S-101-Portrayal-subWG / Working-Documents

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Allocate and register mariners viewing group for `INDHLT` #136

Closed DavidGrant-NIWC closed 2 weeks ago

DavidGrant-NIWC commented 1 year ago

S-52 does not specify a viewing group for INDHLT.

Recommend 53020 since DNGHLT is assigned to viewing group 53010.


alvarosanuy commented 1 year ago

Agree with @DavidGrant-NIWC . Allocating Viewing Group 53020 to INDHLT seems reasonable to me as well.

If approved to proceed by the PsWG:

DavidGrant-NIWC commented 1 year ago


This is a little more complicated then I initially thought. Further investigation reveals that INDHLT is assigned to 53010 in the S-52 lookup tables. However, there is a conflicting requirement: image

To support this requirement we need to provide separate viewing groups for each type of prohibited area or area with special conditions. See the table below.

The PC also adds a new viewing group (sub) layer (which should be registered) under 10 - Miscellaneous (Standard) to group all the alert highlights together: image

If desired, we could add additional sub-layers to Alert Highlights (Standard): Safety Contour, Navigational Hazards, and Prohibited Areas; the PC does not currently provide these additional sub-layers.

Proposed viewing groups for alert highlights

Viewing Group Name Description
53010 Safety Contour Highlight Used to turn on or off the graphical highlighting of alerts triggered by the safety contour.
53011 Navigational Hazards Highlight Used to turn on or off the graphical highlighting of alerts triggered by navigational hazards
53012 Traffic Separation Zone Highlight Alert highlight: Traffic Seperation Zone
53013 Inshore Traffic Zone Highlight Alert highlight: Inshore Traffic Zone
53014 Restricted Area Highlight Alert highlight: Restricted Area
53015 Areas to be Avoided Highlight Alert highlight: Areas to be avoided
53016 PSSA (Particularly Sensitive Sea Area) Highlight Alert highlight: PSSA (Particularly Sensitive Sea Area)
53017 Caution Area Highlight Alert highlight: Caution area
53018 Offshore Production Area Highlight Alert highlight: Offshore production area
53019 User Defined Areas to be Avoided Highlight Alert highlight: User defined areas to be avoided
53020 Military Practice Area Highlight Alert highlight: Military practice area
53021 Seaplane Landing Area Highlight Alert highlight: Seaplane landing area
53022 Submarine Transit Lane Highlight Alert highlight: Submarine transit lane
53023 Anchorage Area Highlight Alert highlight: Anchorage area
53024 Marine Farm/Aquaculture Highlight Alert highlight: Marine farm/aquaculture

Only 53010 is currently registered (it has a duplicate entry, and the name and definition should be updated).

Proposed mapping of alert highlights to viewing groups (see S-52 PresLib 4.0.3 clause 10.5.9, 10.5.10 and 10.5.12)

Highlight Feature Type Condition (if any) Geometry Viewing Group
Safety Contour Multiple 53010
Navigational Hazards Multiple 53011
Prohibited Area/Special Conditions SeparationZoneOrLine Surface 53012
InshoreTrafficZone 53013
Prohibited Area/Special Conditions RestrictedAreaNavigational categoryOfRestriction is not 14 or 28 53014
Prohibited Area/Special Conditions RestrictedAreaRegulatory categoryOfRestriction is not 14 or 28 53014
Prohibited Area/Special Conditions RestrictedAreaNavigational categoryOfRestriction = 14 53015
Prohibited Area/Special Conditions RestrictedAreaRegulatory categoryOfRestriction = 14 53015
Prohibited Area/Special Conditions RestrictedAreaNavigational categoryOfRestriction = 28 53016
Prohibited Area/Special Conditions RestrictedAreaRegulatory categoryOfRestriction = 28 53016
Prohibited Area/Special Conditions CautionArea 53017
Prohibited Area/Special Conditions OffshoreProductionArea 53018
Prohibited Area/Special Conditions User defined areas to be avoided 53019
Prohibited Area/Special Conditions MilitaryPracticeArea 53020
Prohibited Area/Special Conditions SeaplaneLandingArea 53021
Prohibited Area/Special Conditions SubmarineTransitLane 53022
Prohibited Area/Special Conditions AnchorageArea 53023
Prohibited Area/Special Conditions MarineFarmCulture 53024
DavidGrant-NIWC commented 1 year ago


