S-101-Portrayal-subWG / Working-Documents

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Alerts & Indications #88

Closed alvarosanuy closed 6 months ago

alvarosanuy commented 2 years ago

This is a space created to centralize the management of S-101 Alarms & Indications by:

The draft mapping document below is our starting point and needs your review. Once we arrive to an agreed final version, this will assist with the final QC of all the A&I entries in the S-101 PC. The goal is to arrive to a complete A&I PC version post S101 1.1.0. A&I must be completed in a subsequent 1.n.0 version of the S101 PC to allow for testing before finalizing version 2.0.0.

S101 - Alarms & Indications mapping Table_v1_20220727.docx

DavidGrant-NIWC commented 2 years ago




  1. The "Type" column should indicate the type of alert rather than the priority. Note that alerts may have different priorities depending on route monitoring vs. planning, and also depending on system configuration. The alert highlight style and viewing group used by the highlight also vary.

    • Navigational Hazard (Group: AtoNs, Overhead Obstructions, Obstructions)
    • Prohibited Area (Group: Areas for which Special Conditions Exist)
    • Safety Contour (Group: Safety Contour)
  2. Add condition to NEWOBJ: "CLSNAM prefix = 'Virtual AtoN'" image image image


    • Recommend this note is put in the "Conditions" column rather than at the bottom of the spreadsheet (not all OBSTRN/UWTROC/WRECKS get evaluated for alerts). image
    • UWTROC condition is missing "safety" ("contour value" -> "safety contour value")
    • defaultClearanceDepth is not equivalent to DEPTH_VALUE. The equivalence is:
      • DEPTH_VALUE = valueOfSounding or defaultClearanceDepth or DEPTH_VALUE as output from OBSTRN07/WRECKS05
      • The first encoded value is used, e.g. if valueOfSounding is missing or unknown, then defaultClearanceDepth is used, etc.
    • S-101 alert is output in UDWHAZ05.lua
      • when input DEPTH_VALUE <= safety contour value image

    • S-101 condition: sounding depth <= safety contour value (evaluated in SOUNDG03.lua)
      • ZCOO subfield is a scaled integer and can't be compared directly
      • depth == safety contour should also trigger alert image
  5. RestrictedAreaNavigational and RestrictedAreaRegulatory

    • Is always associated with a Prohibited Area alert.
    • restriction and categoryOfRestrictedArea can be multi-valued ("contains" vice "=")
    • The restriction or categoryOfRestrictedArea value only changes the viewing group of the alert highlight image
      • If restriction contains 14 (area to be avoided) then vg=107
      • otherwise, if categoryOfRestrictedArea contains 28 (PSSA), vg=114
      • otherwise, vg=104
  6. "Hulkes" => "Hulk" image


    • Based on the comments in DEPARE03.lua (green notes), there are some differences wrt PL 4.0.3 CSP DEPARE03 image
alvarosanuy commented 1 year ago

Template for discussion at January's meeting:


DavidGrant-NIWC commented 1 year ago

Note that the priorities in MSC.232(82) for priority selection for areas with special conditions no longer applies. The selection is now between "Warning" and "Caution" per IEC 61174:2015 Annex D, which was updated to conform with MSC.252(83) appendix 5 table 2.

MSC.232(82): image

MSC.252(83): image

IEC 61174:2015: image

MikusRL commented 1 year ago
  • Based on the comments in DEPARE03.lua (green notes), there are some differences wrt PL 4.0.3 CSP DEPARE03 image

Just in the light of my yesterdays comment. As I understand that the waterLevelEffect now is used by Offshore Production Area feature too. That is to update then the comments text in lua I guess, if nothing else is impacted otherwise.

DavidGrant-NIWC commented 1 year ago
  • Based on the comments in DEPARE03.lua (green notes), there are some differences wrt PL 4.0.3 CSP DEPARE03 image

Just in the light of my yesterdays comment. As I understand that the waterLevelEffect now is used by Offshore Production Area feature too. That is to update then the comments text in lua I guess, if nothing else is impacted otherwise.

@MikusRL - I think this comment should be for a different issue?

alvarosanuy commented 1 year ago

Portrayal subWG meeting - 11th January 2023

  1. Mapping Table document - Agreement to include new columns to record 'Alert Priority'. S101.-.Alarms.Indications.mapping.Table_v3_20230112.docx
  2. For 'Alert Priority' mappings and 'highlights' to be used in portrayal refer to Draft 'Revised ECDIS PS' approved by NCSR9 in 2022 (see below) and corresponding S-64 test outcomes. DRAFT_IMO ECDIS PS, NCSR-9.pdf
  3. OEMs are requested to test the implementation of Alerts & Indications as currently prototyped by NIWC (combination of instructions within portrayal rules and the use of the AlertsCatalogue.xml file) and report findings and recommendations ASAP.
  4. NIWC is required to provide the official source used for the the wording of the different Alert messages contained within the AlertsCatalogue.xml file. These messages need endorsement by the subWG.
  5. The subWG decided to aim for PC 1.2.0 as the target version for a complete release of A&I.
DavidGrant-NIWC commented 1 year ago

NIWC is required to provide the official source used for the the wording of the different Alert messages contained within the AlertsCatalogue.xml file. These messages need endorsement by the subWG.

