S-101-Portrayal-subWG / Working-Documents

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Future portrayal and A&I options for QoBD #73

Closed alvarosanuy closed 6 months ago

alvarosanuy commented 2 years ago

This issue has been migrated from the 'S-101 Portrayal and ECDIS Performance Requirements log' as per action PortSG-37 As a consequence, developments are no-urgent as they were originally identified as too drastic for implementation during DF-ECDIS period.

The intention here is to discuss best practices on the practical use of QoBD by mariners and come up with new ways to link them to portrayal and A&I during both, route planning and route monitoring. As an starting point, find below Australia's' proposal linked to the findings and recommendations made by Germany in the paper NCWG3-08.4A.

Mariners should be able to define a “Data quality" guard zone (using safety contour set-up interface or independently) and identify a 'safety' ZOC value they are concerned to navigate on. This would affect where and when the DQIs display on the screen. Mariners should always have the option to see all DQI using a "Full screen" display option but also have the possibility to limit their display to a particular area of interest (usually the safety corridor during Route planning or 'around' the ship while underway (route monitoring). More details on this below:

· During route planning, it should be possible to display the CATZOC symbology only within the pre-set 'safety corridor'. The ‘check route’ functionality should be extended to allow the reporting of breaches to a designated ZOC category (i.e. ZATZOC=C). It the planned route is to cross a lower CATZOC area then this should be highlighted and reported.

· During route monitoring, the AHO agrees with the proposal of having the possibility of limiting the display of the CATZOC pattern to a pre-defined area (circle?) that moves with the ship but:

o Instead of showing all the different patterns (ZOC categories) inside the “guard zone” we’d prefer the mariner being able to set up a CATZOC value (e.g. B) and let the software highlight any overlap with a lower ZOC area on the fly. This could be done using a modified version (dashed) of the new Mariner Object ‘indhlt’(one ZOC category off) or ‘dnghlt’ (more than one ZOC category off). This approach reduces clutter, as the guard zone around the ship will not show any pattern unless it gets in contact with an M_QUAL that breaches the settings (e.g C, D or U). If the mariner wants to know more about the M_QUAL it can do pick report and, for example, clarify if it’s a ZOC C or ZOC D area.

o Instead of the “mouse hover” option, we’d prefer a “full screen” option which would only display M_QUALs breaching the CATZOC settings previously set up by the mariner. A full screen option provides a better picture of the surroundings and would help mariners come up with a new course faster in case of an emergency. Mariners would switch to ‘full screen’ mode only when they want to ‘look ahead’ or if an unplanned change of course needs to be made.

o We think there should be only 3 (2 really) display pattern options (all area boundaries to be depicted using a dashed grey line (as currently done for M_QUAL):

ZOC = Unassessed - A pattern made of U letters in grey colour (displays always irrespective of the settings). Existing symbol

ZOC worse than settings - Circle with exclamation mark within (grey colour). New symbol TBD

ZOC equal or better than settings - No pattern at all

alvarosanuy commented 2 years ago

Decision made at Portrayal subWG meeting on 13/7/22

  1. Long term requirement. Leave the issue open and encourage input. Not to be implemented in PC 1.0.2 or 1.1.0.
alvarosanuy commented 1 year ago

Ideally, Singapore Lab testing for this issue should be bundle together with https://github.com/S-101-Portrayal-subWG/Working-Documents/issues/113

alvarosanuy commented 12 months ago

Decisions made at Portrayal subWG meeting on 18/10/23

alvarosanuy commented 6 months ago

Decisions made at Portrayal subWG meeting on 09/04/24

Close this issue. Australia to submit paper to an S101PT meeting at a later stage (probably post 2.0.0) if required by then. The concept of triggering A&I based on CATZOC values may need to be used, to some extent, when implementing the use of Uncertainty values (particularly for ZOC D & Unassessed) as required by MSC.530(106). The implementation of this requirement is still under discussions with ENCWG.