alvarosanuy commented 1 year ago

Decisions made at Portrayal subWG meeting on 10/5/23

  1. Approve NIWCs mapping and VG allocations for INDHLT. INDHLT can't be allocated to just one VG (i.e 53020 as initially proposed) due to a requirement in (document requested to NIWC below) where highlights on features in the 'Areas for which special conditions exist' group need to be able to be turned On/Off individually (by feature/attribute combination). NIWC - Can you please let me know where did you get this extract from? Is it IEC 61174?? Shouldn't be an S-64 test for this if it's an existing requirement?? image
DavidGrant-NIWC commented 1 year ago
  1. NIWC - Can you please let me know where did you get this extract from? Is it IEC 61174?? Shouldn't be an S-64 test for this if it's an existing requirement?? image

Yes, it's a new requirement introduced in 61174 which doesn't seem to be derived from a PS requirement. See IEC 61174 ed 4.0 clause (route planning) and 4.10.3 (route monitoring). If valid, it probably should be tested in S-64, however S-64 only tests a small subset of the requirements.

alvarosanuy commented 10 months ago

@DavidGrant-NIWC - Can you please provide an update on the following actions?

    1. NIWC to prepare and submit S-98 change request as necessary. It may be easier to maintain if there's only one entry for INDHLT covering VGs 53011 to 53029. These layers may grow if new A&I proposals are approved for additional 'Special Areas'. The final authority will effectively become the entries in the S-101 PC and we should try to minimize misalignments with S-98

The following action may require a change in the implementation strategy (by CATREA value instead of feature type) if the proposal to merge Restricted Areas Regulatory and Navigational back into one feature is approved by the S101PT (SHOM paper to S101PT11).

  • @DavidGrant-NIWC - You will need to remove all entries related to 'Restricted Area Regulatory' as per the decision made during our discussions in Alerts & Indications #88. These features will not generate A&I.
DavidGrant-NIWC commented 10 months ago

@DavidGrant-NIWC - Can you please provide an update on the following actions?

    1. NIWC to prepare and submit S-98 change request as necessary. It may be easier to maintain if there's only one entry for INDHLT covering VGs 53011 to 53029. These layers may grow if new A&I proposals are approved for additional 'Special Areas'. The final authority will effectively become the entries in the S-101 PC and we should try to minimize misalignments with S-98

I'm still unclear on how we should proceed. S-98 needs to be updated as it doesn't show any entry for indication highlight. Should we assign all the indication highlights to 53010 to match S-52? This will not allow meeting the 61174 requirement cited above, but I guess no one is meeting it currently anyway and the alert catalog could be updated in a future iteration to meet the requirement if desired.

So, if you agree we will:

attribute Old New
name Safety Contour Highlight Alert Highlight
description Used to turn on or off the graphical highlighting of alerts triggered by the safety contour Used to turn on or off the graphical highlighting of alerts
alvarosanuy commented 10 months ago

Hi Dave,

After my PsWG presentation to S101PT10 (June 2023), Hannu sent us an email showing that the requirement to enable granular selection of highlights by mariners in ECDIS is not only specified in IEC 61174 but also in IMO MSC.530(106). He also pointed us to S-64 test 6.1. For me, the existence of this test shows that the functionality (selective highlight of areas for which special conditions exist) is currently a requirement for (S-57) Type approved ECDIS.

Also, in regards to the fact that S-52 and S-98 do not currently allocate a VGL to INDHLT, is it possible this was done on purpose to not restrict INDHL to one VGL knowing the IMO requirement?? In short, that it was left up to OEMs to split INDHLT into several layers? Irrespective of this, I believe that this functionality has to be standardized and spelled out in a new version of S-98 Annex C. Furthermore, there's no evidence that switching off VGL 53010 will also switch off all INDHLTs. Based n S-64 test, it is more logical to think that all the INDGHLT implementation by OEMs was done using self-allocated VGL (or other mechanism). My point here is that our concerns around different behaviors between S-52 and S-101 when switching off VGL 53010 is probably unwarranted (this concern was highlighted in my presentation to S101PT10). There's a high chance that when VGL 53010 is turned off in S-52, only DNGHLT is turned off (as indicated in the Table).

