Ryzee119 / ogx360

Add modern xinput USB support to your Original Xbox :tv: :video_game:
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"Waiting for device" problem #104

Closed Miggas closed 1 year ago

Miggas commented 1 year ago

Hi, I've made a custom board and after assembling it and testing, no controllers where detected, I've already triple checked all connections to make sure everything is connected to the right pin and the solder joints are good, but I'm still getting this issue, it stops on "Waiting for device" and stays there even with other controllers. Capture

Edit: I can upload my eagle files if you want to take a look

Miggas commented 1 year ago

custom pcb.zip Here's the files anyway

Ryzee119 commented 1 year ago

I can't really provide support for custom boards but check the USB port is getting 5V and the D+/- are the right way around

Miggas commented 1 year ago

Took a while, but I've found the problem, the voltage regulator ic was faulty and was supplying 4.9v instead of 3.3v, I replaced it and now it works fine. Even though the issue is closed, I'll leave this info here to help someone in case of the same problem.