These mostly originate from IEC 61174:2015 Annex D Table D.1, which reproduces appendix 5 of IMO resolution MSC.232(82) updated for the alert classification of appendix 5 of IMO MSC.252(83).


When populating the alert catalog I tried to update the messages for:

The ProhAreHighlightOffMsg should probably be updated to use the message as required by the route planning requirements ("Indication of some prohibited areas or areas with special conditions is Off") as opposed to the message as required by the route monitoring requirements ("If any indication is in the off state, a permanent indication: 'ProhAre' shall be provided.")

Alert catalog messages in PC 1.1.1

Mode 61174 clause Message id Message Requirement (from Table D.1) Notes
M 4.10.3 (232/A11.4.3) CrossingSafetyContourMsg Crossing safety contour Crossing safety contour
P (232/A11.3.4) CrossingSafetyContourMsg Crossing safety contour Route planning across safety contour The message is required to be in the user dialog area of the route plan. "Route planning across" is redundant.
M 4.10.3 (232/A11.4.4) CrossingProhAreMsg Crossing prohibited or special conditions area Area with special conditions Message lacks clarity
P (232/A11.3.5) CrossingProhAreMsg Crossing prohibited or special conditions area Route planning across specified area The message is required to be in the user dialog area of the route plan. "Route planning across" is redundant.
M 4.10.3 (232/A11.4.6) CrossingNavHazardsMsg Crossing navigational hazard Crossing a navigational hazard in route monitoring mode "in route monitoring mode" is inconsistent and redundant
P (232/A11.3.5) CrossingNavHazardsMsg Crossing navigational hazard Route planning across navigational hazard The message is required to be in the user dialog area of the route plan. "Route planning across" is redundant.
M P, 4.10.3 SafetyContourHighlightOffMsg Indication of crossing safety contour is Off Off state of route planning across safety contour, prohibited areas and hazards indication Conflicting requirement. See para 8 and 4.10.3 para 8: "When selected for off state, a permanent indication shall be provided that the 'Indication of crossing safety contour is Off'"
M 4.10.3 ProhAreHighlightOffMsg ProhAre not in table para 13: "If any indication is in the off state, a permanent indication: "ProhAre" shall be provided."
P ProhAreHighlightOffMsg ProhAre not in table para 14: 'Indication of some prohibited areas or areas with special conditions is Off'."
M P, 4.10.3 NavHazardsHighlightOffMsg Indication of navigational hazards is Off not in table 2nd from last para: "If any of the selectable indications is in the off state, there shall be a relevant permanent indication: 'Indication of navigational hazards is Off'". Same requirement is in 4.10.3
- - ProhArePriorityLbl ProhAre Alert Priority No requirement Machine-readable user interface label
- - NavHazardsPriorityLbl Nav Hazards Alert Priority No requirement Machine-readable user interface label

M = route monitoring P = route planning

alvarosanuy commented 1 year ago


DavidGrant-NIWC commented 1 year ago

BTW, here's a look at the test bed implementation. Route monitoring alerts are up top. Route planning alerts are in the lower tabular area.


alvarosanuy commented 1 year ago


DavidGrant-NIWC commented 1 year ago
alvarosanuy commented 1 year ago

Decisions made at Portrayal subWG meeting on 11/5/23

alvarosanuy commented 1 year ago

Latest version of the 'S-101 Alerts & Indications mapping table' is: S-101 Alerts & Indications mapping table_v5_20230519.docx

S-101 PC 1.20 implementation must adhere to the content in this document.

KlasOstergren-SMA commented 1 year ago

The S-101 Feature TrafficSeparationZone is changed to SeparationZoneOrLine in ed.1.1.0 and can also be a curve. Otherwise, I have no comments.

alvarosanuy commented 1 year ago

The S-101 Feature TrafficSeparationZone is changed to SeparationZoneOrLine in ed.1.1.0 and can also be a curve. Otherwise, I have no comments.

Thanks @KlasOstergren-SMA for your input. I have created a new version of the Table to replace TrafficSeparationZone with SeparationZoneOrLine and include CURVE as a valid geometric primitive. S-101.Alerts.Indications.mapping.table_v6_20230523.docx

alvarosanuy commented 10 months ago

Decisions made at Portrayal subWG meeting on 17/10/23

TomRichardson6 commented 9 months ago

Noting discussions at S-101PT11 is it necessary to extend this table to cover how uncertainty applies to each item in the tables? For example for Areas for which special conditions exist uncertainty may not be applicable as these are generally not physical objects but objects defined in regulations or guidance. Similarly for floating AtoNs uncertainty may be less relevant as buoys will move for obvious reasons. I'm also aware that an ENCWG sub group is meeting to discuss this from the S-52 perspective.

alvarosanuy commented 9 months ago

@TomRichardson6 - Specifically on IMO clauses 11.3.6 & 11.4.9 (uncertainties), we are following the recommendations made by the DQWG where the focus is on hydrographic features (anything with VALSOU) in depths=<30m. There's nothing in the DQWG recommendations around uncertainties of other features. Furthermore I'm not sure who would be encoding that info anyway .... It was (and still is) a mammoth task to convince HO's to encode POSACC & SOUACC on the limited features recommended by the DQWG.