Based on this, I'm of the opinion we need to proceed as decided by the Portrayal subWG at the 10/5/23 meeting This means:

Note that an S-164 test to match S-64 test 6.1 should be created without request by the S-164 sWG, but I have added a Label to this issue anyway. Depending on how S-98 changes are finally processed this Test may require some fine tuning.

Not sure we should mention any of this in the PsWG report to S101PT11. My recollection of S101PT10 is that the team did not provided any comment on the subdivisions or potential discrepancies in the Alerts behaviour during DF-ECDIS period. The only comment I recall was from Hannu and it was to challenge my statements that the requirement was only in IEC 611174 and that there was no S-64 check. The fact he was right, further reinforces the idea of moving ahead with implementation as per the actions listed above.

DavidGrant-NIWC commented 10 months ago


@alvarosanuy agree with all you wrote, except that we may remove 53010 from S-98 instead of adding 53011 - 53024. We will work with Raphael to determine the appropriate action.

See https://github.com/iho-ohi/98-interoperability/issues/11

Viewing group layer for INDHLT

I think S-98 should also instruct OEMs to establish a unique selector for all INDHLT VGL (so they can all be selected/deselected at the same time - the default setting should be 'all ON').

I think this is already addressed - copied from my msg of MAR 31: image

Would you like us to break the Alert Highlights viewing group layer down further?

Viewing groups

Hanging from that, mariners must have access to the individual list of VGL to allow them to selectively switch on/off INDHLT by feature, as required by IMO MSC.530(106).

Agreed, they are already present in the current PC: image

S-52 assignment of INDHLT

Also, in regards to the fact that S-52 and S-98 do not currently allocate a VGL to INDHLT, is it possible this was done on purpose to not restrict INDHL to one VGL knowing the IMO requirement?

You can see below that S-52 does assign INDHLT to 53010, it just isn't listed in the document: S-52 PresLib 4.0.3 Part 1 PresLib 4.0.3 lookup tables
image image

S-98 Annex C just copied the values from the S-52 document, so that explains why it isn't present there.

alvarosanuy commented 10 months ago

Would you like us to break the Alert Highlights viewing group layer down further?

I think it would very handy for mariners to have the option to deselect all the INDHLT and leave DNGHLT turned On. This option was not available in S-52 by having both highlights under one VGL.

You can see below that S-52 does assign INDHLT to 53010, it just isn't listed in the document:

Sorry, I overlooked this bit. To clarify then:

DavidGrant-NIWC commented 10 months ago

A new ECDIS selector to independently switch ON/OFF DNGHLT (53010) and INDHLT (53011-53024) VGLs. Under your 'Alerts Highlights (Standard)' layer ?? Is this possible?? If implemented, I also recommend S-98 requests the existence of these individual selectors.

I think this might make the most sense, since this is how the required indications are organized, and also matches the alert catalog entries: image

Disabled Highlight Result
Safety Contour image
Nav Hazards image
Prohibted Areas image
      <viewingGroupLayer id="10b">      <!-- S-101 Alert Highlights -->
            <name>Safety Contour Highlight (Standard)</name>
            <description>Toggles graphical highlighting of alerts triggered by the safety contour</description>
         <!-- Alert Highlights -->
      <viewingGroupLayer id="10c">      <!-- S-101 Alert Highlights -->
            <name>Navigation Hazards Highlight (Standard)</name>
            <description>Toggles graphical highlighting of alerts triggered by navigational hazards</description>
         <!-- Alert Highlights -->
      <viewingGroupLayer id="10d">      <!-- S-101 Alert Highlights -->
            <name>Prohibited Areas Highlight (Standard)</name>
            <description>Toggles graphical highlighting of alerts triggered by prohibited areas or areas with special conditions</description>
         <!-- Alert Highlights -->
alvarosanuy commented 10 months ago

Thanks Dave. Please move ahead and coordinate S-98 Annex C changes with the S100WG. We can leave this Issue open until S-98 changes are endorsed by S100WG and commit changes to PC 1.2.0 only then?

Do you have any other questions?

DavidGrant-NIWC commented 10 months ago

I think this group should be the one advancing proposals to the S-101PT for approval and incorporation into the S-101 PC. Requiring approval from the S-100WG for S-101 PC changes means that it will be increasingly difficult to get any changes made, and being able to modify the catalogs was a primary reason to develop S-100.

