform load shaders.