My view is that the IHO's interpretation of IMO requirements has to be around hydrographic features in depths=<30m. Nothing else. This mapping of the IMO requirement against the practical implementation in S-101 should be included in S-98 (?). Similar to the mapping done in S-52 between the term 'Area for which special conditions exist" and the S-57 Objects and attributes that would cover that IMO requirement.

In S-52/S-57, I would say that giving mariners the ability to plan and monitor routes so they do not get closer than a specified distance from M_QUAL boundaries having a specific CATZOC values (i.e. C & D) would be most pragmatic and realistic interpretation to the new IMO requirement. I wouldn't go further than that but something the ENCWG will have to discuss in more detail, of course.

The other thing new that has been added as requirement in the latest IMO ECDIS PS is the triggering of A&I when a ship is to pass closer than a user-defined distance from ANY charted feature (nothing to do with the Uncertainties). @DavidGrant-NIWC - Would this be an extension to all Portrayal feature rules?

DavidGrant-NIWC commented 9 months ago

The other thing new that has been added as requirement in the latest IMO ECDIS PS is the triggering of A&I when a ship is to pass closer than a user-defined distance from ANY charted feature (nothing to do with the Uncertainties). @DavidGrant-NIWC - Would this be an extension to all Portrayal feature rules?

Not sure that I agree with your interpretation. It would be a challenge to try to develop an alert catalog containing so many viewing groups, but since an alert can be added to any geometry referenced by a drawing instruction; yes, it should be possible.

alvarosanuy commented 7 months ago

@DavidGrant-NIWC - I would like to close this issue if we have implemented all A&I as per the spreadsheet. We could then create a new issue in the S-98/S-164 GitHub space to track ECDIS requirements (as per MSC.530(106)_November 2022) to allow mariners to plan a route (or monitor it) using:

Can we say that the IHO's interpretation of bullet 2 requirements (in terms of features/feature-attribute combinations) is what we currently have in the A&I Word doc table and currently implemented in PC 1.20 draft?


DavidGrant-NIWC commented 6 months ago

S-101 Alerts Mapping Table v7 20240210.xlsx

Answers to your questions are below. I added a new issue to address a new requirement I failed to notice previously: #159. The alert catalog doesn't implement the new requirement because I need direction on which categories should be provided.

Does PC 1.2.0 Draft currently support the first bullet point above (as per DQWGs recommendation)?

No. We could implement this for point features (as demonstrated previously) but we recommend that the capability is targeted for a post-1.2 / pre-2.0 update to the PC (if desired). Ideally, we would get support for this added into S-100, but perhaps there are other ways to accomplish this that haven't occurred to me.

[...] Would this functionality have to be implemented completely by OEM's, or is there anything else we would have to do to support it in the S101 PC itself? [...] we may want to close this issue and create a new one [...]

Without S-100 support it is probably an OEM implementation unless we can come up with a workaround. I agree on closing this issue and opening a new issue targeted to the unimplemented functionality.

Pics from the v7 alert mapping tables provided for convenience

Alert Priorities


Navigational Hazards


Special Conditions


Safety Contour


TomRichardson6 commented 6 months ago

@alvarosanuy and @DavidGrant-NIWC has this table been reviewed to reflect the work of the group under ENCWG looking at this from an S-52 perspective?

DavidGrant-NIWC commented 6 months ago

@alvarosanuy and @DavidGrant-NIWC has this table been reviewed to reflect the work of the group under ENCWG looking at this from an S-52 perspective?

Not that I'm aware of.

alvarosanuy commented 6 months ago

@alvarosanuy and @DavidGrant-NIWC has this table been reviewed to reflect the work of the group under ENCWG looking at this from an S-52 perspective?

I haven't been invited to any focus group meeting (although I am in the list ...) and therefore we have been flying 'solo' so far. I have this issue listed in the PsWG report to S101PT12.

alvarosanuy commented 6 months ago

Closing this issue and referring pending actions linked to IMO MSC.530(106) implementation to https://github.com/S-101-Portrayal-subWG/Working-Documents/issues/159 & https://github.com/S-101-Portrayal-subWG/Working-Documents/issues/160

Relevant MSC requirements are outlined in sections:

DavidGrant-NIWC commented 5 months ago

Updated the alert mapping table to v8. Added DiscolouredWater to the Special Conditions tab. It (currently) uses the same viewing group as CautionArea to toggle the indication highlight.

S-101 Alerts Mapping Table v8 20240327.xlsx