S-98 is only for interoperability and ECDIS requirements. I'm waiting on a response from @rmalyankar to https://github.com/iho-ohi/98-interoperability/issues/11 before proceeding with the S-98 change proposals. In my view S-98 Annex C should only document VG's/VGL's that aren't registered. If S-98 is going to provide a list of VG's/VGL's it should be informative and periodically updated from the portrayal registry.

That said, S-98 currently says: image

alvarosanuy commented 10 months ago

@DavidGrant-NIWC - What are the key statements you think we should get endorsed by the PT? I can add that to my presentation to S101PT11.

On another note, I thought S-98 was the official place to specify VG and VGLs for ECDIS implementation. What do you mean by: In my view S-98 Annex C should only document VG's/VGL's that aren't registered. Everything the S101PT considers important enough as to be standardised, is to be considered mandatory and registered in IHO's GI Registry. Other 'optional' elements would be up to implementers to manage their way. I believe all the layers and groups we discussed above are to be mandatory and not optional.

Agree that, with the introduction of the GI Registry, some content that is currently provided in a range of publications will most certainly become redundant and create confusion and misalignment (more than one point of truth). One of the problems we face at the moment is that the GI Registry is lagging behind and is not the Point of Truth. Once this problem is resolved and the process to keep it up to date becomes efficient (timely updated), I agree some content listed in documents (i.e. S-98) could be discontinued and point to the GI Registry (or the relevant latest versions of catalogues?) instead.

DavidGrant-NIWC commented 10 months ago

What are the key statements you think we should get endorsed by the PT? I can add that to my presentation to S101PT11.

Not something I've thought about - you may want to document/get endorsement for the working process, but maybe this has already been done? I'm more focused on the technical issues. I think the process is:

PSWG consensus -> PC implementation -> (repeat previous steps until) PSWG approval -> submit PC to PT for approval?

On another note, I thought S-98 was the official place to specify VG and VGLs for ECDIS implementation.

Ironic that we advocate paper documents for a product which replaced a paper document. Anyway, I don't see the value in providing any of this information in Annex C. If the information is intended to be used by portrayal elements it should be in the registry, and you should be able to get a listing of the registered elements. S-98 Annex C could tell you how to do that or, as you recommend, point you to the registry.

Some argue for duplicating the registered information in publications such as S-98 Annex C, but in my mind (and as you point out):

The registry can already provide a list of VG's/VGL's, so I'm not sure what added value is provided by listing them in Annex C. Removing the info from Annex C might also encourage more focus on updating the registered information: image

alvarosanuy commented 9 months ago

Decisions made at Portrayal subWG meeting on 17/10/23

S-98 Change proposal submitted to S100WG8 (November 2023) by NIWC: image

DavidGrant-NIWC commented 5 months ago

This was not approved by WG8, but it wasn't rejected either. Since the tables in S-98 will be marked informative (https://github.com/iho-ohi/98-interoperability/issues/19) IMO we are free to proceed as we see fit. I entered an issue in the S-98 repo to cover the action from WG8: https://github.com/iho-ohi/98-interoperability/issues/33

The current contents of the PC match the proposal:


WG8 Actions

WG8 proposal image

alvarosanuy commented 5 months ago

Implemented in PC 1.2.0

DavidGrant-NIWC commented 5 months ago

Note: these viewing groups will likely be expanded due to the new requirements in MSC.530(106)

alvarosanuy commented 3 months ago

Decisions made at Portrayal subWG meeting on 09/04/24

Put on hold the following open actions awaiting resolution of current discussions with ENCWG on practical implementation of the requirements listed in IMO's MSC.530(106)

  • [ ] Alvaro to register VG in GI Registry
  • [ ] @kusala9 to confirm S-98 and S-164 are in line with changes to Pc 1.2.0

This issue has dependencies with https://github.com/S-101-Portrayal-subWG/Working-Documents/issues/159 In this comment you can find the latest version of the A&I mapping table and current mappings to 'Alert Highlight'' VGs.

alvarosanuy commented 2 weeks ago

Decision at PsWG meeting on 10/7/2024

Close this issue and ensure that the IHO's Infrastructure group are aware that all VG & VGL in the GI Registry need to be checked against PC 2.0.0 once approved and remediated when needed (some are missing registration, others are registered but with no metadata populated, etc). Refer to https://github.com/iho-ohi/S100Infrastructure/issues/20