S-101-Portrayal-subWG / Working-Documents

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No Geometry Feature: Range System (RangeSystem) #85

Closed mikan66 closed 1 year ago

mikan66 commented 2 years ago

A rule is needed to define portrayal for this feature which has permittedPrimitives defined as "noGeometry". Alias: C_AGGR

alvarosanuy commented 2 years ago

Decision made at Portrayal subWG meeting on 26/7/22

  1. Jeff to take the discussion to the DCEG subWG to ensure there's a way to enable the portrayal of featureName when encoded in features with 'no geometry' (change in modelling or encoding guidance). The decisions would impact on all features listed in Github issues 80 - 87.
  2. S-98 probably requires some additional instructions on how to expose this information by 'pick report', but to be discussed once DCEG discussions are finalized.
  3. Leave issue open until outcome from DCEG subWG discussions.
  4. Not for 1.0.2.
alvarosanuy commented 1 year ago

Portrayal subWG meeting - 12th January 2023

  1. Implement text instruction for when featureName is set to 'display'
mikan66 commented 1 year ago

@alvarosanuy, please provide viewing group and radar info for "Range System" to complete portrayal for S-101.

alvarosanuy commented 1 year ago

@alvarosanuy, please provide viewing group and radar info for "Range System" to complete portrayal for S-101.

Other views???

MikusRL commented 1 year ago

For the viewing group and Radar - to my understanding it should be in the same group as other texts and labels for AtoNs, Recommended Route Centerline, Navigation Line and Recommended Track, as the text does not make sense if the other objects are not visible - DCEG 15.6.1.

Could you please remind where I could see the viewing groups listed and what is with those already registered? Thanks. My apologies if I did asked already earlier and did forgot.

alvarosanuy commented 1 year ago

Could you please remind where I could see the viewing groups listed and what is with those already registered?

S-98 Annex C - C-9.5

It seems that the VG that have 'na' next to them have not been registered in the GI Registry.

DavidGrant-NIWC commented 1 year ago

See also S-98 Annex C, clause C-11 which contains the viewing groups and viewing group layers used for text. Text is assigned to viewing groups from 0 through 99. There are two viewing group layers for text, and these layers are not part of a display category - meaning that text can always be toggled on/off regardless of the ECDIS selected display category (Base/Standard/All Other).

When portraying text, the PC rules generally assign multiple viewing groups to the text instruction. The text has its own viewing group which allows the text to be toggled on/off independently of the labeled object. The text also uses the viewing group of the labeled object, which ensures the text turns off whenever the labeled object is turned off.

For instance, when labeling TrafficSeparationSchemeLanePart the label has two viewing groups: 24 (the viewing group of the text) and 25010 (the viewing group of the object to which the label applies - the TSS). Both viewing groups must be enabled for the text to be visible. If either is disabled, the text will not be visible. The text will never be visible in the Base display category because the TSS is not visible in the Base display category.

Also, text always has a drawing priority of 24 (0-27 scale). I can't find a requirement for the display plane assigned to text, so I assume it inherits the display plane from the labeled object.

alvarosanuy commented 1 year ago

Implemented in PC 1.1.0