RyuzakiH / CloudflareSolverRe

Cloudflare Javascript & reCaptcha challenge (I'm Under Attack Mode or IUAM) solving / bypass .NET Standard library.
MIT License
179 stars 49 forks source link

Rewrite JsChallenge from scratch to be more resilient to changes #29

Open ngosang opened 4 years ago

ngosang commented 4 years ago

Package here => https://www.nuget.org/packages/CloudflareSolverReNgosang/1.0.7

Update: 2020/05/12 v1.0.7.1 with retries in "I'm Under Attack Mode" Package: https://www.nuget.org/packages/CloudflareSolverReNgosang/

Update: 2020/05/15 v1.0.7.2 fix new challenge Package: https://www.nuget.org/packages/CloudflareSolverReNgosang/

Update: 2020/05/26 v1.0.7.3 fix new challenge Package: https://www.nuget.org/packages/CloudflareSolverReNgosang/

euangordon commented 4 years ago

Working with updated CloudFlare here again. For reference, the page I am scraping is: Chile Navarea Warnings

uponatime2019 commented 4 years ago

CloudFlare just update again, can you fix it? I just change your Regex to this and it match, but sometimes it's not working private static readonly Regex JsChallengeRegex = new Regex(@"setTimeout\s*\([^{]*{(?<js_code>.+\.submit\s*\(\s*\)\s*;)\s*}\s*,\s*(?<delay>\d+)\s*\).*?<form.+?action=""(?<action>\S+?)"".*?>.*?name=""r"" value=""(?<r>\S+)"".*?value=""(?<jschl_vc>[a-z0-9]{32})"".*?name=""jschl_vc"".*?name=""pass"" value=""(?<pass>\S+?)"".*?</form>.*?id=""[^>]+>(?<cf_dn>.*?)</div>",

ngosang commented 4 years ago

Update: 2020/05/15 v1.0.7.2 fix new challenge

euangordon commented 4 years ago

@ngosang Working fine on http://www.shoa.cl/php/radioavisos.php?idioma=en

ngosang commented 4 years ago

@openbullet ping

openbullet commented 4 years ago

@ngosang I will merge to my branch today, thanks

ngosang commented 4 years ago

Update: 2020/05/26 v1.0.7.3 fix new challenge

euangordon commented 4 years ago

@ngosang Working great here again! Many thanks.

ngosang commented 4 years ago

Not working since 2020/06/03 => More info https://github.com/Jackett/Jackett/issues/8840#issuecomment-639062081

ngosang commented 4 years ago

I'm going to let this as reference but I'm not going to update this project anymore. If someone is looking for an alternative take a look at https://github.com/Jackett/Jackett/issues/9029