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Setup the build system using TypeScript #4

Open Ryuuket opened 11 months ago

Ryuuket commented 11 months ago

In order to improve the development workflow and ensure the maintainability of our project, we need to set up a build system using TypeScript.


  1. Install TypeScript: Begin by installing TypeScript locally as a project dependency using npm, pnpm or yarn.

  2. Create tsconfig.json: Create a tsconfig.json file in the project root to configure TypeScript settings such as target ECMAScript version, module system, and source file locations.

  3. Transpile TypeScript: Configure the build system to transpile TypeScript code (.ts files) into JavaScript code (.js files) using the TypeScript compiler (tsc).

  4. Linter and Code Formatter: Integrate a TypeScript-compatible linter (e.g., ESLint with TypeScript support) and code formatter (e.g., Prettier) to enforce coding standards and formatting rules.

  5. Type Definitions: Set up TypeScript type definitions (.d.ts files) for third-party libraries and modules that do not provide TypeScript support out of the box.

  6. Build Scripts: Create a scripts in the package.json file to execute the build process, including transpilation and linting.

  7. Watch Mode: Configure a development watch mode to automatically recompile TypeScript files on changes for a smoother development experience.

  8. Documentation: Document the setup process in the project's README.md or relevant documentation files so that other team members can easily set up the build system.

By completing these tasks, we aim to establish a robust and efficient build system for our project that leverages TypeScript's advantages in terms of type safety and enhanced developer tooling. This will contribute to the overall code quality and maintainability of the project.